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Matt Palmer 4d3d6f8d3a Strip non-address characters from Forwarded for=
This is something of a followup to #2528, which asked for port information to not be included in  when it was taken from the local socket.

The  header's  element may optionally contain port information (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7239#section-6).
However, as I understand it,  is *supposed* to only contain an IP address, without port (per #2528).

This PR corrects that discrepancy, making it easier to parse the result of this method in application code.

There should not be any compatibility concerns, as anyone parsing the output of  would already need to handle both port and portless cases anyway.
2024-04-27 06:46:25 +10:00

489 lines
16 KiB

use std::{convert::Infallible, net::SocketAddr};
use actix_utils::future::{err, ok, Ready};
use derive_more::{Display, Error};
use crate::{
dev::{AppConfig, Payload, RequestHead},
header::{self, HeaderName},
uri::{Authority, Scheme},
FromRequest, HttpRequest, ResponseError,
static X_FORWARDED_FOR: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static("x-forwarded-for");
static X_FORWARDED_HOST: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static("x-forwarded-host");
static X_FORWARDED_PROTO: HeaderName = HeaderName::from_static("x-forwarded-proto");
/// Trim whitespace then any quote marks.
fn unquote(val: &str) -> &str {
/// Remove port and IPv6 square brackets from a peer specification.
fn bare_address(val: &str) -> &str {
if val.starts_with('[') {
.map(|s| s.trim_start_matches('[').trim_end_matches(']'))
// This shouldn't *actually* ever happen
} else {
/// Extracts and trims first value for given header name.
fn first_header_value<'a>(req: &'a RequestHead, name: &'_ HeaderName) -> Option<&'a str> {
let hdr = req.headers.get(name)?.to_str().ok()?;
let val = hdr.split(',').next()?.trim();
/// HTTP connection information.
/// `ConnectionInfo` implements `FromRequest` and can be extracted in handlers.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use actix_web::{HttpResponse, Responder};
/// use actix_web::dev::ConnectionInfo;
/// async fn handler(conn: ConnectionInfo) -> impl Responder {
/// match conn.host() {
/// "actix.rs" => HttpResponse::Ok().body("Welcome!"),
/// "admin.actix.rs" => HttpResponse::Ok().body("Admin portal."),
/// _ => HttpResponse::NotFound().finish()
/// }
/// }
/// # let _svc = actix_web::web::to(handler);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// Parses `Forwarded` header information according to [RFC 7239][rfc7239] but does not try to
/// interpret the values for each property. As such, the getter methods on `ConnectionInfo` return
/// strings instead of IP addresses or other types to acknowledge that they may be
/// [obfuscated][rfc7239-63] or [unknown][rfc7239-62].
/// If the older, related headers are also present (eg. `X-Forwarded-For`), then `Forwarded`
/// is preferred.
/// [rfc7239]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7239
/// [rfc7239-62]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7239#section-6.2
/// [rfc7239-63]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7239#section-6.3
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct ConnectionInfo {
host: String,
scheme: String,
peer_addr: Option<String>,
realip_remote_addr: Option<String>,
impl ConnectionInfo {
pub(crate) fn new(req: &RequestHead, cfg: &AppConfig) -> ConnectionInfo {
let mut host = None;
let mut scheme = None;
let mut realip_remote_addr = None;
for (name, val) in req
.filter_map(|hdr| hdr.to_str().ok())
// "for=, for=; scheme=https"
.flat_map(|val| val.split(';'))
// ["for=, for=", " scheme=https"]
.flat_map(|vals| vals.split(','))
// ["for=", " for=", " scheme=https"]
.flat_map(|pair| {
let mut items = pair.trim().splitn(2, '=');
Some((items.next()?, items.next()?))
// [(name , val ), ... ]
// [("for", ""), ("for", ""), ("scheme", "https")]
// taking the first value for each property is correct because spec states that first
// "for" value is client and rest are proxies; multiple values other properties have
// no defined semantics
// > In a chain of proxy servers where this is fully utilized, the first
// > "for" parameter will disclose the client where the request was first
// > made, followed by any subsequent proxy identifiers.
// --- https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7239#section-5.2
match name.trim().to_lowercase().as_str() {
"for" => realip_remote_addr.get_or_insert_with(|| bare_address(unquote(val))),
"proto" => scheme.get_or_insert_with(|| unquote(val)),
"host" => host.get_or_insert_with(|| unquote(val)),
"by" => {
// TODO: implement https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7239#section-5.1
_ => continue,
let scheme = scheme
.or_else(|| first_header_value(req, &X_FORWARDED_PROTO))
.or_else(|| req.uri.scheme().map(Scheme::as_str))
.or_else(|| Some("https").filter(|_| cfg.secure()))
let host = host
.or_else(|| first_header_value(req, &X_FORWARDED_HOST))
.or_else(|| req.headers.get(&header::HOST)?.to_str().ok())
.or_else(|| req.uri.authority().map(Authority::as_str))
.unwrap_or_else(|| cfg.host())
let realip_remote_addr = realip_remote_addr
.or_else(|| first_header_value(req, &X_FORWARDED_FOR))
let peer_addr = req.peer_addr.map(|addr| addr.ip().to_string());
ConnectionInfo {
/// Real IP (remote address) of client that initiated request.
/// The address is resolved through the following, in order:
/// - `Forwarded` header
/// - `X-Forwarded-For` header
/// - peer address of opened socket (same as [`remote_addr`](Self::remote_addr))
/// # Security
/// Do not use this function for security purposes unless you can be sure that the `Forwarded`
/// and `X-Forwarded-For` headers cannot be spoofed by the client. If you are running without a
/// proxy then [obtaining the peer address](Self::peer_addr) would be more appropriate.
pub fn realip_remote_addr(&self) -> Option<&str> {
/// Returns serialized IP address of the peer connection.
/// See [`HttpRequest::peer_addr`] for more details.
pub fn peer_addr(&self) -> Option<&str> {
/// Hostname of the request.
/// Hostname is resolved through the following, in order:
/// - `Forwarded` header
/// - `X-Forwarded-Host` header
/// - `Host` header
/// - request target / URI
/// - configured server hostname
pub fn host(&self) -> &str {
/// Scheme of the request.
/// Scheme is resolved through the following, in order:
/// - `Forwarded` header
/// - `X-Forwarded-Proto` header
/// - request target / URI
pub fn scheme(&self) -> &str {
#[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Renamed to `peer_addr`.")]
pub fn remote_addr(&self) -> Option<&str> {
impl FromRequest for ConnectionInfo {
type Error = Infallible;
type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Self::Error>>;
fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, _: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
/// Extractor for peer's socket address.
/// Also see [`HttpRequest::peer_addr`] and [`ConnectionInfo::peer_addr`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use actix_web::Responder;
/// use actix_web::dev::PeerAddr;
/// async fn handler(peer_addr: PeerAddr) -> impl Responder {
/// let socket_addr = peer_addr.0;
/// socket_addr.to_string()
/// }
/// # let _svc = actix_web::web::to(handler);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Display)]
#[display(fmt = "{}", _0)]
pub struct PeerAddr(pub SocketAddr);
impl PeerAddr {
/// Unwrap into inner `SocketAddr` value.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> SocketAddr {
#[derive(Debug, Display, Error)]
#[display(fmt = "Missing peer address")]
pub struct MissingPeerAddr;
impl ResponseError for MissingPeerAddr {}
impl FromRequest for PeerAddr {
type Error = MissingPeerAddr;
type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Self::Error>>;
fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, _: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
match req.peer_addr() {
Some(addr) => ok(PeerAddr(addr)),
None => {
log::error!("Missing peer address.");
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::test::TestRequest;
const X_FORWARDED_FOR: &str = "x-forwarded-for";
const X_FORWARDED_HOST: &str = "x-forwarded-host";
const X_FORWARDED_PROTO: &str = "x-forwarded-proto";
fn info_default() {
let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request();
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.scheme(), "http");
assert_eq!(info.host(), "localhost:8080");
fn host_header() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((header::HOST, "rust-lang.org"))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.scheme(), "http");
assert_eq!(info.host(), "rust-lang.org");
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), None);
fn x_forwarded_for_header() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((X_FORWARDED_FOR, ""))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some(""));
fn x_forwarded_host_header() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((X_FORWARDED_HOST, ""))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.host(), "");
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), None);
fn x_forwarded_proto_header() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((X_FORWARDED_PROTO, "https"))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.scheme(), "https");
fn forwarded_header() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
"for=; proto=https; by=; host=rust-lang.org",
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.scheme(), "https");
assert_eq!(info.host(), "rust-lang.org");
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some(""));
let req = TestRequest::default()
"for=; proto=https; by=; host=rust-lang.org",
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.scheme(), "https");
assert_eq!(info.host(), "rust-lang.org");
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some(""));
fn forwarded_case_sensitivity() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((header::FORWARDED, "For="))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some(""));
fn forwarded_weird_whitespace() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((header::FORWARDED, "for=; proto= https"))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some(""));
assert_eq!(info.scheme(), "https");
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((header::FORWARDED, " for = "))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some(""));
fn forwarded_for_quoted() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((header::FORWARDED, r#"for="""#))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some(""));
fn forwarded_for_ipv6() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((header::FORWARDED, r#"for="[2001:db8:cafe::17]""#))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some("2001:db8:cafe::17"));
fn forwarded_for_ipv6_with_port() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((header::FORWARDED, r#"for="[2001:db8:cafe::17]:4711""#))
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some("2001:db8:cafe::17"));
fn forwarded_for_multiple() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
.insert_header((header::FORWARDED, "for=, for="))
let info = req.connection_info();
// takes the first value
assert_eq!(info.realip_remote_addr(), Some(""));
fn scheme_from_uri() {
let req = TestRequest::get()
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.scheme(), "https");
fn host_from_uri() {
let req = TestRequest::get()
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.host(), "actix.rs");
fn host_from_server_hostname() {
let mut req = TestRequest::get();
let req = req.to_http_request();
let info = req.connection_info();
assert_eq!(info.host(), "actix.rs");
async fn conn_info_extract() {
let req = TestRequest::default()
let conn_info = ConnectionInfo::extract(&req).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(conn_info.scheme(), "https");
assert_eq!(conn_info.host(), "actix.rs");
async fn peer_addr_extract() {
let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request();
let res = PeerAddr::extract(&req).await;
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let req = TestRequest::default().peer_addr(addr).to_http_request();
let peer_addr = PeerAddr::extract(&req).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(peer_addr, PeerAddr(addr));
async fn remote_address() {
let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request();
let res = ConnectionInfo::extract(&req).await.unwrap();
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let req = TestRequest::default().peer_addr(addr).to_http_request();
let conn_info = ConnectionInfo::extract(&req).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(conn_info.peer_addr().unwrap(), "");
async fn real_ip_from_socket_addr() {
let req = TestRequest::default().to_http_request();
let res = ConnectionInfo::extract(&req).await.unwrap();
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let req = TestRequest::default().peer_addr(addr).to_http_request();
let conn_info = ConnectionInfo::extract(&req).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(conn_info.realip_remote_addr().unwrap(), "");