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remove boxed future for Option<T> and Result<T, E> extract type (#1829)
* remove boxed future for Option<T> and Result<T, E> extract type

* use ready macro

* fix fmt
2020-12-16 18:34:10 +00:00

425 lines
12 KiB

//! Request extractors
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use actix_http::error::Error;
use futures_util::future::{ready, Ready};
use futures_util::ready;
use crate::dev::Payload;
use crate::request::HttpRequest;
/// Trait implemented by types that can be extracted from request.
/// Types that implement this trait can be used with `Route` handlers.
pub trait FromRequest: Sized {
/// The associated error which can be returned.
type Error: Into<Error>;
/// Future that resolves to a Self
type Future: Future<Output = Result<Self, Self::Error>>;
/// Configuration for this extractor
type Config: Default + 'static;
/// Convert request to a Self
fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future;
/// Convert request to a Self
/// This method uses `Payload::None` as payload stream.
fn extract(req: &HttpRequest) -> Self::Future {
Self::from_request(req, &mut Payload::None)
/// Create and configure config instance.
fn configure<F>(f: F) -> Self::Config
F: FnOnce(Self::Config) -> Self::Config,
/// Optionally extract a field from the request
/// If the FromRequest for T fails, return None rather than returning an error response
/// ## Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_web::{web, dev, App, Error, HttpRequest, FromRequest};
/// use actix_web::error::ErrorBadRequest;
/// use futures_util::future::{ok, err, Ready};
/// use serde_derive::Deserialize;
/// use rand;
/// #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
/// struct Thing {
/// name: String
/// }
/// impl FromRequest for Thing {
/// type Error = Error;
/// type Future = Ready<Result<Self, Self::Error>>;
/// type Config = ();
/// fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut dev::Payload) -> Self::Future {
/// if rand::random() {
/// ok(Thing { name: "thingy".into() })
/// } else {
/// err(ErrorBadRequest("no luck"))
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// /// extract `Thing` from request
/// async fn index(supplied_thing: Option<Thing>) -> String {
/// match supplied_thing {
/// // Puns not intended
/// Some(thing) => format!("Got something: {:?}", thing),
/// None => format!("No thing!")
/// }
/// }
/// fn main() {
/// let app = App::new().service(
/// web::resource("/users/:first").route(
/// web::post().to(index))
/// );
/// }
/// ```
impl<T: 'static> FromRequest for Option<T>
T: FromRequest,
T::Future: 'static,
type Error = Error;
type Future = FromRequestOptFuture<T::Future>;
type Config = T::Config;
fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
FromRequestOptFuture {
fut: T::from_request(req, payload),
pub struct FromRequestOptFuture<Fut> {
fut: Fut,
impl<Fut, T, E> Future for FromRequestOptFuture<Fut>
Fut: Future<Output = Result<T, E>>,
E: Into<Error>,
type Output = Result<Option<T>, Error>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.project();
let res = ready!(this.fut.poll(cx));
match res {
Ok(t) => Poll::Ready(Ok(Some(t))),
Err(e) => {
log::debug!("Error for Option<T> extractor: {}", e.into());
/// Optionally extract a field from the request or extract the Error if unsuccessful
/// If the `FromRequest` for T fails, inject Err into handler rather than returning an error response
/// ## Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_web::{web, dev, App, Result, Error, HttpRequest, FromRequest};
/// use actix_web::error::ErrorBadRequest;
/// use futures_util::future::{ok, err, Ready};
/// use serde_derive::Deserialize;
/// use rand;
/// #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
/// struct Thing {
/// name: String
/// }
/// impl FromRequest for Thing {
/// type Error = Error;
/// type Future = Ready<Result<Thing, Error>>;
/// type Config = ();
/// fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut dev::Payload) -> Self::Future {
/// if rand::random() {
/// ok(Thing { name: "thingy".into() })
/// } else {
/// err(ErrorBadRequest("no luck"))
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// /// extract `Thing` from request
/// async fn index(supplied_thing: Result<Thing>) -> String {
/// match supplied_thing {
/// Ok(thing) => format!("Got thing: {:?}", thing),
/// Err(e) => format!("Error extracting thing: {}", e)
/// }
/// }
/// fn main() {
/// let app = App::new().service(
/// web::resource("/users/:first").route(web::post().to(index))
/// );
/// }
/// ```
impl<T> FromRequest for Result<T, T::Error>
T: FromRequest + 'static,
T::Error: 'static,
T::Future: 'static,
type Error = Error;
type Future = FromRequestResFuture<T::Future>;
type Config = T::Config;
fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
FromRequestResFuture {
fut: T::from_request(req, payload),
pub struct FromRequestResFuture<Fut> {
fut: Fut,
impl<Fut, T, E> Future for FromRequestResFuture<Fut>
Fut: Future<Output = Result<T, E>>,
type Output = Result<Result<T, E>, Error>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let this = self.project();
let res = ready!(this.fut.poll(cx));
impl FromRequest for () {
type Error = Error;
type Future = Ready<Result<(), Error>>;
type Config = ();
fn from_request(_: &HttpRequest, _: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
macro_rules! tuple_from_req ({$fut_type:ident, $(($n:tt, $T:ident)),+} => {
// This module is a trick to get around the inability of
// `macro_rules!` macros to make new idents. We want to make
// a new `FutWrapper` struct for each distinct invocation of
// this macro. Ideally, we would name it something like
// `FutWrapper_$fut_type`, but this can't be done in a macro_rules
// macro.
// Instead, we put everything in a module named `$fut_type`, thus allowing
// us to use the name `FutWrapper` without worrying about conflicts.
// This macro only exists to generate trait impls for tuples - these
// are inherently global, so users don't have to care about this
// weird trick.
mod $fut_type {
// Bring everything into scope, so we don't need
// redundant imports
use super::*;
/// A helper struct to allow us to pin-project through
/// to individual fields
struct FutWrapper<$($T: FromRequest),+>($(#[pin] $T::Future),+);
/// FromRequest implementation for tuple
impl<$($T: FromRequest + 'static),+> FromRequest for ($($T,)+)
type Error = Error;
type Future = $fut_type<$($T),+>;
type Config = ($($T::Config),+);
fn from_request(req: &HttpRequest, payload: &mut Payload) -> Self::Future {
$fut_type {
items: <($(Option<$T>,)+)>::default(),
futs: FutWrapper($($T::from_request(req, payload),)+),
pub struct $fut_type<$($T: FromRequest),+> {
items: ($(Option<$T>,)+),
futs: FutWrapper<$($T,)+>,
impl<$($T: FromRequest),+> Future for $fut_type<$($T),+>
type Output = Result<($($T,)+), Error>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let mut this = self.project();
let mut ready = true;
if this.items.$n.is_none() {
match this.futs.as_mut().project().$n.poll(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(item)) => {
this.items.$n = Some(item);
Poll::Pending => ready = false,
Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => return Poll::Ready(Err(e.into())),
if ready {
} else {
mod m {
use super::*;
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest1, (0, A));
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest2, (0, A), (1, B));
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest3, (0, A), (1, B), (2, C));
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest4, (0, A), (1, B), (2, C), (3, D));
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest5, (0, A), (1, B), (2, C), (3, D), (4, E));
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest6, (0, A), (1, B), (2, C), (3, D), (4, E), (5, F));
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest7, (0, A), (1, B), (2, C), (3, D), (4, E), (5, F), (6, G));
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest8, (0, A), (1, B), (2, C), (3, D), (4, E), (5, F), (6, G), (7, H));
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest9, (0, A), (1, B), (2, C), (3, D), (4, E), (5, F), (6, G), (7, H), (8, I));
tuple_from_req!(TupleFromRequest10, (0, A), (1, B), (2, C), (3, D), (4, E), (5, F), (6, G), (7, H), (8, I), (9, J));
mod tests {
use actix_http::http::header;
use bytes::Bytes;
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use super::*;
use crate::test::TestRequest;
use crate::types::{Form, FormConfig};
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Info {
hello: String,
async fn test_option() {
let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::with_header(
let r = Option::<Form<Info>>::from_request(&req, &mut pl)
assert_eq!(r, None);
let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::with_header(
.header(header::CONTENT_LENGTH, "9")
let r = Option::<Form<Info>>::from_request(&req, &mut pl)
Some(Form(Info {
hello: "world".into()
let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::with_header(
.header(header::CONTENT_LENGTH, "9")
let r = Option::<Form<Info>>::from_request(&req, &mut pl)
assert_eq!(r, None);
async fn test_result() {
let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::with_header(
.header(header::CONTENT_LENGTH, "11")
let r = Result::<Form<Info>, Error>::from_request(&req, &mut pl)
Form(Info {
hello: "world".into()
let (req, mut pl) = TestRequest::with_header(
.header(header::CONTENT_LENGTH, "9")
let r = Result::<Form<Info>, Error>::from_request(&req, &mut pl)