Jorge Aparicio 886487dee6 - spread out USB information
- add intermediate-step solutions
- add more hints
- refactor exercise & text to have the same amount of work on all OSes
- add `usb` parser solutions
- make `dk-run` less silent
- rename rtic binaries (shorter names)
- link to the main svd2rust API docs
2020-06-30 19:02:21 +02:00

33 lines
1,007 B

use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use heapless::{consts, Vec};
use panic_log as _; // the panicking behavior
fn main() -> ! {
// a stack-allocated `Vec` with capacity for 6 bytes
let mut buffer = Vec::<u8, consts::U6>::new();
// ^^ capacity; this is a type not a value
// `heapless::Vec` exposes the same API surface as `std::Vec` but some of its methods return a
// `Result` to indicate whether the operation failed due to the `heapless::Vec` being full
log::info!("start: {:?}", buffer);
buffer.push(0).expect("buffer full");
log::info!("after `push`: {:?}", buffer);
buffer.extend_from_slice(&[1, 2, 3]).expect("buffer full");
log::info!("after `extend`: {:?}", buffer);
// TODO try this operation
// buffer.extend_from_slice(&[4, 5, 6, 7]).expect("buffer full");
// TODO try changing the capacity of the `heapless::Vec`