2024-01-21 13:19:02 +00:00

165 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable file

import Config
# Important: indicate date of last release, to generate a changelog for issues closed since then
changelog_issues_closed_after = "2022-08-30"
config :bonfire,
# Note: you can run `Bonfire.Common.Config.put(:experimental_features_enabled, true)` to enable these in prod too
experimental_features_enabled: true,
# low limit so it is easier to test UX
# default_pagination_limit: 10,
ui: [
feed_object_extension_preloads_disabled: false
federate? = System.get_env("FEDERATE") == "yes"
config :activity_pub, :instance, federating: federate?
# only sign fetches when federating (which hopefully means we have a public domain name so signature key can be verified)
config :activity_pub, sign_object_fetches: federate?
# config :pseudo_gettext, :locale, "en-pseudo_text" # uncomment to use and check that the app is properly localisable
config :bonfire_umbrella, Bonfire.Common.Repo,
database: System.get_env("POSTGRES_DB", "bonfire_dev"),
# show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
# EctoSparkles does the logging instead
log: false,
stacktrace: true
local_deps =
config_dir: "config/",
use_local_forks?: System.get_env("WITH_FORKS", "1") == "1"
# if System.get_env("WITH_FORKS", "1") == "1" , do:
# Mess.deps(
# [path: Path.relative_to_cwd("config/deps.path")],
# []
# ),
# else: []
use_cowboy? = System.get_env("PLUG_SERVER") == "cowboy"
# Watch static and templates for browser reloading.
config :bonfire, Bonfire.Web.Endpoint,
server: true,
debug_errors: false,
check_origin: false,
http: if(use_cowboy?, do: [protocol_options: [idle_timeout: 120_000]], else: [])
enable_code_reloading = System.get_env("HOT_CODE_RELOAD") != "0"
if enable_code_reloading do
local_dep_names =, &elem(&1, 0))
dep_paths =, fn dep ->
case elem(dep, 1)[:path] do
nil -> nil
path -> "#{path}/lib"
|> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
watch_paths = dep_paths ++ ["lib/"] ++ ["priv/static/"]
IO.puts("Watching these deps for code reloading: #{inspect(local_dep_names)}")
config :phoenix_live_reload,
# watch the app's lib/ dir + the dep/lib/ dir of every locally-cloned dep
dirs: watch_paths
# filename patterns that should trigger hots reloads of components/CSS/etc (only within the above dirs)
hot_patterns = [
# filename patterns that should trigger full page reloads (only within the above dirs)
patterns = [
# ~r"^priv/gettext/.*(po)$",
IO.puts("Watching these filenames for live reloading in the browser: #{inspect(patterns)}")
config :bonfire, Bonfire.Web.Endpoint,
code_reloader: true,
reloadable_compilers: [:leex, :elixir, :surface],
reloadable_apps: [:bonfire] ++ local_dep_names,
live_reload: [
patterns: patterns ++ hot_patterns,
notify: [
live_view: hot_patterns
watchers: [
yarn: [
cd: Path.expand("assets", File.cwd!())
yarn: [
cd: Path.expand("assets", File.cwd!())
yarn: [
cd: Path.expand("assets", File.cwd!())
config :bonfire, Bonfire.Web.Endpoint, phoenix_profiler: [server: Bonfire.Web.Profiler]
config :surface,
log_level: :debug
config :logger,
level: :debug,
# level: :info,
# level: :warning,
truncate: :infinity
config :logger, :console,
# Do not include metadata or timestamps
format: "[$level] $message\n"
config :phoenix, :stacktrace_depth, 30
config :phoenix, :plug_init_mode, :runtime
config :exsync,
src_monitor: true,
reload_timeout: 75,
# addition_dirs: ["/forks"],
extra_extensions: [".leex", ".heex", ".js", ".css", ".sface"]
config :versioce, :changelog,
# Or your own datagrabber module
datagrabber: Versioce.Changelog.DataGrabber.Git,
# Or your own formatter module
formatter: Versioce.Changelog.Formatter.Keepachangelog
config :versioce, :changelog,
closed_after: changelog_issues_closed_after,
changelog_file: "docs/",
datagrabber: Bonfire.Common.Changelog.Github.DataGrabber,
anchors: %{
added: ["Feature"],
changed: ["Improvement", "UI/UX", "Refactor"],
deprecated: ["[DEP]"],
removed: ["[REM]"],
fixed: ["Bug"],
security: ["Security", "Safety"]
# config :source_inspector, :enabled, true
config :phoenix_live_view, debug_heex_annotations: true