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2020-06-09 09:52:27 +00:00
use core::num::NonZeroU8;
2020-06-09 09:52:27 +00:00
use dk::{
usbd::{self, Ep0In, Event},
use panic_log as _; // panic handler
use usb2::{GetDescriptor, StandardRequest, State};
#[rtfm::app(device = dk)]
const APP: () = {
struct Resources {
ep0in: Ep0In,
state: State,
usbd: USBD,
fn init(_cx: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
let board = dk::init().unwrap();
usbd::init(board.power, &board.usbd);
init::LateResources {
usbd: board.usbd,
state: State::Default,
ep0in: board.ep0in,
2020-06-09 09:52:27 +00:00
#[task(binds = USBD, resources = [state, usbd, ep0in])]
fn usb(cx: usb::Context) {
let usbd = cx.resources.usbd;
let state = cx.resources.state;
let ep0in = cx.resources.ep0in;
while let Some(event) = usbd::next_event(usbd) {
on_event(usbd, state, ep0in, event)
fn on_event(usbd: &USBD, state: &mut State, ep0in: &mut Ep0In, event: Event) {
log::info!("USB: {:?}", event);
match event {
Event::UsbReset => {
log::info!("USB reset condition detected");
*state = State::Default;
Event::UsbEp0DataDone => {
log::info!("EP0IN: transfer complete");
Event::UsbEp0Setup => {
if ep0setup(usbd, state, ep0in).is_err() {
log::warn!("EP0IN: stalled");
/// The `bConfigurationValue` of the only supported configuration
const CONFIG_VAL: u8 = 1;
fn ep0setup(usbd: &USBD, state: &mut State, ep0in: &mut Ep0In) -> Result<(), ()> {
let bmrequesttype = usbd.bmrequesttype.read().bits() as u8;
let brequest = usbd.brequest.read().brequest().bits();
let wlength = usbd::wlength(usbd);
let windex = usbd::windex(usbd);
let wvalue = usbd::wvalue(usbd);
let request = StandardRequest::parse(bmrequesttype, brequest, wvalue, windex, wlength)?;
log::info!("{:?}", request);
match request {
// section 9.4.3
// this request is valid in any state
StandardRequest::GetDescriptor { descriptor, length } => match descriptor {
GetDescriptor::Device => {
let desc = usb2::device::Descriptor {
bDeviceClass: 0,
bDeviceProtocol: 0,
bDeviceSubClass: 0,
bMaxPacketSize0: usb2::device::bMaxPacketSize0::B64,
bNumConfigurations: core::num::NonZeroU8::new(1).unwrap(),
bcdDevice: 0x0100, // 1.00
iManufacturer: None,
iProduct: None,
iSerialNumber: None,
idProduct: consts::PID,
idVendor: consts::VID,
let bytes = desc.bytes();
ep0in.start(&bytes[..core::cmp::min(bytes.len(), length.into())], usbd)?
GetDescriptor::Configuration { index } => {
if index == 0 {
let mut full_desc = heapless::Vec::<u8, heapless::consts::U64>::new();
let conf_desc = usb2::configuration::Descriptor {
2020-06-09 09:52:27 +00:00
wTotalLength: usb2::configuration::Descriptor::SIZE.into(),
bNumInterfaces: NonZeroU8::new(1).unwrap(),
2020-06-09 09:52:27 +00:00
bConfigurationValue: core::num::NonZeroU8::new(CONFIG_VAL).unwrap(),
iConfiguration: None,
bmAttributes: usb2::configuration::bmAttributes {
self_powered: true,
remote_wakeup: false,
bMaxPower: 250, // 500 mA
let iface_desc = usb2::interface::Descriptor {
bInterfaceNumber: 0,
bAlternativeSetting: 0,
bNumEndpoints: 0,
bInterfaceClass: 0,
bInterfaceSubClass: 0,
bInterfaceProtocol: 0,
iInterface: None,
&full_desc[..core::cmp::min(full_desc.len(), length.into())],
2020-06-09 09:52:27 +00:00
} else {
// out of bounds access: stall the endpoint
return Err(());
_ => return Err(()),
StandardRequest::SetAddress { address } => {
match state {
State::Default => {
if let Some(address) = address {
*state = State::Address(address);
} else {
// stay in the default state
State::Address(..) => {
if let Some(address) = address {
// use the new address
*state = State::Address(address);
} else {
*state = State::Default;
// unspecified behavior
State::Configured { .. } => return Err(()),
// the response to this request is handled in hardware
StandardRequest::SetConfiguration { value } => {
log::info!("SET_CONFIGURATION {:?} ({:?})", value, state);
match *state {
// unspecified behavior
State::Default => return Err(()),
State::Address(address) => {
if let Some(value) = value {
if value.get() == CONFIG_VAL {
log::info!("entering the configured state");
*state = State::Configured { address, value };
} else {
log::error!("unsupported configuration value");
return Err(());
} else {
// stay in the address mode
State::Configured {
value: curr_value,
} => {
if let Some(new_value) = value {
if new_value.get() == CONFIG_VAL {
if new_value != curr_value {
log::info!("changing configuration");
*state = State::Configured {
value: new_value,
} else {
log::error!("unsupported configuration value");
return Err(());
} else {
log::info!("returned to the address state");
*state = State::Address(address);
.write(|w| w.tasks_ep0status().set_bit());
// stall any other request
_ => return Err(()),