Gusted 747be949a1
[MODERATION] Block adding collaborators
- Ensure that the doer and blocked user cannot add each other as
collaborators to repositories.
- The Web UI gets an detailed message of the specific situation, the API
gets an generic Forbidden code.
- Unit tests has been added.
- Integration testing for Web and API has been added.
- This commit doesn't introduce removing each other as collaborators on
the block action, due to the complexity of database calls that needs to
be figured out. That deserves its own commit and test code.
2023-07-21 12:51:42 +02:00

358 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2018 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package repo
import (
access_model ""
repo_model ""
user_model ""
repo_module ""
api ""
// ListCollaborators list a repository's collaborators
func ListCollaborators(ctx *context.APIContext) {
// swagger:operation GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators repository repoListCollaborators
// ---
// summary: List a repository's collaborators
// produces:
// - application/json
// parameters:
// - name: owner
// in: path
// description: owner of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: repo
// in: path
// description: name of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: page
// in: query
// description: page number of results to return (1-based)
// type: integer
// - name: limit
// in: query
// description: page size of results
// type: integer
// responses:
// "200":
// "$ref": "#/responses/UserList"
count, err := repo_model.CountCollaborators(ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
if err != nil {
collaborators, err := repo_model.GetCollaborators(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, utils.GetListOptions(ctx))
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "ListCollaborators", err)
users := make([]*api.User, len(collaborators))
for i, collaborator := range collaborators {
users[i] = convert.ToUser(ctx, collaborator.User, ctx.Doer)
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, users)
// IsCollaborator check if a user is a collaborator of a repository
func IsCollaborator(ctx *context.APIContext) {
// swagger:operation GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators/{collaborator} repository repoCheckCollaborator
// ---
// summary: Check if a user is a collaborator of a repository
// produces:
// - application/json
// parameters:
// - name: owner
// in: path
// description: owner of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: repo
// in: path
// description: name of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: collaborator
// in: path
// description: username of the collaborator
// type: string
// required: true
// responses:
// "204":
// "$ref": "#/responses/empty"
// "404":
// "$ref": "#/responses/notFound"
// "422":
// "$ref": "#/responses/validationError"
user, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, ctx.Params(":collaborator"))
if err != nil {
if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err)
isColab, err := repo_model.IsCollaborator(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, user.ID)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "IsCollaborator", err)
if isColab {
} else {
// AddCollaborator add a collaborator to a repository
func AddCollaborator(ctx *context.APIContext) {
// swagger:operation PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators/{collaborator} repository repoAddCollaborator
// ---
// summary: Add a collaborator to a repository
// produces:
// - application/json
// parameters:
// - name: owner
// in: path
// description: owner of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: repo
// in: path
// description: name of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: collaborator
// in: path
// description: username of the collaborator to add
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: body
// in: body
// schema:
// "$ref": "#/definitions/AddCollaboratorOption"
// responses:
// "204":
// "$ref": "#/responses/empty"
// "422":
// "$ref": "#/responses/validationError"
// "403":
// "$ref": "#/responses/forbidden"
form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*api.AddCollaboratorOption)
collaborator, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, ctx.Params(":collaborator"))
if err != nil {
if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err)
if !collaborator.IsActive {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "InactiveCollaborator", errors.New("collaborator's account is inactive"))
if err := repo_module.AddCollaborator(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, collaborator); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedByUser) {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "AddCollaborator", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "AddCollaborator", err)
if form.Permission != nil {
if err := repo_model.ChangeCollaborationAccessMode(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, collaborator.ID, perm.ParseAccessMode(*form.Permission)); err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "ChangeCollaborationAccessMode", err)
// DeleteCollaborator delete a collaborator from a repository
func DeleteCollaborator(ctx *context.APIContext) {
// swagger:operation DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators/{collaborator} repository repoDeleteCollaborator
// ---
// summary: Delete a collaborator from a repository
// produces:
// - application/json
// parameters:
// - name: owner
// in: path
// description: owner of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: repo
// in: path
// description: name of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: collaborator
// in: path
// description: username of the collaborator to delete
// type: string
// required: true
// responses:
// "204":
// "$ref": "#/responses/empty"
// "422":
// "$ref": "#/responses/validationError"
collaborator, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, ctx.Params(":collaborator"))
if err != nil {
if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, "", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err)
if err := models.DeleteCollaboration(ctx.Repo.Repository, collaborator.ID); err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "DeleteCollaboration", err)
// GetRepoPermissions gets repository permissions for a user
func GetRepoPermissions(ctx *context.APIContext) {
// swagger:operation GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators/{collaborator}/permission repository repoGetRepoPermissions
// ---
// summary: Get repository permissions for a user
// produces:
// - application/json
// parameters:
// - name: owner
// in: path
// description: owner of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: repo
// in: path
// description: name of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: collaborator
// in: path
// description: username of the collaborator
// type: string
// required: true
// responses:
// "200":
// "$ref": "#/responses/RepoCollaboratorPermission"
// "404":
// "$ref": "#/responses/notFound"
// "403":
// "$ref": "#/responses/forbidden"
if !ctx.Doer.IsAdmin && ctx.Doer.LoginName != ctx.Params(":collaborator") && !ctx.IsUserRepoAdmin() {
ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "User", "Only admins can query all permissions, repo admins can query all repo permissions, collaborators can query only their own")
collaborator, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, ctx.Params(":collaborator"))
if err != nil {
if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound, "GetUserByName", err)
} else {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err)
permission, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, collaborator)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserRepoPermission", err)
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, convert.ToUserAndPermission(ctx, collaborator, ctx.ContextUser, permission.AccessMode))
// GetReviewers return all users that can be requested to review in this repo
func GetReviewers(ctx *context.APIContext) {
// swagger:operation GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/reviewers repository repoGetReviewers
// ---
// summary: Return all users that can be requested to review in this repo
// produces:
// - application/json
// parameters:
// - name: owner
// in: path
// description: owner of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: repo
// in: path
// description: name of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// responses:
// "200":
// "$ref": "#/responses/UserList"
reviewers, err := repo_model.GetReviewers(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Doer.ID, 0)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "ListCollaborators", err)
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, convert.ToUsers(ctx, ctx.Doer, reviewers))
// GetAssignees return all users that have write access and can be assigned to issues
func GetAssignees(ctx *context.APIContext) {
// swagger:operation GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/assignees repository repoGetAssignees
// ---
// summary: Return all users that have write access and can be assigned to issues
// produces:
// - application/json
// parameters:
// - name: owner
// in: path
// description: owner of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// - name: repo
// in: path
// description: name of the repo
// type: string
// required: true
// responses:
// "200":
// "$ref": "#/responses/UserList"
assignees, err := repo_model.GetRepoAssignees(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository)
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "ListCollaborators", err)
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, convert.ToUsers(ctx, ctx.Doer, assignees))