Gusted 687d852480
Add user blocking
- Add the ability to block a user via their profile page.
- This will unstar their repositories and visa versa.
- Blocked users cannot create issues or pull requests on your the doer's repositories (mind that this is not the case for organizations).
- Blocked users cannot comment on the doer's opened issues or pull requests.
- Blocked users cannot add reactions to doer's comments.
- Blocked users cannot cause a notification trough mentioning the doer.

2023-06-04 18:39:05 +02:00

17 lines
536 B

{{template "user/settings/layout_head" (dict "ctxData" . "pageClass" "user settings blocked_users")}}
<div class="user-setting-content">
<h4 class="ui top attached header">
{{.locale.Tr "settings.blocked_users"}}
<div class="ui attached segment">
<div class="ui blocked-user list gt-mt-0">
{{range .BlockedUsers}}
<div class="item">
{{avatar $.Context . 28 "gt-mr-3"}}<a href="{{.HomeLink}}">{{.Name}}</a>
{{template "user/settings/layout_footer" .}}