
67 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
// Code generated from sort-slice.go.tmpl - DO NOT EDIT.
I'm now going to create them for
- sortables
- sortablesplus
With the parameters passed in sortables or sortablesplus,
'time, 'bytes' are special, and correspond to time.Time and []byte respectively.
package codec
import "time"
import "reflect"
import "bytes"
{{/* func init() { _ = time.Unix } */}}
{{define "T"}}
func (p {{ .Type }}) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p {{ .Type }}) Swap(i, j int) { p[uint(i)], p[uint(j)] = p[uint(j)], p[uint(i)] }
func (p {{ .Type }}) Less(i, j int) bool {
{{ if eq .Kind "bool" }} return !p[uint(i)]{{.V}} && p[uint(j)]{{.V}}
{{ else if eq .Kind "float32" }} return p[uint(i)]{{.V}} < p[uint(j)]{{.V}} || isNaN32(p[uint(i)]{{.V}}) && !isNaN32(p[uint(j)]{{.V}})
{{ else if eq .Kind "float64" }} return p[uint(i)]{{.V}} < p[uint(j)]{{.V}} || isNaN64(p[uint(i)]{{.V}}) && !isNaN64(p[uint(j)]{{.V}})
{{ else if eq .Kind "time" }} return p[uint(i)]{{.V}}.Before(p[uint(j)]{{.V}})
{{ else if eq .Kind "bytes" }} return bytes.Compare(p[uint(i)]{{.V}}, p[uint(j)]{{.V}}) == -1
{{ else }} return p[uint(i)]{{.V}} < p[uint(j)]{{.V}}
{{ end -}}
{{range $i, $v := sortables }}{{ $t := tshort $v }}
type {{ $v }}Slice []{{ $t }}
{{template "T" args "Kind" $v "Type" (print $v "Slice") "V" ""}}
{{range $i, $v := sortablesplus }}{{ $t := tshort $v }}
type {{ $v }}Rv struct {
v {{ $t }}
r reflect.Value
type {{ $v }}RvSlice []{{ $v }}Rv
{{template "T" args "Kind" $v "Type" (print $v "RvSlice") "V" ".v"}}
{{if eq $v "bytes" "string" -}}
type {{ $v }}Intf struct {
v {{ $t }}
i interface{}
type {{ $v }}IntfSlice []{{ $v }}Intf
{{template "T" args "Kind" $v "Type" (print $v "IntfSlice") "V" ".v"}}