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# markdown-it-kroki
> This library was designed to embed [Kori.io](https://kroki.io/) diagram into [Marp](https://marp.app/) Slide-deks!!
This library is a pugin for markdown-it to embed figure is created by textual syntax.
To use this package, You can embed **Software Diagram** (like uml) is written by **code** in Marp Slides-deck.
See marp sample code.
## Sample
marp: true
## plantuml
```plantuml[platuml image]
left to right direction
actor Guest as g
package Professional {
actor Chef as c
actor "Food Critic" as fc
package Restaurant {
usecase "Eat Food" as UC1
usecase "Pay for Food" as UC2
usecase "Drink" as UC3
usecase "Review" as UC4
fc --> UC4
g --> UC1
g --> UC2
g --> UC3
If you want to write daigram, you write Diagram Language (like [plantuml](https://plantuml.com/), [mermaid.js](https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/)) with in fenced code block.
## How to install
You can install `npm install` command like bellow.
npm install -D @kazumatu981/markdown-it-kroki
## How to use
Here is the how to use `markdow-it-kroki`.
This section introduce how to create Marp slides-deck project,
and introduce how to create Marp slides-deck server.
You can find deltail info in [here](https://marp.app/),
and you can learn about marp plugin eco-system, [here](https://marpit.marp.app/usage?id=extend-marpit-by-plugins).
### **[1st step]** Create Slides-deck project
First, for create slides-deck, you have to prepair to **Marp Project** directory.
So First, Create slides-deck project, and init npm package.
mkdir myslides
cd myslides
npm init -y
Secondary, Build Marp Environment.
Install [@marp-team/marp-cli](https://github.com/marp-team/marp-cli).
npm install -D @marp-team/marp-cli
> Off-course you can install as **global package** (like `npm install -g @marp-team/marp-cli`), or **run at-once** (like `npx`).
### **[2nd step]** Download this project and install
git clone https://github.com/kazumatu981/markdown-it-kroki.git
cd myslides
npm install -D path/to/markdown-it-kroki
### **[3rd step]** Create `marp.config.js`.
Here is the configuration file for **Marp**.
module.exports = {
inputDir: './slides',
engine: ({ marp }) => marp.use(require('@kazumatu981/markdown-it-kroki'), {
entrypoint: "https://kroki.io",
### **[4th step]** Create your slides
On `slies` directory. you create slides-deck. like this.
marp: true
## mermaid
```mermaid[mermaid image]
flowchart TD
Start --> Stop
### **[5th step]** run server
Run marp server.
marp -s -c marp.config.js
## Detail
### Syntax of Markdown
#### Diagram Language
You have to write diagram language by [fenced code block](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#fenced-code-blocks) syntax, start with **triple back quot** and after that the language.
This package depends on kroki.io.
If you want to know which is **supported diagram language**,
you will see in [Kroki.io official web site (https://kroki.io/)](https://kroki.io/).
#### Alt Text
You can write Alt-text attribute to IMG tag in HTML.
Write in `square blacket` after **Diagram Language**.
```mermaid [check your network config..]
### Options of `constructor`
| property-name | type | mean | defaul value |
| ---------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------- |
| `entrypoint` | `string` | The entry point for Kroki server. | `'https://kroki.io'` |
| `containerClass` | `string` | class name of container (`DIV`-tag `class` attribute). | `'kroki-image-container'` |
| `imageFormat` | `string` | image format of diagram. see [here](https://kroki.io/) | `'svg'` |