Mayel de Borniol e1a9e44894 Rename libs
2023-12-30 22:30:56 +00:00

210 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file

import Config
default_flavour = "classic"
flavour = System.get_env("FLAVOUR", default_flavour)
flavour_path = System.get_env("FLAVOUR_PATH", "flavours/" <> flavour)
project_root = File.cwd!()
env = config_env()
#### Basic configuration
# You probably won't want to touch these. You might override some in
# other config files.
repo = Bonfire.Common.Repo
config :bonfire,
otp_app: :bonfire,
umbrella_otp_app: :bonfire_umbrella,
env: env,
project_path: project_root,
flavour: flavour,
flavour_path: flavour_path,
app_name: System.get_env("APP_NAME", "Bonfire"),
repo_module: repo,
web_module: Bonfire.UI.Common.Web,
endpoint_module: Bonfire.Web.Endpoint,
mailer_module: Bonfire.Mailer,
default_web_namespace: Bonfire.UI.Common,
default_layout_module: Bonfire.UI.Common.LayoutView,
graphql_schema_module: Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Schema,
user_schema: Bonfire.Data.Identity.User,
org_schema: Bonfire.Data.Identity.User,
home_page: :home,
user_home_page: :dashboard,
# default limit for prod
default_pagination_limit: 20,
# very high limit for prod (so we can load nested threads)
pagination_hard_max_limit: 500,
localisation_path: "priv/localisation",
ap_base_path: System.get_env("AP_BASE_PATH", "/pub"),
signing_salt: "this-will-be-overriden-by-a-secure-string-in-runtime.exs",
encryption_salt: "this-will-be-overriden-by-a-secure-string-in-runtime.exs"
config :bonfire, Bonfire.Web.Endpoint,
url: [host: "localhost"],
check_origin: :conn,
http: [
# this gets overridden in runtime.exs
port: String.to_integer(System.get_env("SERVER_PORT", "4000"))
render_errors: [
# view: Bonfire.UI.Common.ErrorView,
accepts: ~w(html json),
# layout: false,
layout: [html: {Bonfire.UI.Common.BasicView, :error}],
# root_layout: [html: {Bonfire.UI.Common.BasicView, :error}],
formats: [html: Bonfire.UI.Common.ErrorView, json: Bonfire.UI.Common.ErrorView]
pubsub_server: Bonfire.Common.PubSub,
live_view: [
# the time of inactivity allowed in the LiveView before compressing its own memory and state. Defaults to 15000ms (15 seconds)
hibernate_after: String.to_integer(System.get_env("LV_HIBERNATE_AFTER", "7000"))
# NOTE: see also `LV_TIMEOUT` and `LV_FULLSWEEP_AFTER` for the socket in the endpoint module
config :bonfire, :markdown_library, MDEx
config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason
config :phoenix_gon, :json_library, Jason
repos = [repo]
config :bonfire, ecto_repos: repos
config :bonfire_umbrella, ecto_repos: repos
config :paginator, ecto_repos: repos
config :activity_pub, ecto_repos: repos
config :ecto_sparkles, :otp_app, :bonfire
config :ecto_sparkles, :env, env
config :ecto_sparkles, :umbrella_otp_app, :bonfire_umbrella
config :rauversion_extension, :repo_module, repo
config :activity_pub, :repo, repo
config :activity_pub, :endpoint_module, Bonfire.Web.Endpoint
config :paper_trail, repo: repo
config :rauversion_extension, :user_schema, Bonfire.Data.Identity.User
config :rauversion_extension, :router_helper, Bonfire.Web.Router.Helpers
config :rauversion_extension, :default_layout_module, Bonfire.UI.Common.LayoutView
config :rauversion_extension, :user_table, "pointers_pointer"
config :rauversion_extension, :user_key_type, :uuid
config :bonfire, Bonfire.Common.Repo, types: Bonfire.Geolocate.PostgresTypes
config :bonfire, Bonfire.Common.TestInstanceRepo,
types: Bonfire.Geolocate.PostgresTypes,
database: "bonfire_test_instance"
# priv: flavour_path <> "/repo"
# ecto query filtering
# config :query_elf, :id_types, [:id, :binary_id, Needle.ULID]
# disable Tzdata and replace with Tz library
config :tzdata, :autoupdate, :disabled
config :elixir, :time_zone_database, Tz.TimeZoneDatabase
config :logger, :console,
format: "$time $metadata[$level] $message\n",
metadata: [:request_id]
config :elixir, :dbg_callback, {Untangle, :custom_dbg, []}
config :surface, :compiler, warn_on_undefined_props: false
config :paper_trail,
item_type: Needle.ULID,
originator_type: Needle.ULID,
originator_relationship_options: [references: :id],
originator: [name: :user, model: Bonfire.Data.Identity.User]
# NOTE: need to declare types to avoid LV uploads failing with `invalid accept filter provided to allow_upload. Expected a file extension with a known MIME type.`
config :mime, :types, %{
"application/json" => ["json"],
"application/activity+json" => ["activity+json"],
"application/ld+json" => ["ld+json"],
"application/jrd+json" => ["jrd+json"],
"image/png" => ["png"],
"image/jpeg" => ["jpg", "jpeg"],
"image/gif" => ["gif"],
"image/svg+xml" => ["svg"],
"image/webp" => ["webp"],
"image/tiff" => ["tiff"],
"text/plain" => ["txt"],
"text/markdown" => ["md"],
# doc
"text/csv" => ["csv"],
"text/tab-separated-values" => ["tsv"],
"application/pdf" => ["pdf"],
"application/rtf" => ["rtf"],
"application/msword" => ["doc", "dot"],
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" => ["docx"],
"application/" => ["xls"],
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" => ["xlsx"],
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation" => ["odp"],
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet" => ["ods"],
"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" => ["odt"],
"application/epub+zip" => ["epub"],
# archives
"application/x-tar" => ["tar"],
"application/x-bzip" => ["bzip"],
"application/x-bzip2" => ["bzip2"],
"application/gzip" => ["gz", "gzip"],
"application/zip" => ["zip"],
"application/vnd.rar" => ["rar"],
"application/x-7z-compressed" => ["7z"],
# audio
"audio/aac" => ["aac"],
"audio/mpeg" => ["mpa", "mp2"],
"audio/mp3" => ["mp3"],
"audio/ogg" => ["oga"],
"audio/wav" => ["wav"],
# "audio/webm"=> ["webm"],
"audio/opus" => ["opus"],
"audio/flac" => ["flac"],
# video
"video/mp4" => ["mp4"],
"video/mpeg" => ["mpeg"],
"video/ogg" => ["ogg", "ogv"],
"video/webm" => ["webm"]
config :os_mon,
disk_space_check_interval: 60,
memory_check_interval: 15,
disk_almost_full_threshold: 0.85,
start_cpu_sup: false
config :wobserver,
mode: :plug,
remote_url_prefix: "/admin/system/wobserver"
config :sentry,
# dsn: "this-should-be-set-in-env-and-loaded-in-runtime.exs",
environment_name: Mix.env(),
# enable_source_code_context: true,
root_source_code_path: project_root,
included_environments: [:prod],
tags: %{app_version: Mix.Project.config()[:version]}
# include Bonfire-specific config files
for config <- "bonfire_*.exs" |> Path.expand(__DIR__) |> Path.wildcard() do
# IO.inspect(include_config: config)
import_config config
# include configs for the current flavour (augmenting or overriding the previous ones)
flavour_config = "flavour_#{flavour}.exs" |> Path.expand(__DIR__)
if File.exists?(flavour_config) do
IO.puts("Include flavour-specific config from `#{flavour_config}`")
IO.puts("You could put any flavour-specific config at `#{flavour_config}`")
# federation library
import_config "activity_pub.exs"
# native app
import_config "native.exs"
# finally, append/override config based on env, which will override any config set above (including from imported files)
import_config "#{env}.exs"