2020-08-09 18:32:15 -05:00

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//! Types and traits for dealing with Activity attributes
//! ```rust
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
//! use activitystreams::{
//! activity::Create,
//! context,
//! prelude::*,
//! uri,
//! };
//! let mut create = Create::new(
//! uri!(""),
//! uri!(""),
//! );
//! create
//! .set_result(uri!(""))
//! .set_instrument(uri!(""))
//! .set_id(uri!(""))
//! .set_context(context());
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
use crate::{
base::{AnyBase, AsBase, Base, BaseExt, Extends},
object::{ApObject, AsObject, Object},
unparsed::{Unparsed, UnparsedMut, UnparsedMutExt},
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use url::Url;
pub mod kind {
//! Kinds of activities defined by the spec
//! These types exist only to be statically-typed versions of the associated string. e.g.
//! `CreateType` -> `"Create"`
use crate::kind;
kind!(AcceptType, Accept);
kind!(AddType, Add);
kind!(AnnounceType, Announce);
kind!(ArriveType, Arrive);
kind!(BlockType, Block);
kind!(CreateType, Create);
kind!(DeleteType, Delete);
kind!(DislikeType, Dislike);
kind!(FlagType, Flag);
kind!(FollowType, Follow);
kind!(IgnoreType, Ignore);
kind!(InviteType, Invite);
kind!(JoinType, Join);
kind!(LeaveType, Leave);
kind!(LikeType, Like);
kind!(ListenType, Listen);
kind!(MoveType, Move);
kind!(OfferType, Offer);
kind!(QuestionType, Question);
kind!(ReadType, Read);
kind!(RejectType, Reject);
kind!(RemoveType, Remove);
kind!(TentativeAcceptType, TentativeAccept);
kind!(TentativeRejectType, TentativeReject);
kind!(TravelType, Travel);
kind!(UndoType, Undo);
kind!(UpdateType, Update);
kind!(ViewType, View);
use self::kind::*;
/// Implementation trait for deriving Activity methods for a type
/// Any type implementing AsObject will automatically gain methods provided by ActivityExt
pub trait AsActivity<Kind>: markers::Activity {
/// Immutable borrow of `Activity<Kind>`
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<Kind>;
/// Mutable borrow of `Activity<Kind>`
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<Kind>;
/// Implementation trait for deriving Actor and Object methods for a type
/// Any type implementing ActorAndObjectRef will automatically gain methods provided by
/// `ActorAndObjectRefExt`
pub trait ActorAndObjectRef: markers::Activity {
/// Immutable borrow of actor field
fn actor_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase>;
/// Mutable borrow of actor field
fn object_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase>;
/// Immutable borrow of object field
fn actor_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase>;
/// Mutable borrow of object field
fn object_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase>;
/// Implementation trait for deriving Target methods for a type
/// Any type implementing TargetRef will automatically gain methods provided by `TargetRefExt`
pub trait TargetRef: markers::Activity {
/// Immutable borrow of target field
fn target_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase>;
/// Mutable borrow of target field
fn target_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase>;
/// Implementation trait for deriving Origin methods for a type
/// Any type implementing OriginRef will automatically gain methods provided by
/// `OriginRefExt`
pub trait OriginRef: markers::Activity {
/// Immutable borrow of origin field
fn origin_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase>;
/// Mutable borrow of origin field
fn origin_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase>;
/// Implementation trait for deriving Target methods for a type
/// Any type implementing OptTargetRef will automatically gain methods provided by
/// `OptTargetRefExt`
pub trait OptTargetRef: markers::Activity {
/// Immutable borrow of target field
fn target_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>;
/// Mutable borrow of target field
fn target_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>;
/// Implementation trait for deriving Origin methods for a type
/// Any type implementing OptOriginRef will automatically gain methods provided by
/// `OptOriginRefExt`
pub trait OptOriginRef: markers::Activity {
/// Immutable borrow of origin field
fn origin_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>;
/// Mutable borrow of origin field
fn origin_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>;
/// Implementation trait for deriving Question methods for a type
/// Any type implementing AsQuestion will automatically gain methods provided by
/// `QuestionExt`
pub trait AsQuestion: markers::Activity {
/// Immutable borrow of Question
fn question_ref(&self) -> &Question;
/// Mutable borrow of Question
fn question_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Question;
/// Helper methods for interacting with Activity types
/// This trait represents methods valid for any ActivityStreams Activity
/// Documentation for the fields related to these methods can be found on the `Activity`
/// struct
pub trait ActivityExt<Kind>: AsActivity<Kind> {
/// Fetch the result for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(result) = question.result() {
/// println!("{:?}", result);
/// }
/// ```
fn result<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a OneOrMany<AnyBase>>
Kind: 'a,
/// Set the result for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of result
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question.set_result(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_result<T>(&mut self, result: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
self.activity_mut().result = Some(result.into().into());
/// Set many results for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of result
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question.set_many_results(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_results<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
self.activity_mut().result = Some(v.into());
/// Add a result to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of result, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::{prelude::*, uri};
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question
/// .add_result(uri!(""))
/// .add_result(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_result<T>(&mut self, result: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let c = match self.activity_mut().result.take() {
Some(mut c) => {
None => vec![result.into()].into(),
self.activity_mut().result = Some(c);
/// Take the result from the current activity, leaving nothing
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(result) = question.take_result() {
/// println!("{:?}", result);
/// }
/// ```
fn take_result(&mut self) -> Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Delete the result from the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// # question.set_result(uri!(""));
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// assert!(question.result().is_some());
/// question.delete_result();
/// assert!(question.result().is_none());
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn delete_result(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.activity_mut().result = None;
/// Fetch the instrument for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(instrument) = question.instrument() {
/// println!("{:?}", instrument);
/// }
/// ```
fn instrument<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a OneOrMany<AnyBase>>
Kind: 'a,
/// Set the instrument for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of instrument
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question.set_instrument(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_instrument<T>(&mut self, instrument: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
self.activity_mut().instrument = Some(instrument.into().into());
/// Set many instruments for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of instrument
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question.set_many_instruments(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_instruments<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
self.activity_mut().instrument = Some(v.into());
/// Add a instrument to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of instrument, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question
/// .add_instrument(uri!(""))
/// .add_instrument(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_instrument<T>(&mut self, instrument: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let c = match self.activity_mut().instrument.take() {
Some(mut c) => {
None => vec![instrument.into()].into(),
self.activity_mut().instrument = Some(c);
/// Take the instrument from the current activity, leaving nothing
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(instrument) = question.take_instrument() {
/// println!("{:?}", instrument);
/// }
/// ```
fn take_instrument(&mut self) -> Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Delete the instrument from the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// # question.set_instrument(uri!(""));
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// assert!(question.instrument().is_some());
/// question.delete_instrument();
/// assert!(question.instrument().is_none());
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn delete_instrument(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.activity_mut().instrument = None;
/// Helper methods for interacting with Activity types with actor and object fields
/// Documentation for the fields related to these methods can be found on the
/// `ActorAndObject` struct
pub trait ActorAndObjectRefExt: ActorAndObjectRef {
/// Fetch the actor for the current activity, erroring if the actor's domain does not match the
/// ID's domain
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// let actor_ref =;
/// println!("{:?}", actor_ref);
/// ```
fn actor<'a, Kind>(&'a self) -> Result<&OneOrMany<AnyBase>, DomainError>
Self: BaseExt<Kind>,
Kind: 'a,
let unchecked = self.actor_unchecked();
if unchecked.as_single_id().and_then(|id| id.domain())
!= self.id_unchecked().and_then(|id| id.domain())
return Err(DomainError);
/// Fetch the actor for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// let actor_ref = create.actor_unchecked();
/// println!("{:?}", actor_ref);
/// ```
fn actor_unchecked(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
/// Check if the actor's ID is `id`
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create, uri};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// create.set_actor(uri!(""));
/// assert!(create.actor_is(&uri!("")));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn actor_is(&self, id: &Url) -> bool {
/// Set the actor for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of actor
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create, uri};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// create.set_actor(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_actor<T>(&mut self, actor: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
*self.actor_field_mut() = actor.into().into();
/// Set many actors for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of actor
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create, uri};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// create.set_many_actors(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_actors<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
*self.actor_field_mut() = v.into();
/// Add a actor to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of actor, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create, uri};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// create
/// .add_actor(uri!(""))
/// .add_actor(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_actor<T>(&mut self, actor: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
/// Fetch the object for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// let object_ref = create.object();
/// println!("{:?}", object_ref);
/// ```
fn object(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
/// Check if the object's ID is `id`
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create, uri};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// create.set_object(uri!(""));
/// assert!(create.object_is(&uri!("")));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn object_is(&self, id: &Url) -> bool {
/// Set the object for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of object
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create, uri};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// create.set_object(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_object<T>(&mut self, object: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
*self.object_field_mut() = object.into().into();
/// Set many objects for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of object
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create, uri};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// create.set_many_objects(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_objects<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
*self.object_field_mut() = v.into();
/// Add a object to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of object, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Create, uri};
/// # let mut create = Create::new(context(), context());
/// create
/// .add_object(uri!(""))
/// .add_object(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_object<T>(&mut self, object: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
/// Helper methods for interacting with Activity types with a target field
/// Documentation for the target field can be found on the `Invite` struct
pub trait TargetRefExt: TargetRef {
/// Fetch the target for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Invite};
/// # let mut invite = Invite::new(context(), context(), context());
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// let target_ref =;
/// println!("{:?}", target_ref);
/// ```
fn target(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
/// Set the target for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of target
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Invite, uri};
/// # let mut invite = Invite::new(context(), context(), context());
/// invite.set_target(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_target<T>(&mut self, target: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
*self.target_field_mut() = target.into().into();
/// Set many targets for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of target
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Invite, uri};
/// # let mut invite = Invite::new(context(), context(), context());
/// invite.set_many_targets(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_targets<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
*self.target_field_mut() = v.into();
/// Add a target to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of target, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Invite, uri};
/// # let mut invite = Invite::new(context(), context(), context());
/// invite
/// .add_target(uri!(""))
/// .add_target(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_target<T>(&mut self, target: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
/// Helper methods for interacting with Activity types with an origin
/// Documentation for the origin field can be found on the `Arrive` struct
pub trait OriginRefExt: OriginRef {
/// Fetch the origin for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Arrive};
/// # let mut arrive = Arrive::new(context(), context());
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// let origin_ref = arrive.origin();
/// println!("{:?}", origin_ref);
/// ```
fn origin(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
/// Set the origin for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of origin
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Arrive, uri};
/// # let mut arrive = Arrive::new(context(), context());
/// arrive.set_origin(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_origin<T>(&mut self, origin: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
*self.origin_field_mut() = origin.into().into();
/// Set many origins for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of origin
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Arrive, uri};
/// # let mut arrive = Arrive::new(context(), context());
/// arrive.set_many_origins(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_origins<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
*self.origin_field_mut() = v.into();
/// Add a origin to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of origin, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Arrive, uri};
/// # let mut arrive = Arrive::new(context(), context());
/// arrive
/// .add_origin(uri!(""))
/// .add_origin(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_origin<T>(&mut self, origin: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
/// Helper methods for interacting with Activity types with an optional target field
/// Documentation for the target field can be found on the
/// `ActorAndObjectOptTarget` struct
pub trait OptTargetRefExt: OptTargetRef {
/// Fetch the target for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Announce};
/// # let mut announce = Announce::new(context(), context());
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(target_ref) = {
/// println!("{:?}", target_ref);
/// }
/// ```
fn target(&self) -> Option<&OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Set the target for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of target
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Announce, uri};
/// # let mut announce = Announce::new(context(), context());
/// announce.set_target(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_target<T>(&mut self, target: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
*self.target_field_mut() = Some(target.into().into());
/// Set many targets for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of target
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Announce, uri};
/// # let mut announce = Announce::new(context(), context());
/// announce.set_many_targets(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_targets<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
*self.target_field_mut() = Some(v.into());
/// Add a target to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of target, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Announce, uri};
/// # let mut announce = Announce::new(context(), context());
/// announce
/// .add_target(uri!(""))
/// .add_target(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_target<T>(&mut self, target: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let c = match self.target_field_mut().take() {
Some(mut c) => {
None => vec![target.into()].into(),
*self.target_field_mut() = Some(c);
/// Take a target from the current activity, leaving nothing
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{
/// # context,
/// # activity::Announce,
/// # };
/// # let mut announce = Announce::new(context(), context());
/// if let Some(target) = announce.take_target() {
/// println!("{:?}", target);
/// }
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn take_target(&mut self) -> Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Delete a target from the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{
/// # context,
/// # activity::Announce,
/// # };
/// # let mut announce = Announce::new(context(), context());
/// # announce.set_target(context());
/// assert!(;
/// announce.delete_target();
/// assert!(;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn delete_target(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
*self.target_field_mut() = None;
/// Helper methods for interacting with Activity types with an optional origin field
/// Documentation for the origin field can be found on the
/// `Delete` struct
pub trait OptOriginRefExt: OptOriginRef {
/// Fetch the origin for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Delete};
/// # let mut delete = Delete::new(context(), context());
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(origin_ref) = delete.origin() {
/// println!("{:?}", origin_ref);
/// }
/// ```
fn origin(&self) -> Option<&OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Set the origin for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of origin
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Delete, uri};
/// # let mut delete = Delete::new(context(), context());
/// delete.set_origin(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_origin<T>(&mut self, origin: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
*self.origin_field_mut() = Some(origin.into().into());
/// Set many origins for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of origin
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Delete, uri};
/// # let mut delete = Delete::new(context(), context());
/// delete.set_many_origins(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_origins<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
*self.origin_field_mut() = Some(v.into());
/// Add a origin to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of origin, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Delete, uri};
/// # let mut delete = Delete::new(context(), context());
/// delete
/// .add_origin(uri!(""))
/// .add_origin(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_origin<T>(&mut self, origin: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let c = match self.origin_field_mut().take() {
Some(mut c) => {
None => vec![origin.into()].into(),
*self.origin_field_mut() = Some(c);
/// Take a origin from the current activity, leaving nothing
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Delete};
/// # let mut delete = Delete::new(context(), context());
/// if let Some(origin) = delete.take_origin() {
/// println!("{:?}", origin);
/// }
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn take_origin(&mut self) -> Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Delete a origin from the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{context, activity::Delete};
/// # let mut delete = Delete::new(context(), context());
/// # delete.set_origin(context());
/// assert!(delete.origin().is_some());
/// delete.delete_origin();
/// assert!(delete.origin().is_none());
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn delete_origin(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
*self.origin_field_mut() = None;
/// Helper methods for interacting with Question types
/// This trait represents methods valid for an ActivityStreams Question
/// Documentation for the fields related to these methods can be found on the `Question`
/// struct
pub trait QuestionExt: AsQuestion {
/// Fetch the one_of field for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(one_of) = question.one_of() {
/// println!("{:?}", one_of);
/// }
/// ```
fn one_of(&self) -> Option<&OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Set the one_of field for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of one_of
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question.set_one_of(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_one_of<T>(&mut self, one_of: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
self.question_mut().one_of = Some(one_of.into().into());
/// Set many one_of items for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of one_of
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question.set_many_one_ofs(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_one_ofs<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
self.question_mut().one_of = Some(v.into());
/// Add a one_of to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of one_of, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question
/// .add_one_of(uri!(""))
/// .add_one_of(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_one_of<T>(&mut self, one_of: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v = match self.question_mut().one_of.take() {
Some(mut v) => {
None => vec![one_of.into()].into(),
self.question_mut().one_of = Some(v);
/// Take the one_of field from the current activity, leaving nothing
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(one_of) = question.take_one_of() {
/// println!("{:?}", one_of);
/// }
/// ```
fn take_one_of(&mut self) -> Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Delete the one_of field from the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// # question.set_one_of(uri!(""));
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// assert!(question.one_of().is_some());
/// question.delete_one_of();
/// assert!(question.one_of().is_none());
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn delete_one_of(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.question_mut().one_of = None;
/// Fetch the any_of field for the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(any_of) = question.any_of() {
/// println!("{:?}", any_of);
/// }
/// ```
fn any_of(&self) -> Option<&OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Set the any_of field for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of any_of
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question.set_any_of(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_any_of<T>(&mut self, any_of: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
self.question_mut().any_of = Some(any_of.into().into());
/// Set many any_of items for the current activity
/// This overwrites the contents of any_of
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question.set_many_any_ofs(vec![
/// uri!(""),
/// uri!(""),
/// ]);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn set_many_any_ofs<I, T>(&mut self, items: I) -> &mut Self
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v: Vec<_> = items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect();
self.question_mut().any_of = Some(v.into());
/// Add an any_of to the current activity
/// This does not overwrite the contents of any_of, only appends an item
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// question
/// .add_any_of(uri!(""))
/// .add_any_of(uri!(""));
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn add_any_of<T>(&mut self, any_of: T) -> &mut Self
T: Into<AnyBase>,
let v = match self.question_mut().any_of.take() {
Some(mut v) => {
None => vec![any_of.into()].into(),
self.question_mut().any_of = Some(v);
/// Take the any_of field from the current activity, leaving nothing
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// if let Some(any_of) = question.take_any_of() {
/// println!("{:?}", any_of);
/// }
/// ```
fn take_any_of(&mut self) -> Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
/// Delete the any_of field from the current activity
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// # use activitystreams::{activity::Question, uri};
/// # let mut question = Question::new();
/// # question.set_any_of(uri!(""));
/// #
/// use activitystreams::prelude::*;
/// assert!(question.any_of().is_some());
/// question.delete_any_of();
/// assert!(question.any_of().is_none());
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
fn delete_any_of(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.question_mut().any_of = None;
/// Indicates that the actor accepts the object.
/// The target property can be used in certain circumstances to indicate the context into which the
/// object has been accepted.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<AcceptType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Accept that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Accept = ActorAndObject<AcceptType>;
/// Indicates that the actor has added the object to the target.
/// If the target property is not explicitly specified, the target would need to be determined
/// implicitly by context. The origin can be used to identify the context from which the object originated.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<AddType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Add that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Add = ActorAndObject<AddType>;
/// Indicates that the actor is blocking the object.
/// Blocking is a stronger form of Ignore. The typical use is to support social systems that allow
/// one user to block activities or content of other users. The target and origin typically have no
/// defined meaning.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<BlockType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Block that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Block = ActorAndObject<BlockType>;
/// Indicates that the actor has created the object.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<CreateType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Create that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Create = ActorAndObject<CreateType>;
/// Indicates that the actor dislikes the object.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<DislikeType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Dislike that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Dislike = ActorAndObject<DislikeType>;
/// Indicates that the actor is "flagging" the object.
/// Flagging is defined in the sense common to many social platforms as reporting content as being
/// inappropriate for any number of reasons.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<FlagType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Flag that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Flag = ActorAndObject<FlagType>;
/// Indicates that the actor is "following" the object.
/// Following is defined in the sense typically used within Social systems in which the actor is
/// interested in any activity performed by or on the object. The target and origin typically have
/// no defined meaning.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<FollowType>` because there's no fields inherent to Follow
/// that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Follow = ActorAndObject<FollowType>;
/// Indicates that the actor is ignoring the object.
/// The target and origin typically have no defined meaning.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<IgnoreType>` because there's no fields inherent to Ignore
/// that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Ignore = ActorAndObject<IgnoreType>;
/// Indicates that the actor has joined the object.
/// The target and origin typically have no defined meaning
/// This is just an alias for `Object<JoinType>` because there's no fields inherent to Join that
/// aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Join = ActorAndObject<JoinType>;
/// Indicates that the actor has left the object.
/// The target and origin typically have no meaning.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<LeaveType>` because there's no fields inherent to Leave that
/// aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Leave = ActorAndObject<LeaveType>;
/// Indicates that the actor likes, recommends or endorses the object.
/// The target and origin typically have no defined meaning.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<LikeType>` because there's no fields inherent to Like that
/// aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Like = ActorAndObject<LikeType>;
/// Indicates that the actor has listened to the object.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<ListenType>` because there's no fields inherent to Listen
/// that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Listen = ActorAndObject<ListenType>;
/// Indicates that the actor has read the object.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<ReadType>` because there's no fields inherent to Read that
/// aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Read = ActorAndObject<ReadType>;
/// Indicates that the actor is rejecting the object.
/// The target and origin typically have no defined meaning.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<RejectType>` because there's no fields inherent to Reject
/// that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Reject = ActorAndObject<RejectType>;
/// A specialization of Accept indicating that the acceptance is tentative.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<TentativeAcceptType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// TentativeAccept that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type TentativeAccept = ActorAndObject<TentativeAcceptType>;
/// A specialization of Reject in which the rejection is considered tentative.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<TentativeRejectType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// TentativeReject that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type TentativeReject = ActorAndObject<TentativeRejectType>;
/// Indicates that the actor is undoing the object.
/// In most cases, the object will be an Activity describing some previously performed action (for
/// instance, a person may have previously "liked" an article but, for whatever reason, might
/// choose to undo that like at some later point in time).
/// The target and origin typically have no defined meaning.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<UndoType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Undo that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Undo = ActorAndObject<UndoType>;
/// Indicates that the actor has updated the object.
/// Note, however, that this vocabulary does not define a mechanism for describing the actual set
/// of modifications made to object.
/// The target and origin typically have no defined meaning.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<UpdateType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Update that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type Update = ActorAndObject<UpdateType>;
/// Indicates that the actor has viewed the object.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<ViewType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// View that aren't already present on an ActorAndObject.
pub type View = ActorAndObject<ViewType>;
/// Indicates that the actor is calling the target's attention the object.
/// The origin typically has no defined meaning.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<AnnounceType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Announce that aren't already present on an ActorAndObjectOptTarget.
pub type Announce = ActorAndObjectOptTarget<AnnounceType>;
/// Indicates that the actor is offering the object.
/// If specified, the target indicates the entity to which the object is being offered.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<OfferType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Offer that aren't already present on an ActorAndObjectOptTarget.
pub type Offer = ActorAndObjectOptTarget<OfferType>;
/// Indicates that the actor has moved object from origin to target.
/// If the origin or target are not specified, either can be determined by context.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<MoveType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Move that aren't already present on an ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget.
pub type Move = ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<MoveType>;
/// Indicates that the actor is removing the object.
/// If specified, the origin indicates the context from which the object is being removed.
/// This is just an alias for `Object<RemoveType>` because there's no fields inherent to
/// Remove that aren't already present on an ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget.
pub type Remove = ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<RemoveType>;
/// Activity objects are specializations of the base Object type that provide information about
/// actions that have either already occurred, are in the process of occurring, or may occur in the
/// future.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Activity<Kind> {
/// Describes the result of the activity.
/// For instance, if a particular action results in the creation of a new resource, the result
/// property can be used to describe that new resource.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Funcitonal: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
result: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// Identifies one or more objects used (or to be used) in the completion of an Activity.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Funcitonal: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
instrument: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// base fields and unparsed json ends up here
inner: Object<Kind>,
/// Activity with actor and object properties
#[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct ActorAndObject<Kind> {
/// Describes one or more entities that either performed or are expected to perform the
/// activity.
/// Any single activity can have multiple actors. The actor MAY be specified using an indirect
/// Link.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
actor: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// When used within an Activity, describes the direct object of the activity.
/// For instance, in the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the object of the
/// activity is the movie added.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
object: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// base fields and unparsed json ends up here
inner: Activity<Kind>,
/// An IntransitiveActivity that indicates that the actor has arrived at the location.
/// The origin can be used to identify the context from which the actor originated. The target
/// typically has no defined meaning.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Arrive {
/// Describes one or more entities that either performed or are expected to perform the
/// activity.
/// Any single activity can have multiple actors. The actor MAY be specified using an indirect
/// Link.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
actor: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// Describes an indirect object of the activity from which the activity is directed.
/// The precise meaning of the origin is the object of the English preposition "from". For
/// instance, in the activity "John moved an item to List B from List A", the origin of the
/// activity is "List A".
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
origin: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// base fields and unparsed json ends up here
inner: Activity<ArriveType>,
/// A specialization of Offer in which the actor is extending an invitation for the object to the
/// target.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Invite {
/// Describes one or more entities that either performed or are expected to perform the
/// activity.
/// Any single activity can have multiple actors. The actor MAY be specified using an indirect
/// Link.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
actor: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// When used within an Activity, describes the direct object of the activity.
/// For instance, in the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the object of the
/// activity is the movie added.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
object: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// Describes the indirect object, or target, of the activity.
/// The precise meaning of the target is largely dependent on the type of action being
/// described but will often be the object of the English preposition "to". For instance, in
/// the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the target of the activity is John's
/// wishlist. An activity can have more than one target
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
target: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// base fields and unparsed json ends up here
inner: Activity<InviteType>,
/// Indicates that the actor has deleted the object.
/// If specified, the origin indicates the context from which the object was deleted.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Delete {
/// Describes one or more entities that either performed or are expected to perform the
/// activity.
/// Any single activity can have multiple actors. The actor MAY be specified using an indirect
/// Link.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
actor: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// When used within an Activity, describes the direct object of the activity.
/// For instance, in the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the object of the
/// activity is the movie added.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
object: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// Describes an indirect object of the activity from which the activity is directed.
/// The precise meaning of the origin is the object of the English preposition "from". For
/// instance, in the activity "John moved an item to List B from List A", the origin of the
/// activity is "List A".
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
origin: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// base fields and unparsed json ends up here
inner: Activity<DeleteType>,
/// Activity with actor, object, and optional origin and target properties
#[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
/// Describes one or more entities that either performed or are expected to perform the
/// activity.
/// Any single activity can have multiple actors. The actor MAY be specified using an indirect
/// Link.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
actor: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// When used within an Activity, describes the direct object of the activity.
/// For instance, in the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the object of the
/// activity is the movie added.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
object: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// Describes an indirect object of the activity from which the activity is directed.
/// The precise meaning of the origin is the object of the English preposition "from". For
/// instance, in the activity "John moved an item to List B from List A", the origin of the
/// activity is "List A".
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
origin: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// Describes the indirect object, or target, of the activity.
/// The precise meaning of the target is largely dependent on the type of action being
/// described but will often be the object of the English preposition "to". For instance, in
/// the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the target of the activity is John's
/// wishlist. An activity can have more than one target
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
target: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// base fields and unparsed json ends up here
inner: Activity<Kind>,
/// Activity with actor, object, and optional target properties
#[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
/// Describes one or more entities that either performed or are expected to perform the
/// activity.
/// Any single activity can have multiple actors. The actor MAY be specified using an indirect
/// Link.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
actor: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// When used within an Activity, describes the direct object of the activity.
/// For instance, in the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the object of the
/// activity is the movie added.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
object: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// Describes the indirect object, or target, of the activity.
/// The precise meaning of the target is largely dependent on the type of action being
/// described but will often be the object of the English preposition "to". For instance, in
/// the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the target of the activity is John's
/// wishlist. An activity can have more than one target
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
target: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// base fields and unparsed json ends up here
inner: Activity<Kind>,
/// Indicates that the actor is traveling to target from origin.
/// Travel is an IntransitiveObject whose actor specifies the direct object. If the target or
/// origin are not specified, either can be determined by context.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Travel {
/// Describes one or more entities that either performed or are expected to perform the
/// activity.
/// Any single activity can have multiple actors. The actor MAY be specified using an indirect
/// Link.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
actor: OneOrMany<AnyBase>,
/// Describes an indirect object of the activity from which the activity is directed.
/// The precise meaning of the origin is the object of the English preposition "from". For
/// instance, in the activity "John moved an item to List B from List A", the origin of the
/// activity is "List A".
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
origin: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// Describes the indirect object, or target, of the activity.
/// The precise meaning of the target is largely dependent on the type of action being
/// described but will often be the object of the English preposition "to". For instance, in
/// the activity "John added a movie to his wishlist", the target of the activity is John's
/// wishlist. An activity can have more than one target
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
target: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// base fields and unparsed json ends up here
inner: Activity<TravelType>,
/// Represents a question being asked.
/// Question objects are an extension of IntransitiveActivity. That is, the Question object is an
/// Activity, but the direct object is the question itself and therefore it would not contain an
/// object property.
/// Either of the anyOf and oneOf properties MAY be used to express possible answers, but a
/// Question object MUST NOT have both properties.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Question {
/// Identifies an exclusive option for a Question.
/// Use of one_of implies that the Question can have only a single answer. To indicate that a
/// Question can have multiple answers, use any_of.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
one_of: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// Identifies an inclusive option for a Question.
/// Use of any_of implies that the Question can have multiple answers. To indicate that a
/// Question can have only one answer, use one_of.
/// - Range: Object | Link
/// - Functional: false
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
any_of: Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
/// base fields and unparsed json ends up here
inner: Activity<QuestionType>,
impl<Kind> Activity<Kind> {
/// Create a new Activity
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Activity;
/// let activity = Activity::<String>::new();
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self
Kind: Default,
Activity {
result: None,
instrument: None,
inner: Object::new(),
/// Create a new activity with `None` for it's `kind` property
/// This means that no `type` field will be present in serialized JSON
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::activity::Activity;
/// let activity = Activity::<()>::new_none_type();
/// let s = serde_json::to_string(&activity)?;
/// assert_eq!(s, "{}");
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn new_none_type() -> Self {
Activity {
result: None,
instrument: None,
inner: Object::new_none_type(),
fn extending(mut inner: Object<Kind>) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
let result = inner.remove("result")?;
let instrument = inner.remove("instrument")?;
Ok(Activity {
fn retracting(self) -> Result<Object<Kind>, serde_json::Error> {
let Activity {
mut inner,
} = self;
.insert("result", result)?
.insert("instrument", instrument)?;
impl<Kind> ActorAndObject<Kind> {
/// Create a new ActorAndObject Activity
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::ActorAndObject;
/// let activity = ActorAndObject::<String>::new(vec![], vec![]);
/// ```
pub fn new<T, U>(actor: T, object: U) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
U: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
Kind: Default,
ActorAndObject {
actor: actor.into(),
object: object.into(),
inner: Activity::new(),
/// Create a new ActorAndObject with `None` for it's `kind` property
/// This means that no `type` field will be present in serialized JSON
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::activity::ActorAndObject;
/// let activity = ActorAndObject::<()>::new_none_type(vec![], vec![]);
/// let s = serde_json::to_string(&activity)?;
/// assert_eq!(s, r#"{"actor":[],"object":[]}"#);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn new_none_type<T, U>(actor: T, object: U) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
U: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
ActorAndObject {
actor: actor.into(),
object: object.into(),
inner: Activity::new_none_type(),
/// Deconstruct the ActorAndObject into its parts
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::ActorAndObject;
/// let activity = ActorAndObject::<String>::new(vec![], vec![]);
/// let (actor, object, activity) = activity.into_parts();
/// ```
pub fn into_parts(self) -> (OneOrMany<AnyBase>, OneOrMany<AnyBase>, Activity<Kind>) {
(, self.object, self.inner)
fn extending(object: Object<Kind>) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
let mut inner = Activity::extending(object)?;
let actor = inner.remove("actor")?;
let object = inner.remove("object")?;
Ok(ActorAndObject {
fn retracting(self) -> Result<Object<Kind>, serde_json::Error> {
let ActorAndObject {
mut inner,
} = self;
inner.insert("actor", actor)?.insert("object", object)?;
impl Arrive {
/// Create a new Arrive Activity
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Arrive;
/// let activity = Arrive::new(vec![], vec![]);
/// ```
pub fn new<T, U>(actor: T, origin: U) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
U: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
Arrive {
actor: actor.into(),
origin: origin.into(),
inner: Activity::new(),
/// Deconstruct the Arrive into its parts
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Arrive;
/// let activity = Arrive::new(vec![], vec![]);
/// let (actor, origin, activity) = activity.into_parts();
/// ```
pub fn into_parts(self) -> (OneOrMany<AnyBase>, OneOrMany<AnyBase>, Activity<ArriveType>) {
(, self.origin, self.inner)
fn extending(object: Object<ArriveType>) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
let mut inner = Activity::extending(object)?;
let actor = inner.remove("actor")?;
let origin = inner.remove("origin")?;
Ok(Arrive {
fn retracting(self) -> Result<Object<ArriveType>, serde_json::Error> {
let Arrive {
mut inner,
} = self;
inner.insert("actor", actor)?.insert("origin", origin)?;
impl Invite {
/// Create a new Invite Activity
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Invite;
/// let activity = Invite::new(vec![], vec![], vec![]);
/// ```
pub fn new<T, U, V>(actor: T, object: U, target: V) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
U: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
V: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
Invite {
actor: actor.into(),
object: object.into(),
target: target.into(),
inner: Activity::new(),
/// Deconstruct the Invite into its parts
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Invite;
/// let activity = Invite::new(vec![], vec![], vec![]);
/// let (actor, object, target, activity) = activity.into_parts();
/// ```
pub fn into_parts(
) -> (
) {
(, self.object,, self.inner)
fn extending(object: Object<InviteType>) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
let mut inner = Activity::extending(object)?;
let actor = inner.remove("actor")?;
let object = inner.remove("object")?;
let target = inner.remove("target")?;
Ok(Invite {
fn retracting(self) -> Result<Object<InviteType>, serde_json::Error> {
let Invite {
mut inner,
} = self;
.insert("actor", actor)?
.insert("object", object)?
.insert("target", target)?;
impl Delete {
/// Create a new Delete Activity
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Delete;
/// let activity = Delete::new(vec![], vec![]);
/// ```
pub fn new<T, U>(actor: T, object: U) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
U: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
Delete {
actor: actor.into(),
object: object.into(),
origin: None,
inner: Activity::new(),
/// Deconstruct the Delete into its parts
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Delete;
/// let activity = Delete::new(vec![], vec![]);
/// let (actor, object, origin, activity) = activity.into_parts();
/// ```
pub fn into_parts(
) -> (
) {
(, self.object, self.origin, self.inner)
fn extending(object: Object<DeleteType>) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
let mut inner = Activity::extending(object)?;
let actor = inner.remove("actor")?;
let object = inner.remove("object")?;
let origin = inner.remove("origin")?;
Ok(Delete {
fn retracting(self) -> Result<Object<DeleteType>, serde_json::Error> {
let Delete {
mut inner,
} = self;
.insert("actor", actor)?
.insert("object", object)?
.insert("origin", origin)?;
impl<Kind> ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
/// Create a new ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget Activity
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget;
/// let activity = ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget::<String>::new(
/// vec![],
/// vec![]
/// );
/// ```
pub fn new<T, U>(actor: T, object: U) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
U: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
Kind: Default,
ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget {
actor: actor.into(),
object: object.into(),
origin: None,
target: None,
inner: Activity::new(),
/// Create a new ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget with `None` for it's `kind` property
/// This means that no `type` field will be present in serialized JSON
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::activity::ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget;
/// let activity = ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget::<()>::new_none_type(vec![], vec![]);
/// let s = serde_json::to_string(&activity)?;
/// assert_eq!(s, r#"{"actor":[],"object":[]}"#);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn new_none_type<T, U>(actor: T, object: U) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
U: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget {
actor: actor.into(),
object: object.into(),
origin: None,
target: None,
inner: Activity::new_none_type(),
/// Deconstruct the ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget into its parts
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget;
/// let activity = ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget::<String>::new(vec![], vec![]);
/// let (actor, object, origin, target, activity) = activity.into_parts();
/// ```
pub fn into_parts(
) -> (
) {
fn extending(object: Object<Kind>) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
let mut inner = Activity::extending(object)?;
let actor = inner.remove("actor")?;
let object = inner.remove("object")?;
let origin = inner.remove("origin")?;
let target = inner.remove("target")?;
Ok(ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget {
fn retracting(self) -> Result<Object<Kind>, serde_json::Error> {
let ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget {
mut inner,
} = self;
.insert("actor", actor)?
.insert("object", object)?
.insert("origin", origin)?
.insert("target", target)?;
impl<Kind> ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
/// Create a new ActorAndObjectOptTarget Activity
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::ActorAndObjectOptTarget;
/// let activity = ActorAndObjectOptTarget::<String>::new(
/// vec![],
/// vec![]
/// );
/// ```
pub fn new<T, U>(actor: T, object: U) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
U: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
Kind: Default,
ActorAndObjectOptTarget {
actor: actor.into(),
object: object.into(),
target: None,
inner: Activity::new(),
/// Create a new ActorAndObjectOptTarget with `None` for it's `kind` property
/// This means that no `type` field will be present in serialized JSON
/// ```rust
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
/// use activitystreams::activity::ActorAndObjectOptTarget;
/// let activity = ActorAndObjectOptTarget::<()>::new_none_type(vec![], vec![]);
/// let s = serde_json::to_string(&activity)?;
/// assert_eq!(s, r#"{"actor":[],"object":[]}"#);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn new_none_type<T, U>(actor: T, object: U) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
U: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
ActorAndObjectOptTarget {
actor: actor.into(),
object: object.into(),
target: None,
inner: Activity::new_none_type(),
/// Deconstruct the ActorAndObjectOptTarget into its parts
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::ActorAndObjectOptTarget;
/// let activity = ActorAndObjectOptTarget::<String>::new(vec![], vec![]);
/// let (actor, object, target, activity) = activity.into_parts();
/// ```
pub fn into_parts(
) -> (
) {
(, self.object,, self.inner)
fn extending(object: Object<Kind>) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
let mut inner = Activity::extending(object)?;
let actor = inner.remove("actor")?;
let object = inner.remove("object")?;
let target = inner.remove("target")?;
Ok(ActorAndObjectOptTarget {
fn retracting(self) -> Result<Object<Kind>, serde_json::Error> {
let ActorAndObjectOptTarget {
mut inner,
} = self;
.insert("actor", actor)?
.insert("object", object)?
.insert("target", target)?;
impl Travel {
/// Create a new Travel Activity
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Travel;
/// let activity = Travel::new(vec![]);
/// ```
pub fn new<T>(actor: T) -> Self
T: Into<OneOrMany<AnyBase>>,
Travel {
actor: actor.into(),
origin: None,
target: None,
inner: Activity::new(),
/// Deconstruct the Travel into its parts
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Travel;
/// let activity = Travel::new(vec![]);
/// let (actor, origin, target, activity) = activity.into_parts();
/// ```
pub fn into_parts(
) -> (
) {
(, self.origin,, self.inner)
fn extending(object: Object<TravelType>) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
let mut inner = Activity::extending(object)?;
let actor = inner.remove("actor")?;
let origin = inner.remove("origin")?;
let target = inner.remove("target")?;
Ok(Travel {
fn retracting(self) -> Result<Object<TravelType>, serde_json::Error> {
let Travel {
mut inner,
} = self;
.insert("actor", actor)?
.insert("origin", origin)?
.insert("target", target)?;
impl Question {
/// Create a new Question Activity
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// let activity = Question::new();
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
Question {
one_of: None,
any_of: None,
inner: Activity::new(),
/// Deconstruct the Question into its parts
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::activity::Question;
/// let activity = Question::new();
/// let (one_of, any_of, activity) = activity.into_parts();
/// ```
pub fn into_parts(
) -> (
) {
(self.one_of, self.any_of, self.inner)
fn extending(object: Object<QuestionType>) -> Result<Self, serde_json::Error> {
let mut inner = Activity::extending(object)?;
let one_of = inner.remove("oneOf")?;
let any_of = inner.remove("anyOf")?;
Ok(Question {
fn retracting(self) -> Result<Object<QuestionType>, serde_json::Error> {
let Question {
mut inner,
} = self;
inner.insert("oneOf", one_of)?.insert("anyOf", any_of)?;
impl<Kind> markers::Base for Activity<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Object for Activity<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Activity for Activity<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Base for ActorAndObject<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Object for ActorAndObject<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Activity for ActorAndObject<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Base for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Object for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Activity for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Base for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Object for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {}
impl<Kind> markers::Activity for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {}
impl markers::Base for Arrive {}
impl markers::Object for Arrive {}
impl markers::Activity for Arrive {}
impl markers::IntransitiveActivity for Arrive {}
impl markers::Base for Invite {}
impl markers::Object for Invite {}
impl markers::Activity for Invite {}
impl markers::Base for Delete {}
impl markers::Object for Delete {}
impl markers::Activity for Delete {}
impl markers::Base for Travel {}
impl markers::Object for Travel {}
impl markers::Activity for Travel {}
impl markers::IntransitiveActivity for Travel {}
impl markers::Base for Question {}
impl markers::Object for Question {}
impl markers::Activity for Question {}
impl markers::IntransitiveActivity for Question {}
impl<Inner> markers::Activity for ApObject<Inner> where Inner: markers::Activity {}
impl<Inner> markers::IntransitiveActivity for ApObject<Inner> where
Inner: markers::IntransitiveActivity
impl<Kind> Extends<Kind> for Activity<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn extends(base: Base<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let inner = Object::extends(base)?;
fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<Kind>, Self::Error> {
let inner = self.retracting()?;
impl<Kind> TryFrom<Object<Kind>> for Activity<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(object: Object<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl<Kind> TryFrom<Activity<Kind>> for Object<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(activity: Activity<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl<Kind> Extends<Kind> for ActorAndObject<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn extends(base: Base<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let inner = Object::extends(base)?;
fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<Kind>, Self::Error> {
let inner = self.retracting()?;
impl<Kind> TryFrom<Object<Kind>> for ActorAndObject<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(object: Object<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl<Kind> TryFrom<ActorAndObject<Kind>> for Object<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(activity: ActorAndObject<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Extends<ArriveType> for Arrive {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn extends(base: Base<ArriveType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let inner = Object::extends(base)?;
fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<ArriveType>, Self::Error> {
let inner = self.retracting()?;
impl TryFrom<Object<ArriveType>> for Arrive {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(object: Object<ArriveType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Arrive> for Object<ArriveType> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(arrive: Arrive) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Extends<InviteType> for Invite {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn extends(base: Base<InviteType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let inner = Object::extends(base)?;
fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<InviteType>, Self::Error> {
let inner = self.retracting()?;
impl TryFrom<Object<InviteType>> for Invite {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(object: Object<InviteType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Invite> for Object<InviteType> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(invite: Invite) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Extends<DeleteType> for Delete {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn extends(base: Base<DeleteType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let inner = Object::extends(base)?;
fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<DeleteType>, Self::Error> {
let inner = self.retracting()?;
impl TryFrom<Object<DeleteType>> for Delete {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(object: Object<DeleteType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Delete> for Object<DeleteType> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(delete: Delete) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl<Kind> Extends<Kind> for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn extends(base: Base<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let inner = Object::extends(base)?;
fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<Kind>, Self::Error> {
let inner = self.retracting()?;
impl<Kind> TryFrom<Object<Kind>> for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(object: Object<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl<Kind> TryFrom<ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind>> for Object<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(activity: ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl<Kind> Extends<Kind> for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn extends(base: Base<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let inner = Object::extends(base)?;
fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<Kind>, Self::Error> {
let inner = self.retracting()?;
impl<Kind> TryFrom<Object<Kind>> for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(object: Object<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl<Kind> TryFrom<ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind>> for Object<Kind> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(activity: ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Extends<TravelType> for Travel {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn extends(base: Base<TravelType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let inner = Object::extends(base)?;
fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<TravelType>, Self::Error> {
let inner = self.retracting()?;
impl TryFrom<Object<TravelType>> for Travel {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(object: Object<TravelType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Travel> for Object<TravelType> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(travel: Travel) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl Extends<QuestionType> for Question {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn extends(base: Base<QuestionType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let inner = Object::extends(base)?;
fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<QuestionType>, Self::Error> {
let inner = self.retracting()?;
impl TryFrom<Object<QuestionType>> for Question {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(object: Object<QuestionType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Question> for Object<QuestionType> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn try_from(question: Question) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl<Kind> UnparsedMut for Activity<Kind> {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl<Kind> UnparsedMut for ActorAndObject<Kind> {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl UnparsedMut for Arrive {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl UnparsedMut for Invite {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl UnparsedMut for Delete {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl<Kind> UnparsedMut for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl<Kind> UnparsedMut for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl UnparsedMut for Travel {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl UnparsedMut for Question {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl<Kind> AsBase<Kind> for Activity<Kind> {
fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<Kind> {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<Kind> {
impl<Kind> AsObject<Kind> for Activity<Kind> {
fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<Kind> {
fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<Kind> {
&mut self.inner
impl<Kind> AsActivity<Kind> for Activity<Kind> {
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<Kind> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<Kind> {
impl<Kind> AsBase<Kind> for ActorAndObject<Kind> {
fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<Kind> {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<Kind> {
impl<Kind> AsObject<Kind> for ActorAndObject<Kind> {
fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<Kind> {
fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<Kind> {
impl<Kind> AsActivity<Kind> for ActorAndObject<Kind> {
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<Kind> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<Kind> {
&mut self.inner
impl<Kind> ActorAndObjectRef for ActorAndObject<Kind> {
fn actor_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn actor_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
&mut self.object
impl<Kind> AsBase<Kind> for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<Kind> {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<Kind> {
impl<Kind> AsObject<Kind> for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<Kind> {
fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<Kind> {
impl<Kind> AsActivity<Kind> for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<Kind> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<Kind> {
&mut self.inner
impl<Kind> ActorAndObjectRef for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
fn actor_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn actor_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
&mut self.object
impl<Kind> OptTargetRef for ActorAndObjectOptTarget<Kind> {
fn target_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
fn target_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
impl<Kind> AsBase<Kind> for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<Kind> {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<Kind> {
impl<Kind> AsObject<Kind> for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<Kind> {
fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<Kind> {
impl<Kind> AsActivity<Kind> for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<Kind> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<Kind> {
&mut self.inner
impl<Kind> ActorAndObjectRef for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
fn actor_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn actor_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
&mut self.object
impl<Kind> OptTargetRef for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
fn target_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
fn target_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
impl<Kind> OptOriginRef for ActorAndObjectOptOriginAndTarget<Kind> {
fn origin_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
fn origin_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
&mut self.origin
impl AsBase<ArriveType> for Arrive {
fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<ArriveType> {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<ArriveType> {
impl AsObject<ArriveType> for Arrive {
fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<ArriveType> {
fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<ArriveType> {
impl AsActivity<ArriveType> for Arrive {
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<ArriveType> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<ArriveType> {
&mut self.inner
impl OriginRef for Arrive {
fn origin_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn origin_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
&mut self.origin
impl AsBase<InviteType> for Invite {
fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<InviteType> {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<InviteType> {
impl AsObject<InviteType> for Invite {
fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<InviteType> {
fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<InviteType> {
impl AsActivity<InviteType> for Invite {
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<InviteType> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<InviteType> {
&mut self.inner
impl ActorAndObjectRef for Invite {
fn actor_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn actor_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
&mut self.object
impl TargetRef for Invite {
fn target_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn target_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
impl AsBase<DeleteType> for Delete {
fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<DeleteType> {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<DeleteType> {
impl AsObject<DeleteType> for Delete {
fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<DeleteType> {
fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<DeleteType> {
impl AsActivity<DeleteType> for Delete {
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<DeleteType> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<DeleteType> {
&mut self.inner
impl ActorAndObjectRef for Delete {
fn actor_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn actor_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
&mut self.object
impl OptOriginRef for Delete {
fn origin_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
fn origin_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
&mut self.origin
impl AsBase<TravelType> for Travel {
fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<TravelType> {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<TravelType> {
impl AsObject<TravelType> for Travel {
fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<TravelType> {
fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<TravelType> {
impl AsActivity<TravelType> for Travel {
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<TravelType> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<TravelType> {
impl OptTargetRef for Travel {
fn target_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
fn target_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
impl OptOriginRef for Travel {
fn origin_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
fn origin_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
&mut self.origin
impl AsBase<QuestionType> for Question {
fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<QuestionType> {
fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<QuestionType> {
impl AsObject<QuestionType> for Question {
fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<QuestionType> {
fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<QuestionType> {
impl AsActivity<QuestionType> for Question {
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<QuestionType> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<QuestionType> {
&mut self.inner
impl AsQuestion for Question {
fn question_ref(&self) -> &Question {
fn question_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Question {
impl<Inner, Kind> AsActivity<Kind> for ApObject<Inner>
Inner: AsActivity<Kind>,
fn activity_ref(&self) -> &Activity<Kind> {
fn activity_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Activity<Kind> {
impl<Inner> ActorAndObjectRef for ApObject<Inner>
Inner: ActorAndObjectRef,
fn actor_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn actor_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn object_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
impl<Inner> TargetRef for ApObject<Inner>
Inner: TargetRef,
fn target_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn target_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
impl<Inner> OriginRef for ApObject<Inner>
Inner: OriginRef,
fn origin_field_ref(&self) -> &OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
fn origin_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OneOrMany<AnyBase> {
impl<Inner> OptTargetRef for ApObject<Inner>
Inner: OptTargetRef,
fn target_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
fn target_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
impl<Inner> OptOriginRef for ApObject<Inner>
Inner: OptOriginRef,
fn origin_field_ref(&self) -> &Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
fn origin_field_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Option<OneOrMany<AnyBase>> {
impl<Inner> AsQuestion for ApObject<Inner>
Inner: AsQuestion,
fn question_ref(&self) -> &Question {
fn question_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Question {
impl<T, Kind> ActivityExt<Kind> for T where T: AsActivity<Kind> {}
impl<T> ActorAndObjectRefExt for T where T: ActorAndObjectRef {}
impl<T> TargetRefExt for T where T: TargetRef {}
impl<T> OriginRefExt for T where T: OriginRef {}
impl<T> OptTargetRefExt for T where T: OptTargetRef {}
impl<T> OptOriginRefExt for T where T: OptOriginRef {}
impl<T> QuestionExt for T where T: AsQuestion {}