Jonathan Pallant (Ferrous Systems) a4ee38540d
Ensure marp can render slides.
We bundle markdown-it-kroki, which can add mermaid diagrams to marp slides using https://kroki.io.
2023-03-22 10:28:51 +00:00

178 lines
7.7 KiB

const md = require('markdown-it');
const expect = require('chai').expect;
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const { MarkdownItKrokiCore } = require('../../lib/plugin-core');
describe('# [unit-test] plugin-core.js', () => {
describe('## method: setOptions() must be work', () => {
function buildHtmlForTest(options) {
const test = 'plantuml';
const diagramCode = '@startuml\nBob -> Alice : hello\n @enduml';
// build embed HTML
const plugin = new MarkdownItKrokiCore(new md()).setOptions(options);
return plugin.buildEmbedHTML({ language: test }, diagramCode);
describe('### entrypoint', () => {
function expectEntryPointToEmbed(htmlString, expected) {
if (!expected) expected = 'https://kroki.io';
// parse dom
const dom = new JSDOM(htmlString);
const imgTag = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
// get url attribute
const url = imgTag.getAttribute('src');
it('* no options', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest();
it('* option is null', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ entrypoint: null });
it('* option is undefined', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ entrypoint: undefined });
it('* option is \'\'', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ entrypoint: '' });
it('* option is 1', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ entrypoint: 1 });
it('* option is true', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ entrypoint: true });
it('* option is \'https://localhost:8080\'', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({
entrypoint: 'https://localhost:8080'
expectEntryPointToEmbed(html, 'https://localhost:8080');
describe.skip('### marpAutoScaling', () => {
function expectMarpAutoScalingToEmbed(htmlString, expected) {
// parse dom
const dom = new JSDOM(htmlString);
const tags = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("marp-auto-scaling");
if (expected) {
} else {
it('* no options', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest();
expectMarpAutoScalingToEmbed(html, true);
it('* option is null', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ marpAutoScaling: null });
expectMarpAutoScalingToEmbed(html, true);
it('* option is undefined', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ marpAutoScaling: undefined });
expectMarpAutoScalingToEmbed(html, true);
it('* option is \'\'', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ marpAutoScaling: '' });
expectMarpAutoScalingToEmbed(html, true);
it('* option is 1', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ marpAutoScaling: 1 });
expectMarpAutoScalingToEmbed(html, true);
it('* option is \'test\'', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ marpAutoScaling: 'test' });
expectMarpAutoScalingToEmbed(html, true);
it('* option is false', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ marpAutoScaling: false });
expectMarpAutoScalingToEmbed(html, false);
describe('### containerClass', () => {
function expectContainerClassToEmbed(htmlString, className) {
// parse dom
const dom = new JSDOM(htmlString);
const pTag = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0];
const actualClassName = pTag.getAttribute('class');
it('* no options', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest();
expectContainerClassToEmbed(html, 'kroki-image-container');
it('* option is null', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ containerClass: null });
expectContainerClassToEmbed(html, 'kroki-image-container');
it('* option is undefined', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ containerClass: undefined });
expectContainerClassToEmbed(html, 'kroki-image-container');
it('* option is \'\'', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ containerClass: '' });
expectContainerClassToEmbed(html, 'kroki-image-container');
it('* option is 1', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ containerClass: 1 });
expectContainerClassToEmbed(html, 'kroki-image-container');
it('* option is \'containerClass\'', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ containerClass: 'containerClass' });
expectContainerClassToEmbed(html, 'containerClass');
describe('### imageFormat', () => {
function expectImageFormatToEmbed(htmlString, expected) {
// parse dom
const dom = new JSDOM(htmlString);
const imgTag = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
// get url attribute
const url = imgTag.getAttribute('src');
expect(url).to.includes('/' + expected + '/');
it('* no options', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest();
expectImageFormatToEmbed(html, 'svg');
it('* option is null', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ imageFormat: null });
expectImageFormatToEmbed(html, 'svg');
it('* option is undefined', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ imageFormat: undefined });
expectImageFormatToEmbed(html, 'svg');
it('* option is \'\'', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ imageFormat: '' });
expectImageFormatToEmbed(html, 'svg');
it('* option is 1', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ imageFormat: 1 });
expectImageFormatToEmbed(html, 'svg');
it('* option is \'test\'', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ imageFormat: 'test' });
expectImageFormatToEmbed(html, 'svg');
it('* option is \'png\'', () => {
const html = buildHtmlForTest({ imageFormat: 'png' });
expectImageFormatToEmbed(html, 'png');