
293 lines
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2020-07-25 21:59:15 +00:00
use crate::either::Either;
/// A type representing at least one value
/// When translated to JSON, it can represent the following structures:
/// ```json
/// {
/// "key": value
/// }
/// ```
/// ```json
/// {
/// "key": [],
/// }
/// ```
/// ```json
/// {
/// "key": [value, ...]
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct OneOrMany<T>(pub(crate) Either<T, Vec<T>>);
impl<T> OneOrMany<T> {
/// Create a OneOrMany referencing the existing one
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// let value = OneOrMany::from_one(String::from("hi"));
/// let value_ref = value.as_ref();
/// assert_eq!(, Some(&String::from("hi")));
/// ```
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> OneOrMany<&T> {
OneOrMany(self.0.as_ref().map(|l| l, |r| r.iter().collect()))
/// Map the value inside the OneOrMany from T to U
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// let value = OneOrMany::from_one("Jake from StateFarm");
/// let new_value =|s| format!("Hi, {}", s));
/// assert_eq!(, Some(String::from("Hi, Jake from StateFarm")));
/// ```
pub fn map<F, U>(self, f: F) -> OneOrMany<U>
F: Fn(T) -> U + Copy,
OneOrMany(, |v| v.into_iter().map(f).collect()))
/// Create a OneOrMany mutably referencing the existing one
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// let mut value = OneOrMany::from_one(5);
/// let value_mut = value.as_mut();
/// ```
pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> OneOrMany<&mut T> {
OneOrMany(self.0.as_mut().map(|l| l, |r| r.iter_mut().collect()))
/// Get a reference to a single value
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// # let value = OneOrMany::from_one(1);
/// if let Some(v) = value.as_one() {
/// println!("{:?}", v);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn as_one(&self) -> Option<&T> {
/// Borrow one as mutable
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// let mut value = OneOrMany::from_one(1);
/// if let Some(i) = value.one_mut() {
/// *i += 1;
/// }
/// assert_eq!(, Some(2));
/// ```
pub fn one_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
/// Take a single value
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// # let value = OneOrMany::from_one(1);
/// if let Some(v) = {
/// println!("{:?}", v);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn one(self) -> Option<T> {
/// Get a slice of values
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// # let value = OneOrMany::from_many(vec![1, 2, 3]);
/// if let Some(v) = value.as_many() {
/// for item in v.iter() {
/// println!("{:?}", item);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn as_many(&self) -> Option<&[T]> {
self.0.as_ref().right().map(|v| v.as_ref())
/// Borrow many as mutable
/// ```rust
/// use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// let mut value = OneOrMany::from_many(vec![1, 2, 3]);
/// if let Some(v) = value.many_mut() {
/// for i in v.iter_mut() {
/// *i += 3;
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(value.many(), Some(vec![4, 5, 6]));
/// ```
pub fn many_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut [T]> {
self.0.as_mut().right().map(|v| v.as_mut())
/// Take a Vec of values
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// # let value = OneOrMany::from_many(vec![1, 2, 3]);
/// if let Some(v) = value.many() {
/// for item in v.into_iter() {
/// println!("{:?}", item);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn many(self) -> Option<Vec<T>> {
/// Consume the type, returning a vec
/// ```rust
/// # use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// # let value = OneOrMany::from_many(vec![1, 2, 3]);
/// for item in value.unwrap_to_vec() {
/// println!("{:?}", item);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn unwrap_to_vec(self) -> Vec<T> {
match self.0 {
Either::Left(t) => vec![t],
Either::Right(v) => v,
/// Produce a new object from one value
/// ```
/// use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// let v = OneOrMany::from_one(1234);
/// ```
pub fn from_one(t: T) -> Self {
/// Produce a new object from a vec of values
/// ```
/// use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// let v = OneOrMany::from_many(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
/// ```
pub fn from_many(items: Vec<T>) -> Self {
/// Overwrite the contents with a single value
/// ```
/// # use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// # let mut value = OneOrMany::from_many(vec![1, 2, 3]);
/// value.set_one(3);
/// assert!(value.as_one().is_some());
/// ```
pub fn set_one<U>(&mut self, u: U) -> &mut Self
U: Into<T>,
self.0 = Either::Left(u.into());
/// Overwrite the contents with vec of values
/// ```
/// # use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// # let mut value = OneOrMany::from_one(1234);
/// value.set_many(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
/// assert!(value.as_many().is_some());
/// ```
pub fn set_many<U>(&mut self, items: impl IntoIterator<Item = U>) -> &mut Self
U: Into<T>,
self.0 = Either::Right(items.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect());
/// Add a value to the object
/// This appends the value to the existing vec, or converts the single value into a vec, and
/// then appends the new value
/// ```
/// use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// let mut value = OneOrMany::from_one(1234);
/// value.add(4321);
/// assert!(value.as_many().is_some());
/// ```
pub fn add<U>(&mut self, u: U) -> &mut Self
U: Into<T>,
let mut v = match std::mem::replace(&mut self.0, Either::Right(vec![])) {
Either::Left(one) => vec![one],
Either::Right(v) => v,
self.0 = Either::Right(v);
/// Add many values to the object
/// This appends the values to the existing vec, or converts the single value into a vec, and
/// then appends the new values
/// ```
/// use activitystreams::primitives::OneOrMany;
/// let mut value = OneOrMany::from_one(1234);
/// value.add_many(vec![4321, 2345]);
/// assert!(value.as_many().is_some());
/// ```
pub fn add_many<U>(&mut self, items: impl IntoIterator<Item = U>) -> &mut Self
U: Into<T>,
let mut v = match std::mem::replace(&mut self.0, Either::Right(vec![])) {
Either::Left(one) => vec![one],
Either::Right(v) => v,
self.0 = Either::Right(v);
impl<T> From<T> for OneOrMany<T> {
fn from(t: T) -> Self {
impl<T> From<Vec<T>> for OneOrMany<T> {
fn from(t: Vec<T>) -> Self {