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2019-03-30 04:13:39 +00:00
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::mem::replace;
use chrono::Duration;
2019-03-30 04:13:39 +00:00
use super::delta::DeltaCookie;
use super::Cookie;
#[cfg(feature = "secure-cookies")]
use super::secure::{Key, PrivateJar, SignedJar};
/// A collection of cookies that tracks its modifications.
/// A `CookieJar` provides storage for any number of cookies. Any changes made
/// to the jar are tracked; the changes can be retrieved via the
/// [delta](#method.delta) method which returns an interator over the changes.
/// # Usage
/// A jar's life begins via [new](#method.new) and calls to
/// [`add_original`](#method.add_original):
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{Cookie, CookieJar};
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("second", "another"));
/// ```
/// Cookies can be added via [add](#method.add) and removed via
/// [remove](#method.remove). Finally, cookies can be looked up via
/// [get](#method.get):
/// ```rust
/// # use actix_http::cookie::{Cookie, CookieJar};
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("a", "one"));
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("b", "two"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.get("a").map(|c| c.value()), Some("one"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.get("b").map(|c| c.value()), Some("two"));
/// jar.remove(Cookie::named("b"));
/// assert!(jar.get("b").is_none());
/// ```
/// # Deltas
/// A jar keeps track of any modifications made to it over time. The
/// modifications are recorded as cookies. The modifications can be retrieved
/// via [delta](#method.delta). Any new `Cookie` added to a jar via `add`
/// results in the same `Cookie` appearing in the `delta`; cookies added via
/// `add_original` do not count towards the delta. Any _original_ cookie that is
/// removed from a jar results in a "removal" cookie appearing in the delta. A
/// "removal" cookie is a cookie that a server sends so that the cookie is
/// removed from the client's machine.
/// Deltas are typically used to create `Set-Cookie` headers corresponding to
/// the changes made to a cookie jar over a period of time.
/// ```rust
/// # use actix_http::cookie::{Cookie, CookieJar};
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// // original cookies don't affect the delta
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("original", "value"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 0);
/// // new cookies result in an equivalent `Cookie` in the delta
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("a", "one"));
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("b", "two"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 2);
/// // removing an original cookie adds a "removal" cookie to the delta
/// jar.remove(Cookie::named("original"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 3);
/// // removing a new cookie that was added removes that `Cookie` from the delta
/// jar.remove(Cookie::named("a"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 2);
/// ```
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct CookieJar {
original_cookies: HashSet<DeltaCookie>,
delta_cookies: HashSet<DeltaCookie>,
impl CookieJar {
/// Creates an empty cookie jar.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::CookieJar;
/// let jar = CookieJar::new();
/// assert_eq!(jar.iter().count(), 0);
/// ```
pub fn new() -> CookieJar {
/// Returns a reference to the `Cookie` inside this jar with the name
/// `name`. If no such cookie exists, returns `None`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// assert!(jar.get("name").is_none());
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.get("name").map(|c| c.value()), Some("value"));
/// ```
pub fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Cookie<'static>> {
.or_else(|| self.original_cookies.get(name))
.and_then(|c| if !c.removed { Some(&c.cookie) } else { None })
/// Adds an "original" `cookie` to this jar. If an original cookie with the
/// same name already exists, it is replaced with `cookie`. Cookies added
/// with `add` take precedence and are not replaced by this method.
/// Adding an original cookie does not affect the [delta](#method.delta)
/// computation. This method is intended to be used to seed the cookie jar
/// with cookies received from a client's HTTP message.
/// For accurate `delta` computations, this method should not be called
/// after calling `remove`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("second", "two"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.get("name").map(|c| c.value()), Some("value"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.get("second").map(|c| c.value()), Some("two"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.iter().count(), 2);
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 0);
/// ```
pub fn add_original(&mut self, cookie: Cookie<'static>) {
/// Adds `cookie` to this jar. If a cookie with the same name already
/// exists, it is replaced with `cookie`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("second", "two"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.get("name").map(|c| c.value()), Some("value"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.get("second").map(|c| c.value()), Some("two"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.iter().count(), 2);
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 2);
/// ```
pub fn add(&mut self, cookie: Cookie<'static>) {
/// Removes `cookie` from this jar. If an _original_ cookie with the same
/// name as `cookie` is present in the jar, a _removal_ cookie will be
/// present in the `delta` computation. To properly generate the removal
/// cookie, `cookie` must contain the same `path` and `domain` as the cookie
/// that was initially set.
/// A "removal" cookie is a cookie that has the same name as the original
/// cookie but has an empty value, a max-age of 0, and an expiration date
/// far in the past.
/// # Example
/// Removing an _original_ cookie results in a _removal_ cookie:
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
/// use chrono::Duration;
2019-03-30 04:13:39 +00:00
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// // Assume this cookie originally had a path of "/" and domain of "a.b".
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// // If the path and domain were set, they must be provided to `remove`.
/// jar.remove(Cookie::build("name", "").path("/").domain("a.b").finish());
/// // The delta will contain the removal cookie.
/// let delta: Vec<_> = jar.delta().collect();
/// assert_eq!(delta.len(), 1);
/// assert_eq!(delta[0].name(), "name");
/// assert_eq!(delta[0].max_age(), Some(Duration::seconds(0)));
/// # }
/// ```
/// Removing a new cookie does not result in a _removal_ cookie:
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
/// jar.remove(Cookie::named("name"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 0);
/// ```
pub fn remove(&mut self, mut cookie: Cookie<'static>) {
if self.original_cookies.contains(cookie.name()) {
cookie.set_expires(time::now() - Duration::days(365));
} else {
/// Removes `cookie` from this jar completely. This method differs from
/// `remove` in that no delta cookie is created under any condition. Neither
/// the `delta` nor `iter` methods will return a cookie that is removed
/// using this method.
/// # Example
/// Removing an _original_ cookie; no _removal_ cookie is generated:
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
/// use chrono::Duration;
2019-03-30 04:13:39 +00:00
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// // Add an original cookie and a new cookie.
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("key", "value"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
/// assert_eq!(jar.iter().count(), 2);
/// // Now force remove the original cookie.
/// jar.force_remove(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
/// assert_eq!(jar.iter().count(), 1);
/// // Now force remove the new cookie.
/// jar.force_remove(Cookie::new("key", "value"));
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 0);
/// assert_eq!(jar.iter().count(), 0);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn force_remove<'a>(&mut self, cookie: Cookie<'a>) {
/// Removes all cookies from this cookie jar.
since = "0.7.0",
note = "calling this method may not remove \
all cookies since the path and domain are not specified; use \
`remove` instead"
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
for delta in replace(&mut self.original_cookies, HashSet::new()) {
/// Returns an iterator over cookies that represent the changes to this jar
/// over time. These cookies can be rendered directly as `Set-Cookie` header
/// values to affect the changes made to this jar on the client.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("second", "two"));
/// // Add new cookies.
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("new", "third"));
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("another", "fourth"));
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("yac", "fifth"));
/// // Remove some cookies.
/// jar.remove(Cookie::named("name"));
/// jar.remove(Cookie::named("another"));
/// // Delta contains two new cookies ("new", "yac") and a removal ("name").
/// assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 3);
/// ```
pub fn delta(&self) -> Delta {
Delta {
iter: self.delta_cookies.iter(),
/// Returns an iterator over all of the cookies present in this jar.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{CookieJar, Cookie};
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "value"));
/// jar.add_original(Cookie::new("second", "two"));
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("new", "third"));
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("another", "fourth"));
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("yac", "fifth"));
/// jar.remove(Cookie::named("name"));
/// jar.remove(Cookie::named("another"));
/// // There are three cookies in the jar: "second", "new", and "yac".
/// # assert_eq!(jar.iter().count(), 3);
/// for cookie in jar.iter() {
/// match cookie.name() {
/// "second" => assert_eq!(cookie.value(), "two"),
/// "new" => assert_eq!(cookie.value(), "third"),
/// "yac" => assert_eq!(cookie.value(), "fifth"),
/// _ => unreachable!("there are only three cookies in the jar")
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter {
Iter {
delta_cookies: self
/// Returns a `PrivateJar` with `self` as its parent jar using the key `key`
/// to sign/encrypt and verify/decrypt cookies added/retrieved from the
/// child jar.
/// Any modifications to the child jar will be reflected on the parent jar,
/// and any retrievals from the child jar will be made from the parent jar.
/// This method is only available when the `secure` feature is enabled.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{Cookie, CookieJar, Key};
/// // Generate a secure key.
/// let key = Key::generate();
/// // Add a private (signed + encrypted) cookie.
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// jar.private(&key).add(Cookie::new("private", "text"));
/// // The cookie's contents are encrypted.
/// assert_ne!(jar.get("private").unwrap().value(), "text");
/// // They can be decrypted and verified through the child jar.
/// assert_eq!(jar.private(&key).get("private").unwrap().value(), "text");
/// // A tampered with cookie does not validate but still exists.
/// let mut cookie = jar.get("private").unwrap().clone();
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("private", cookie.value().to_string() + "!"));
/// assert!(jar.private(&key).get("private").is_none());
/// assert!(jar.get("private").is_some());
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "secure-cookies")]
pub fn private(&mut self, key: &Key) -> PrivateJar {
PrivateJar::new(self, key)
/// Returns a `SignedJar` with `self` as its parent jar using the key `key`
/// to sign/verify cookies added/retrieved from the child jar.
/// Any modifications to the child jar will be reflected on the parent jar,
/// and any retrievals from the child jar will be made from the parent jar.
/// This method is only available when the `secure` feature is enabled.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use actix_http::cookie::{Cookie, CookieJar, Key};
/// // Generate a secure key.
/// let key = Key::generate();
/// // Add a signed cookie.
/// let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
/// jar.signed(&key).add(Cookie::new("signed", "text"));
/// // The cookie's contents are signed but still in plaintext.
/// assert_ne!(jar.get("signed").unwrap().value(), "text");
/// assert!(jar.get("signed").unwrap().value().contains("text"));
/// // They can be verified through the child jar.
/// assert_eq!(jar.signed(&key).get("signed").unwrap().value(), "text");
/// // A tampered with cookie does not validate but still exists.
/// let mut cookie = jar.get("signed").unwrap().clone();
/// jar.add(Cookie::new("signed", cookie.value().to_string() + "!"));
/// assert!(jar.signed(&key).get("signed").is_none());
/// assert!(jar.get("signed").is_some());
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "secure-cookies")]
pub fn signed(&mut self, key: &Key) -> SignedJar {
SignedJar::new(self, key)
use std::collections::hash_set::Iter as HashSetIter;
/// Iterator over the changes to a cookie jar.
pub struct Delta<'a> {
iter: HashSetIter<'a, DeltaCookie>,
impl<'a> Iterator for Delta<'a> {
type Item = &'a Cookie<'static>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a Cookie<'static>> {
self.iter.next().map(|c| &c.cookie)
use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;
use std::collections::hash_set::Difference;
use std::iter::Chain;
/// Iterator over all of the cookies in a jar.
pub struct Iter<'a> {
Chain<HashSetIter<'a, DeltaCookie>, Difference<'a, DeltaCookie, RandomState>>,
impl<'a> Iterator for Iter<'a> {
type Item = &'a Cookie<'static>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a Cookie<'static>> {
for cookie in self.delta_cookies.by_ref() {
if !cookie.removed {
return Some(&*cookie);
mod test {
2019-04-01 00:04:34 +00:00
#[cfg(feature = "secure-cookies")]
use super::Key;
use super::{Cookie, CookieJar};
2019-03-30 04:13:39 +00:00
fn simple() {
let mut c = CookieJar::new();
c.add(Cookie::new("test", ""));
c.add(Cookie::new("test2", ""));
c.add(Cookie::new("test3", ""));
fn jar_is_send() {
fn is_send<T: Send>(_: T) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "secure-cookies")]
fn iter() {
let key = Key::generate();
let mut c = CookieJar::new();
c.add_original(Cookie::new("original", "original"));
c.add(Cookie::new("test", "test"));
c.add(Cookie::new("test2", "test2"));
c.add(Cookie::new("test3", "test3"));
assert_eq!(c.iter().count(), 4);
c.signed(&key).add(Cookie::new("signed", "signed"));
c.private(&key).add(Cookie::new("encrypted", "encrypted"));
assert_eq!(c.iter().count(), 6);
assert_eq!(c.iter().count(), 5);
assert_eq!(c.iter().count(), 3);
c.add(Cookie::new("test2", "test2"));
assert_eq!(c.iter().count(), 4);
assert_eq!(c.iter().count(), 3);
#[cfg(feature = "secure-cookies")]
fn delta() {
use chrono::Duration;
2019-04-20 00:23:17 +00:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
2019-03-30 04:13:39 +00:00
let mut c = CookieJar::new();
c.add_original(Cookie::new("original", "original"));
c.add_original(Cookie::new("original1", "original1"));
c.add(Cookie::new("test", "test"));
c.add(Cookie::new("test2", "test2"));
c.add(Cookie::new("test3", "test3"));
c.add(Cookie::new("test4", "test4"));
assert_eq!(c.delta().count(), 4);
let names: HashMap<_, _> = c.delta().map(|c| (c.name(), c.max_age())).collect();
assert_eq!(names.get("original").unwrap(), &Some(Duration::seconds(0)));
fn replace_original() {
let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
jar.add_original(Cookie::new("original_a", "a"));
jar.add_original(Cookie::new("original_b", "b"));
assert_eq!(jar.get("original_a").unwrap().value(), "a");
jar.add(Cookie::new("original_a", "av2"));
assert_eq!(jar.get("original_a").unwrap().value(), "av2");
fn empty_delta() {
let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
jar.add(Cookie::new("name", "val"));
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 0);
jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "val"));
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
jar.add(Cookie::new("name", "val"));
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
fn add_remove_add() {
let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "val"));
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().filter(|c| c.value().is_empty()).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
// The cookie's been deleted. Another original doesn't change that.
jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "val"));
assert_eq!(jar.delta().filter(|c| c.value().is_empty()).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().filter(|c| c.value().is_empty()).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
jar.add(Cookie::new("name", "val"));
assert_eq!(jar.delta().filter(|c| !c.value().is_empty()).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().filter(|c| c.value().is_empty()).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
fn replace_remove() {
let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
jar.add_original(Cookie::new("name", "val"));
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 0);
jar.add(Cookie::new("name", "val"));
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().filter(|c| !c.value().is_empty()).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().filter(|c| c.value().is_empty()).count(), 1);
fn remove_with_path() {
let mut jar = CookieJar::new();
jar.add_original(Cookie::build("name", "val").finish());
assert_eq!(jar.iter().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(jar.iter().filter(|c| c.path().is_none()).count(), 1);
jar.remove(Cookie::build("name", "").path("/").finish());
assert_eq!(jar.iter().count(), 0);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().filter(|c| c.value().is_empty()).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(jar.delta().filter(|c| c.path() == Some("/")).count(), 1);