`offset` returns the offset of the section *in the ELF file*
`physical_address` returns the (load) address of the section on the device
these are not necessarily the same (but usually are)
this part of dongle-flash is not used by the workshop participants as they'll use dongle-flash with
.hex files (produced by the well-tested `objcopy` tool)
- add intermediate-step solutions
- add more hints
- refactor exercise & text to have the same amount of work on all OSes
- add `usb` parser solutions
- make `dk-run` less silent
- rename rtic binaries (shorter names)
- link to the main svd2rust API docs
- VS: you can open more than one folder in the same VS workspace
- current folder in VS code needs to be set to beginner/apps for "Run" to appear
- rename `lsusb` to `usb-list`
- recommend `usb-list` over `lsusb`
- make `serial-term` behave like `screen`