Gusted 6a9626839c
[MODERATION] User blocking
- Add the ability to block a user via their profile page.
- This will unstar their repositories and visa versa.
- Blocked users cannot create issues or pull requests on your the doer's repositories (mind that this is not the case for organizations).
- Blocked users cannot comment on the doer's opened issues or pull requests.
- Blocked users cannot add reactions to doer's comments.
- Blocked users cannot cause a notification trough mentioning the doer.

(cherry picked from commit 687d852480)
(cherry picked from commit 0c32a4fde5)
(cherry picked from commit 1791130e3c)
(cherry picked from commit 37858b7e8f)
(cherry picked from commit a3e2bfd7e9)
(cherry picked from commit 7009b9fe87)

(cherry picked from commit b2aec34791)
(cherry picked from commit e2f1b73752)

[MODERATION] organization blocking a user (#802)

- Resolves #476
- Follow up for: #540
- Ensure that the doer and blocked person cannot follow each other.
- Ensure that the block person cannot watch doer's repositories.
- Add unblock button to the blocked user list.
- Add blocked since information to the blocked user list.
- Add extra testing to moderation code.
- Blocked user will unwatch doer's owned repository upon blocking.
- Add flash messages to let the user know the block/unblock action was successful.
- Add "You haven't blocked any users" message.
- Add organization blocking a user.

Co-authored-by: Gusted <>
(cherry picked from commit 0505a10421)
(cherry picked from commit 37b4e6ef9b)
(cherry picked from commit c17c121f2c)

[MODERATION] organization blocking a user (#802) (squash)

Changes to adapt to:

  6bbccdd177 Improve AJAX link and modal confirm dialog (#25210)

(cherry picked from commit 523635f83c)
(cherry picked from commit 4743eaa6a0)
(cherry picked from commit eff5b43d2e)

(cherry picked from commit 9d359be5ed)
(cherry picked from commit b1f3069a22)

[MODERATION] add user blocking API

- Follow up for: #540, #802
- Add API routes for user blocking from user and organization
- The new routes have integration testing.
- The new model functions have unit tests.
- Actually quite boring to write and to read this pull request.

(cherry picked from commit f3afaf15c7)
(cherry picked from commit 6d754db3e5)
(cherry picked from commit 2a89ddc0ac)
(cherry picked from commit 4a147bff7e)

(cherry picked from commit bb8c339185)
(cherry picked from commit 5a11569a01)
(cherry picked from commit 2373c801ee)

[MODERATION] restore redirect on unblock

 ctx.RedirectToFirst(ctx.FormString("redirect_to"), ctx.ContextUser.HomeLink())

was replaced by


in 128d77a3a Following up fixes for "Fix inconsistent user profile layout across tabs" (#25739)

thus changing the behavior (nicely spotted by the tests). This
restores it.

(cherry picked from commit 597c243707)
(cherry picked from commit cfa539e590)

[MODERATION] Add test case (squash)

- Add an test case, to test an property of the function.

(cherry picked from commit 70dadb1916)

[MODERATION] Block adding collaborators

- Ensure that the doer and blocked user cannot add each other as
collaborators to repositories.
- The Web UI gets an detailed message of the specific situation, the API
gets an generic Forbidden code.
- Unit tests has been added.
- Integration testing for Web and API has been added.
- This commit doesn't introduce removing each other as collaborators on
the block action, due to the complexity of database calls that needs to
be figured out. That deserves its own commit and test code.

(cherry picked from commit 747be949a1)

[MODERATION] move locale_en-US.ini strings to avoid conflicts


(cherry picked from commit e53f955c88)

(cherry picked from commit b4a454b576)


[MODERATION] Remove blocked user collaborations with doer

- When the doer blocks an user, who is also an collaborator on an
repository that the doer owns, remove that collaboration.
- Added unit tests.
- Refactor the unit test to be more organized.

(cherry picked from commit ec87016178)
(cherry picked from commit 313e6174d8)

[MODERATION] QoL improvements (squash)

- Ensure that organisations cannot be blocked. It currently has no
effect, as all blocked operations cannot be executed from an
organisation standpoint.
- Refactored the API route to make use of the `UserAssignmentAPI`
- Make more use of `t.Run` so that the test code is more clear about
which block of code belongs to which test case.
- Added more integration testing (to ensure the organisations cannot be
blocked and some authorization/permission checks).

(cherry picked from commit e9d638d075)

[MODERATION] s/{{avatar/{{ctx.AvatarUtils.Avatar/

(cherry picked from commit ce8b30be13)
(cherry picked from commit f911dc4025)

(cherry picked from commit c1b37b7fda)
(cherry picked from commit 856a2e0903)

[MODERATION] Show graceful error on comment creation

- When someone is blocked by the repository owner or issue poster and
try to comment on that issue, they get shown a graceful error.
- Adds integration test.

(cherry picked from commit 490646302e)
(cherry picked from commit d3d88667cb)
(cherry picked from commit 6818de13a9)

[MODERATION] Show graceful error on comment creation (squash) typo

(cherry picked from commit 1588d4834a)
(cherry picked from commit d510ea52d0)
(cherry picked from commit 8249e93a14)

[MODERATION] Refactor integration testing (squash)

- Motivation for this PR is that I'd noticed that a lot of repeated
calls are happening between the test functions and that certain tests
weren't using helper functions like `GetCSRF`, therefor this refactor of
the integration tests to keep it: clean, small and hopefully more
maintainable and understandable.
- There are now three integration tests: `TestBlockUser`,
`TestBlockUserFromOrganization` and `TestBlockActions` (and has been
moved in that order in the source code).
- `TestBlockUser` is for doing blocking related actions as an user and
`TestBlockUserFromOrganization` as an organisation, even though they
execute the same kind of tests they do not share any database calls or
logic and therefor it currently doesn't make sense to merge them
together (hopefully such oppurtinutiy might be presented in the future).
- `TestBlockActions` now contain all tests for actions that should be
blocked after blocking has happened, most tests now share the same doer
and blocked users and a extra fixture has been added to make this
possible for the comment test.
- Less code, more comments and more re-use between tests.

(cherry picked from commit ffb393213d)
(cherry picked from commit 85505e0f81)
(cherry picked from commit 0f3cf17761)

[MODERATION] Fix network error (squash)

- Fix network error toast messages on user actions such as follow and
unfollow. This happened because the javascript code now expects an JSON
to be returned, but this wasn't the case due to
- The integration testing has been adjusted to instead test for the
returned flash cookie.

(cherry picked from commit 112bc25e54)
(cherry picked from commit 1194fe4899)
(cherry picked from commit 9abb95a844)

[MODERATION] Modernize frontend (squash)

- Unify blocked users list.
- Use the new flex list classes for blocked users list to avoid using
the CSS helper classes and thereby be consistent in the design.
- Fix the modal by using the new modal class.
- Remove the icon in the modal as looks too big in the new design.
- Fix avatar not displaying as it was passing the context where the user
should've been passed.
- Don't use italics for 'Blocked since' text.
- Use namelink template to display the user's name and homelink.

(cherry picked from commit ec935a16a3)
(cherry picked from commit 67f37c8346)

2023-09-18 15:56:34 +02:00

376 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package issues
import (
repo_model ""
user_model ""
// ErrForbiddenIssueReaction is used when a forbidden reaction was try to created
type ErrForbiddenIssueReaction struct {
Reaction string
// IsErrForbiddenIssueReaction checks if an error is a ErrForbiddenIssueReaction.
func IsErrForbiddenIssueReaction(err error) bool {
_, ok := err.(ErrForbiddenIssueReaction)
return ok
func (err ErrForbiddenIssueReaction) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("'%s' is not an allowed reaction", err.Reaction)
func (err ErrForbiddenIssueReaction) Unwrap() error {
return util.ErrPermissionDenied
// ErrReactionAlreadyExist is used when a existing reaction was try to created
type ErrReactionAlreadyExist struct {
Reaction string
// IsErrReactionAlreadyExist checks if an error is a ErrReactionAlreadyExist.
func IsErrReactionAlreadyExist(err error) bool {
_, ok := err.(ErrReactionAlreadyExist)
return ok
func (err ErrReactionAlreadyExist) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("reaction '%s' already exists", err.Reaction)
func (err ErrReactionAlreadyExist) Unwrap() error {
return util.ErrAlreadyExist
// Reaction represents a reactions on issues and comments.
type Reaction struct {
ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"`
Type string `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s) NOT NULL"`
IssueID int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s) NOT NULL"`
CommentID int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s)"`
UserID int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s) NOT NULL"`
OriginalAuthorID int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s) NOT NULL DEFAULT(0)"`
OriginalAuthor string `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(s)"`
User *user_model.User `xorm:"-"`
CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"`
// LoadUser load user of reaction
func (r *Reaction) LoadUser() (*user_model.User, error) {
if r.User != nil {
return r.User, nil
user, err := user_model.GetUserByID(db.DefaultContext, r.UserID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r.User = user
return user, nil
// RemapExternalUser ExternalUserRemappable interface
func (r *Reaction) RemapExternalUser(externalName string, externalID, userID int64) error {
r.OriginalAuthor = externalName
r.OriginalAuthorID = externalID
r.UserID = userID
return nil
// GetUserID ExternalUserRemappable interface
func (r *Reaction) GetUserID() int64 { return r.UserID }
// GetExternalName ExternalUserRemappable interface
func (r *Reaction) GetExternalName() string { return r.OriginalAuthor }
// GetExternalID ExternalUserRemappable interface
func (r *Reaction) GetExternalID() int64 { return r.OriginalAuthorID }
func init() {
// FindReactionsOptions describes the conditions to Find reactions
type FindReactionsOptions struct {
IssueID int64
CommentID int64
UserID int64
Reaction string
func (opts *FindReactionsOptions) toConds() builder.Cond {
// If Issue ID is set add to Query
cond := builder.NewCond()
if opts.IssueID > 0 {
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{"reaction.issue_id": opts.IssueID})
// If CommentID is > 0 add to Query
// If it is 0 Query ignore CommentID to select
// If it is -1 it explicit search of Issue Reactions where CommentID = 0
if opts.CommentID > 0 {
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{"reaction.comment_id": opts.CommentID})
} else if opts.CommentID == -1 {
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{"reaction.comment_id": 0})
if opts.UserID > 0 {
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{
"reaction.user_id": opts.UserID,
"reaction.original_author_id": 0,
if opts.Reaction != "" {
cond = cond.And(builder.Eq{"reaction.type": opts.Reaction})
return cond
// FindCommentReactions returns a ReactionList of all reactions from an comment
func FindCommentReactions(issueID, commentID int64) (ReactionList, int64, error) {
return FindReactions(db.DefaultContext, FindReactionsOptions{
IssueID: issueID,
CommentID: commentID,
// FindIssueReactions returns a ReactionList of all reactions from an issue
func FindIssueReactions(issueID int64, listOptions db.ListOptions) (ReactionList, int64, error) {
return FindReactions(db.DefaultContext, FindReactionsOptions{
ListOptions: listOptions,
IssueID: issueID,
CommentID: -1,
// FindReactions returns a ReactionList of all reactions from an issue or a comment
func FindReactions(ctx context.Context, opts FindReactionsOptions) (ReactionList, int64, error) {
sess := db.GetEngine(ctx).
In("reaction.`type`", setting.UI.Reactions).
Asc("reaction.issue_id", "reaction.comment_id", "reaction.created_unix", "")
if opts.Page != 0 {
sess = db.SetSessionPagination(sess, &opts)
reactions := make([]*Reaction, 0, opts.PageSize)
count, err := sess.FindAndCount(&reactions)
return reactions, count, err
reactions := make([]*Reaction, 0, 10)
count, err := sess.FindAndCount(&reactions)
return reactions, count, err
func createReaction(ctx context.Context, opts *ReactionOptions) (*Reaction, error) {
reaction := &Reaction{
Type: opts.Type,
UserID: opts.DoerID,
IssueID: opts.IssueID,
CommentID: opts.CommentID,
findOpts := FindReactionsOptions{
IssueID: opts.IssueID,
CommentID: opts.CommentID,
Reaction: opts.Type,
UserID: opts.DoerID,
if findOpts.CommentID == 0 {
// explicit search of Issue Reactions where CommentID = 0
findOpts.CommentID = -1
existingR, _, err := FindReactions(ctx, findOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(existingR) > 0 {
return existingR[0], ErrReactionAlreadyExist{Reaction: opts.Type}
if err := db.Insert(ctx, reaction); err != nil {
return nil, err
return reaction, nil
// ReactionOptions defines options for creating or deleting reactions
type ReactionOptions struct {
Type string
DoerID int64
IssueID int64
CommentID int64
// CreateReaction creates reaction for issue or comment.
func CreateReaction(ctx context.Context, opts *ReactionOptions) (*Reaction, error) {
if !setting.UI.ReactionsLookup.Contains(opts.Type) {
return nil, ErrForbiddenIssueReaction{opts.Type}
ctx, committer, err := db.TxContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer committer.Close()
reaction, err := createReaction(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return reaction, err
if err := committer.Commit(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return reaction, nil
// DeleteReaction deletes reaction for issue or comment.
func DeleteReaction(ctx context.Context, opts *ReactionOptions) error {
reaction := &Reaction{
Type: opts.Type,
UserID: opts.DoerID,
IssueID: opts.IssueID,
CommentID: opts.CommentID,
sess := db.GetEngine(ctx).Where("original_author_id = 0")
if opts.CommentID == -1 {
reaction.CommentID = 0
_, err := sess.Delete(reaction)
return err
// DeleteIssueReaction deletes a reaction on issue.
func DeleteIssueReaction(doerID, issueID int64, content string) error {
return DeleteReaction(db.DefaultContext, &ReactionOptions{
Type: content,
DoerID: doerID,
IssueID: issueID,
CommentID: -1,
// DeleteCommentReaction deletes a reaction on comment.
func DeleteCommentReaction(doerID, issueID, commentID int64, content string) error {
return DeleteReaction(db.DefaultContext, &ReactionOptions{
Type: content,
DoerID: doerID,
IssueID: issueID,
CommentID: commentID,
// ReactionList represents list of reactions
type ReactionList []*Reaction
// HasUser check if user has reacted
func (list ReactionList) HasUser(userID int64) bool {
if userID == 0 {
return false
for _, reaction := range list {
if reaction.OriginalAuthor == "" && reaction.UserID == userID {
return true
return false
// GroupByType returns reactions grouped by type
func (list ReactionList) GroupByType() map[string]ReactionList {
reactions := make(map[string]ReactionList)
for _, reaction := range list {
reactions[reaction.Type] = append(reactions[reaction.Type], reaction)
return reactions
func (list ReactionList) getUserIDs() []int64 {
userIDs := make(container.Set[int64], len(list))
for _, reaction := range list {
if reaction.OriginalAuthor != "" {
return userIDs.Values()
func valuesUser(m map[int64]*user_model.User) []*user_model.User {
values := make([]*user_model.User, 0, len(m))
for _, v := range m {
values = append(values, v)
return values
// LoadUsers loads reactions' all users
func (list ReactionList) LoadUsers(ctx context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository) ([]*user_model.User, error) {
if len(list) == 0 {
return nil, nil
userIDs := list.getUserIDs()
userMaps := make(map[int64]*user_model.User, len(userIDs))
err := db.GetEngine(ctx).
In("id", userIDs).
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("find user: %w", err)
for _, reaction := range list {
if reaction.OriginalAuthor != "" {
reaction.User = user_model.NewReplaceUser(fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", reaction.OriginalAuthor, repo.OriginalServiceType.Name()))
} else if user, ok := userMaps[reaction.UserID]; ok {
reaction.User = user
} else {
reaction.User = user_model.NewGhostUser()
return valuesUser(userMaps), nil
// GetFirstUsers returns first reacted user display names separated by comma
func (list ReactionList) GetFirstUsers() string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
rem := setting.UI.ReactionMaxUserNum
for _, reaction := range list {
if buffer.Len() > 0 {
buffer.WriteString(", ")
if rem--; rem == 0 {
return buffer.String()
// GetMoreUserCount returns count of not shown users in reaction tooltip
func (list ReactionList) GetMoreUserCount() int {
if len(list) <= setting.UI.ReactionMaxUserNum {
return 0
return len(list) - setting.UI.ReactionMaxUserNum