Felix Bartels 2f413b92b1 Add separate stage to build a distrobox optimized container
Signed-off-by: Felix Bartels <>
2023-08-06 17:54:37 +02:00

41 lines
963 B

FROM node:lts as build
# use --unsafe to not execute post actions as user nobody
RUN npm -g install cloudron-surfer@6.0.0 --unsafe && \
npm cache clean --force && \
surfer --version
FROM build as distrobox
# Install essential packages and locales
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
apt-utils \
bash \
bash-completion \
bc \
curl \
dialog \
diffutils \
findutils \
gnupg2 \
less \
libegl1-mesa \
libgl1-mesa-glx \
libnss-myhostname \
libvte-2.9*-common \
libvte-common \
libvulkan1 \
locales \
lsof \
mesa-vulkan-drivers \
ncurses-base \
passwd \
pinentry-curses \
procps \
sudo \
time \
tzdata \
util-linux \
# make sure that the distrobox stage is not the last one
FROM build as surfer