Gitea uses [Fomantic-UI]( (based on [jQuery]( and [Vue3]( for its frontend.
3. HTML ids and classes used in JavaScript should be unique for the whole project, and should contain 2-3 feature related keywords. We recommend to use the `js-` prefix for classes that are only used in JavaScript.
4. CSS styling for classes provided by frameworks should not be overwritten. Always use new class names with 2-3 feature related keywords to overwrite framework styles. Gitea's helper CSS classes in `helpers.less` could be helpful.
5. The backend can pass complex data to the frontend by using `ctx.PageData["myModuleData"] = map[]{}`, but do not expose whole models to the frontend to avoid leaking sensitive data.
6. Simple pages and SEO-related pages use Go HTML Template render to generate static Fomantic-UI HTML output. Complex pages can use Vue3.
7. Clarify variable types, prefer `elem.disabled = true` instead of `elem.setAttribute('disabled', 'anything')`, prefer `$el.prop('checked', var === 'yes')` instead of `$el.prop('checked', var)`.
8. Use semantic elements, prefer `<button class="ui button">` instead of `<div class="ui button">`.
9. Avoid unnecessary `!important` in CSS, add comments to explain why it's necessary if it can't be avoided.
### Accessibility / ARIA
In history, Gitea heavily uses Fomantic UI which is not an accessibility-friendly framework.
Gitea uses some patches to make Fomantic UI more accessible (see the `aria.js` and ``),
but there are still many problems which need a lot of work and time to fix.