Mayel de Borniol 0ef85e77f9 auto-format
2022-09-12 16:34:14 +12:00

21 lines
634 B

import Config
default_locale = "en"
config :bonfire_common,
otp_app: :bonfire
# internationalisation
config :bonfire_common, Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr,
default_locale: default_locale,
# locales that will be made available on top of those for which gettext localisation files are available
locales: ["fr", "en", "es"],
providers: [Cldr.Language],
gettext: Bonfire.Common.Localise.Gettext,
data_dir: "./priv/cldr",
add_fallback_locales: true,
# precompile_number_formats: ["¤¤#,##0.##"],
# precompile_transliterations: [{:latn, :arab}, {:thai, :latn}]
# force_locale_download: false,
generate_docs: true