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synced 2025-03-13 07:12:42 +00:00
[UI] Fix HTMX support for profile card
- There were two issues with the profile card since the introduction of
HTMX in 3e8414179c
. If an HTMX request
resulted in a flash message, it wasn't being shown and HTMX was
replacing all the HTML content instead of morphing it into the existing
DOM which caused event listeners to be lost for buttons.
- Flash messages are now properly being shown by using `hx-swap-oob`
and sending the alerts on a HTMX request, this does mean it requires
server-side changes in order to support HTMX requests like this, but
it's luckily not a big change either.
- Morphing is now enabled for the profile card by setting
`hx-swap="morph"`, and weirdly, the morphing library was already
installed and included as a dependency. This solves the issue of buttons
losing their event listeners.
- This patch also adds HTMX support to the modals feature, which means
that the blocking feature on the profile card now takes advantage of
- Added a E2E test.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 86 additions and 41 deletions
@ -341,7 +341,6 @@ func prepareUserProfileTabData(ctx *context.Context, showPrivate bool, profileDb
// Action response for follow/unfollow user request
func Action(ctx *context.Context) {
var err error
var redirectViaJSON bool
action := ctx.FormString("action")
if ctx.ContextUser.IsOrganization() && (action == "block" || action == "unblock") {
@ -357,10 +356,8 @@ func Action(ctx *context.Context) {
err = user_model.UnfollowUser(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)
case "block":
err = user_service.BlockUser(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)
redirectViaJSON = true
case "unblock":
err = user_model.UnblockUser(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)
redirectViaJSON = true
if err != nil {
@ -371,21 +368,15 @@ func Action(ctx *context.Context) {
if ctx.ContextUser.IsOrganization() {
ctx.Flash.Error(ctx.Tr("org.follow_blocked_user"), true)
} else {
ctx.Flash.Error(ctx.Tr("user.follow_blocked_user"), true)
if redirectViaJSON {
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
"redirect": ctx.ContextUser.HomeLink(),
if ctx.ContextUser.IsIndividual() {
ctx.Data["IsHTMX"] = true
ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplProfileBigAvatar)
} else if ctx.ContextUser.IsOrganization() {
@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
{{if .Flash.ErrorMsg}}
<div class="ui negative message flash-message flash-error">
<div id="flash-message" class="ui negative message flash-message flash-error" hx-swap-oob="true">
<p>{{.Flash.ErrorMsg | SanitizeHTML}}</p>
{{if .Flash.SuccessMsg}}
<div class="ui positive message flash-message flash-success">
<div id="flash-message" class="ui positive message flash-message flash-success" hx-swap-oob="true">
<p>{{.Flash.SuccessMsg | SanitizeHTML}}</p>
{{if .Flash.InfoMsg}}
<div class="ui info message flash-message flash-info">
<div id="flash-message" class="ui info message flash-message flash-info" hx-swap-oob="true">
<p>{{.Flash.InfoMsg | SanitizeHTML}}</p>
{{if .Flash.WarningMsg}}
<div class="ui warning message flash-message flash-warning">
<div id="flash-message" class="ui warning message flash-message flash-warning" hx-swap-oob="true">
<p>{{.Flash.WarningMsg | SanitizeHTML}}</p>
{{if and (not .Flash.ErrorMsg) (not .Flash.SuccessMsg) (not .Flash.InfoMsg) (not .Flash.WarningMsg) (not .IsHTMX)}}
<div id="flash-message" hx-swap-oob="true"></div>
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<div id="profile-avatar-card" class="ui card">
{{if .IsHTMX}}
{{template "base/alert" .}}
<div id="profile-avatar-card" class="ui card" hx-swap="morph">
<div id="profile-avatar" class="content tw-flex">
{{if eq .SignedUserID .ContextUser.ID}}
<a class="image" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/user/settings" data-tooltip-content="{{ctx.Locale.Tr "user.change_avatar"}}">
@ -98,7 +101,7 @@
{{if and .IsSigned (ne .SignedUserID .ContextUser.ID)}}
<li class="follow" hx-target="#profile-avatar-card" hx-indicator="#profile-avatar-card" >
<li class="follow" hx-target="#profile-avatar-card" hx-indicator="#profile-avatar-card">
{{if $.IsFollowing}}
<button hx-post="{{.ContextUser.HomeLink}}?action=unfollow" class="ui basic red button">
{{svg "octicon-person"}} {{ctx.Locale.Tr "user.unfollow"}}
@ -109,14 +112,13 @@
<li class="block">
<li class="block" hx-target="#profile-avatar-card" hx-indicator="#profile-avatar-card">
{{if $.IsBlocked}}
<button class="ui basic red button link-action" data-url="{{.ContextUser.HomeLink}}?action=unblock&redirect_to={{$.Link}}">
<button class="ui basic red button" hx-post="{{.ContextUser.HomeLink}}?action=unblock">
{{svg "octicon-person"}} {{ctx.Locale.Tr "user.unblock"}}
<button type="submit" class="ui basic orange button delete-button"
data-modal-id="block-user" data-url="{{.ContextUser.HomeLink}}?action=block">
<button type="submit" class="ui basic orange button" data-modal-id="block-user" hx-post="{{.ContextUser.HomeLink}}?action=block" hx-confirm="-">
{{svg "octicon-blocked"}} {{ctx.Locale.Tr "user.block"}}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// @ts-check
import {test, expect} from '@playwright/test';
import {login_user, load_logged_in_context} from './utils_e2e.js';
test('Follow actions', async ({browser}, workerInfo) => {
await login_user(browser, workerInfo, 'user2');
const context = await load_logged_in_context(browser, workerInfo, 'user2');
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('/user1');
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
// Check if following and then unfollowing works.
// This checks that the event listeners of
// the buttons aren't dissapearing.
const followButton = page.locator('.follow');
await expect(followButton).toContainText('Follow');
await followButton.click();
await expect(followButton).toContainText('Unfollow');
await followButton.click();
await expect(followButton).toContainText('Follow');
// Simple block interaction.
await expect(page.locator('.block')).toContainText('Block');
await page.locator('.block').click();
await expect(page.locator('#block-user')).toBeVisible();
await page.locator('#block-user .ok').click();
await expect(page.locator('.block')).toContainText('Unblock');
await expect(page.locator('#block-user')).not.toBeVisible();
// Check that following the user yields in a error being shown.
await followButton.click();
const flashMessage = page.locator('#flash-message');
await expect(flashMessage).toBeVisible();
await expect(flashMessage).toContainText('You cannot follow this user because you have blocked this user or this user has blocked you.');
// Unblock interaction.
await page.locator('.block').click();
await expect(page.locator('.block')).toContainText('Block');
@ -34,15 +34,8 @@ func BlockUser(t *testing.T, doer, blockedUser *user_model.User) {
"_csrf": GetCSRF(t, session, "/"+blockedUser.Name),
"action": "block",
resp := session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
type redirect struct {
Redirect string `json:"redirect"`
var respBody redirect
DecodeJSON(t, resp, &respBody)
assert.EqualValues(t, "/"+blockedUser.Name, respBody.Redirect)
assert.True(t, unittest.BeanExists(t, &user_model.BlockedUser{BlockID: blockedUser.ID, UserID: doer.ID}))
@ -303,11 +296,10 @@ func TestBlockActions(t *testing.T) {
"_csrf": GetCSRF(t, session, "/"+blockedUser.Name),
"action": "follow",
session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
resp := session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
flashCookie := session.GetCookie(forgejo_context.CookieNameFlash)
assert.NotNil(t, flashCookie)
assert.EqualValues(t, "error%3DYou%2Bcannot%2Bfollow%2Bthis%2Buser%2Bbecause%2Byou%2Bhave%2Bblocked%2Bthis%2Buser%2Bor%2Bthis%2Buser%2Bhas%2Bblocked%2Byou.", flashCookie.Value)
htmlDoc := NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body)
assert.Contains(t, htmlDoc.Find("#flash-message").Text(), "You cannot follow this user because you have blocked this user or this user has blocked you.")
// Assert it still doesn't exist.
unittest.AssertNotExistsBean(t, &user_model.Follow{UserID: doer.ID, FollowID: blockedUser.ID})
@ -323,11 +315,10 @@ func TestBlockActions(t *testing.T) {
"_csrf": GetCSRF(t, session, "/"+doer.Name),
"action": "follow",
session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
resp := session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK)
flashCookie := session.GetCookie(forgejo_context.CookieNameFlash)
assert.NotNil(t, flashCookie)
assert.EqualValues(t, "error%3DYou%2Bcannot%2Bfollow%2Bthis%2Buser%2Bbecause%2Byou%2Bhave%2Bblocked%2Bthis%2Buser%2Bor%2Bthis%2Buser%2Bhas%2Bblocked%2Byou.", flashCookie.Value)
htmlDoc := NewHTMLParser(t, resp.Body)
assert.Contains(t, htmlDoc.Find("#flash-message").Text(), "You cannot follow this user because you have blocked this user or this user has blocked you.")
unittest.AssertNotExistsBean(t, &user_model.Follow{UserID: blockedUser.ID, FollowID: doer.ID})
@ -295,11 +295,11 @@ async function linkAction(e) {
export function initGlobalLinkActions() {
function showDeletePopup(e) {
const $this = $(this);
const $this = $(this || e.target);
const dataArray = $this.data();
let filter = '';
if (this.getAttribute('data-modal-id')) {
filter += `#${this.getAttribute('data-modal-id')}`;
if ($this[0].getAttribute('data-modal-id')) {
filter += `#${$this[0].getAttribute('data-modal-id')}`;
const $dialog = $(`.delete.modal${filter}`);
@ -317,6 +317,10 @@ export function initGlobalLinkActions() {
if ($this[0].getAttribute('hx-confirm')) {
const postData = new FormData();
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(dataArray)) {
if (key && key.startsWith('data')) {
@ -338,6 +342,19 @@ export function initGlobalLinkActions() {
// Helpers.
$('.delete-button').on('click', showDeletePopup);
document.addEventListener('htmx:confirm', (e) => {
// htmx:confirm is triggered for every HTMX request, even those that don't
// have the `hx-confirm` attribute specified. To avoid opening modals for
// those elements, check if 'e.detail.question' is empty, which contains the
// value of the `hx-confirm` attribute.
if (!e.detail.question) {
} else {
function initGlobalShowModal() {
Reference in a new issue