switch to docker compose

This commit is contained in:
Mayel de Borniol 2023-03-24 11:36:30 +13:00
parent 6cf15ff7cd
commit 345e81d6bb
2 changed files with 30 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -95,19 +95,17 @@ Follow the instructions in the coop-cloud recipe readme.
The easiest way to launch the docker image is using the just commands.
The `docker-compose.release.yml` uses `config/prod/.env` to launch a container with the necessary environment variables along with its dependencies, currently that means an extra postgres container, along with a reverse proxy (Caddy server, which you may want to replace with nginx or whatever you prefer).
#### Install with docker-compose
Make sure you have [Docker](https://www.docker.com/), a recent [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/#install-compose) (which supports v3 configs), and [just](https://github.com/casey/just#packages) installed:
Make sure you have [Docker](https://www.docker.com/), with the [compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/#install-compose) plugin, and [just](https://github.com/casey/just#packages) installed:
$ docker version
Docker version 18.09.1-ce
Docker Engine - Community - 23.0.1
$ docker-compose -v
docker-compose version 1.23.2
$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.16.0
$ just --version
just 1.1.3
just 1.13.0
@ -388,7 +386,7 @@ Once you've signed up, you will automatically be an instance admin if you were t
#### Step 5 - Adding HTTPS
The common and convenient way for adding HTTPS is by using a reverse proxy like Nginx or Caddyserver (the latter of which is bundled as part of the docker-compose setup).
The common and convenient way for adding HTTPS is by using a reverse proxy like Nginx or Caddyserver (the latter of which is bundled as part of the docker compose setup).
Caddyserver and other servers can handle generating and setting up HTTPS certificates automatically, but if you need TLS/SSL certificates for nginx, you can look get some for free with [letsencrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/). The simplest way to obtain and install a certificate is to use [Certbot.](https://certbot.eff.org). Depending on your specific setup, certbot may be able to get a certificate and configure your web server automatically.

View file

@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ prepare:
iex --sname extra --remsh dev
dev-run *args='': init
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "just docker-stop-web && docker-compose run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports web" } else { "iex --sname dev -S mix phx.server $args" } }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "just docker-stop-web && docker compose run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports web" } else { "iex --sname dev -S mix phx.server $args" } }}
# TODO: pass args to docker as well
@dev-remote: init
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "WITH_FORKS=0 just docker-stop-web && docker-compose run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports web" } else { "WITH_FORKS=0 iex -S mix phx.server" } }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "WITH_FORKS=0 just docker-stop-web && docker compose run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports web" } else { "WITH_FORKS=0 iex -S mix phx.server" } }}
# Generate docs from code & readmes
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ dev-test:
# Run the app in dev mode, as a background service
dev-bg: init
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "just docker-stop-web && docker-compose run --detach --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports web elixir -S mix phx.server" } else { 'elixir --erl "-detached" -S mix phx.server" && echo "Running in background..." && (ps au | grep beam)' } }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "just docker-stop-web && docker compose run --detach --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports web elixir -S mix phx.server" } else { 'elixir --erl "-detached" -S mix phx.server" && echo "Running in background..." && (ps au | grep beam)' } }}
# Run latest database migrations (eg. after adding/upgrading an app/extension)
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ dev-search-reset: dev-search-reset-docker
rm -rf data/search/dev
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "docker-compose rm -s -v search" } else {""} }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "docker compose rm -s -v search" } else {""} }}
# Rollback previous DB migration (caution: this means DATA LOSS)
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ dep-local command dep path:
# Utility to manage the deps in deps.hex, deps.git, and deps.path (eg. `just messctl help`)
messctl *args='': init
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "no" { "messctl $@" } else { "docker-compose run web messctl $@" } }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "no" { "messctl $@" } else { "docker compose run web messctl $@" } }}
@ -476,11 +476,11 @@ test-federation-dance-positions:
TEST_INSTANCE=yes MIX_ENV=test just mix deps.clean bonfire --build
# dev-test-watch: init ## Run tests
# docker-compose run --service-ports -e MIX_ENV=test web iex -S mix phx.server
# docker compose run --service-ports -e MIX_ENV=test web iex -S mix phx.server
# Create or reset the test DB
test-db-reset: init db-pre-migrations
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "docker-compose run -e MIX_ENV=test web mix ecto.reset" } else { "MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.reset" } }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "docker compose run -e MIX_ENV=test web mix ecto.reset" } else { "MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.reset" } }}
#### RELEASE RELATED COMMANDS (Docker-specific for now) ####
@ -576,71 +576,71 @@ rel-push-only-alt build label='latest':
# Run the app in Docker & starts a new `iex` console
rel-run: rel-init docker-stop-web rel-services
echo Run with Docker based on image $APP_DOCKER_IMAGE
@docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports --rm web bin/bonfire start_iex
@docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports --rm web bin/bonfire start_iex
# Run the app in Docker, and keep running in the background
rel-run-bg: rel-init docker-stop-web
@docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE up -d
@docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE up -d
# Stop the running release
@docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE stop
@docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE stop
rel-update: update-repo-pull
@docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE pull
@docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE pull
@echo Remember to run migrations on your DB...
@docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE logs
@docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE logs
# Stop the running release
rel-down: rel-stop
@docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE down
@docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE down
# Runs a the app container and opens a simple shell inside of the container, useful to explore the image
rel-shell: rel-init docker-stop-web rel-services
@docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports --rm web /bin/bash
@docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports --rm web /bin/bash
# Runs a simple shell inside of the running app container, useful to explore the image
rel-shell-bg: rel-init rel-services
@docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE exec web /bin/bash
@docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE exec web /bin/bash
# Runs a simple shell inside of the DB container, useful to explore the image
rel-db-shell-bg: rel-init rel-services
@docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE exec db /bin/bash
@docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE exec db /bin/bash
rel-db-dump: rel-init rel-services
docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE exec db /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump --username $POSTGRES_USER $POSTGRES_DB" > data/db_dump.sql
docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE exec db /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump --username $POSTGRES_USER $POSTGRES_DB" > data/db_dump.sql
rel-db-restore: rel-init rel-services
cat $file | docker exec -i bonfire_release_db_1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD psql -U $POSTGRES_USER $POSTGRES_DB"
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "docker-compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE up -d db search" } else {""} }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE up -d db search" } else {""} }}
dc *args='':
docker-compose $@
docker compose $@
# Start background docker services (eg. db and search backends).
{{ if MIX_ENV == "prod" { "just rel-services" } else { "just dev-services" } }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "docker-compose up -d db search || echo \"WARNING: You may want to make sure the docker daemon is started or run 'colima start' first.\"" } else { "echo Skipping docker services"} }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "docker compose up -d db search || echo \"WARNING: You may want to make sure the docker daemon is started or run 'colima start' first.\"" } else { "echo Skipping docker services"} }}
# Build the docker image
build: init
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "mkdir -p deps && docker-compose pull && docker-compose build" } else { "echo Skip building container..." } }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "mkdir -p deps && docker compose pull && docker compose build" } else { "echo Skip building container..." } }}
# Build the docker image
rebuild: init
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "mkdir -p deps && docker-compose build --no-cache" } else { "echo Skip building container..." } }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "mkdir -p deps && docker compose build --no-cache" } else { "echo Skip building container..." } }}
# Run a specific command in the container (if used), eg: `just cmd messclt` or `just cmd time` or `just cmd "echo hello"`
@cmd *args='': init
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "docker-compose run --service-ports web $@" } else {"$@"} }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "docker compose run --service-ports web $@" } else {"$@"} }}
# Open the shell of the web container, in dev mode
@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ shell:
# Run a specific mix command, while ignoring any deps cloned into forks, eg: `just mix-remote deps.get` or `just mix-remote deps.update pointers`
mix-remote *args='': init
echo % WITH_FORKS=0 mix $@
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "docker-compose run -e WITH_FORKS=0 web mix $@" } else {"WITH_FORKS=0 mix $@"} }}
{{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "docker compose run -e WITH_FORKS=0 web mix $@" } else {"WITH_FORKS=0 mix $@"} }}
just mix xref graph --format dot --include-siblings