Jorge Aparicio fcf0e310ab - rework RTIC resources section in the adv. material
- change the USB PID so it matches the date of the workshop
2020-06-16 10:21:25 +02:00

17 lines
517 B

use anyhow::anyhow;
fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
for dev in rusb::devices()?.iter() {
let dev_desc = dev.device_descriptor()?;
if dev_desc.vendor_id() == consts::VID && dev_desc.product_id() == consts::PID {
println!("{:#?}", dev_desc);
for i in 0..dev_desc.num_configurations() {
println!("{}: {:#?}", i, dev.config_descriptor(i)?);
return Ok(());
Err(anyhow!("nRF52840 USB device not found"))