2023-03-15 23:37:35 +01:00

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//! Traits which need to be implemented for federated data types
use crate::{config::Data, protocol::public_key::PublicKey};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use chrono::NaiveDateTime;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::{fmt::Debug, ops::Deref};
use url::Url;
/// Helper for converting between database structs and federated protocol structs.
/// ```
/// # use activitystreams_kinds::{object::NoteType, public};
/// # use chrono::{Local, NaiveDateTime};
/// # use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use activitypub_federation::protocol::{public_key::PublicKey, helpers::deserialize_one_or_many};
/// # use activitypub_federation::config::Data;
/// # use activitypub_federation::fetch::object_id::ObjectId;
/// # use activitypub_federation::protocol::verification::verify_domains_match;
/// # use activitypub_federation::traits::{Actor, ApubObject};
/// # use activitypub_federation::traits::tests::{DbConnection, DbUser};
/// #
/// /// How the post is read/written in the local database
/// pub struct DbPost {
/// pub text: String,
/// pub ap_id: ObjectId<DbPost>,
/// pub creator: ObjectId<DbUser>,
/// pub local: bool,
/// }
/// /// How the post is serialized and represented as Activitypub JSON
/// #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
/// #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
/// pub struct Note {
/// #[serde(rename = "type")]
/// kind: NoteType,
/// id: ObjectId<DbPost>,
/// pub(crate) attributed_to: ObjectId<DbUser>,
/// #[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_one_or_many")]
/// pub(crate) to: Vec<Url>,
/// content: String,
/// }
/// #[async_trait::async_trait]
/// impl ApubObject for DbPost {
/// type DataType = DbConnection;
/// type ApubType = Note;
/// type Error = anyhow::Error;
/// async fn read_from_apub_id(object_id: Url, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<Option<Self>, Self::Error> {
/// // Attempt to read object from local database. Return Ok(None) if not found.
/// let post: Option<DbPost> = data.read_post_from_apub_id(object_id).await?;
/// Ok(post)
/// }
/// async fn into_apub(self, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<Self::ApubType, Self::Error> {
/// // Called when a local object gets sent out over Activitypub. Simply convert it to the
/// // protocol struct
/// Ok(Note {
/// kind: Default::default(),
/// id: self.ap_id.clone().into(),
/// attributed_to: self.creator,
/// to: vec![public()],
/// content: self.text,
/// })
/// }
/// async fn verify(apub: &Self::ApubType, expected_domain: &Url, data: &Data<Self::DataType>,) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// verify_domains_match(, expected_domain)?;
/// // additional application specific checks
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// async fn from_apub(apub: Self::ApubType, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
/// // Called when a remote object gets received over Activitypub. Validate and insert it
/// // into the database.
/// let post = DbPost {
/// text: apub.content,
/// ap_id:,
/// creator: apub.attributed_to,
/// local: false,
/// };
/// // Here we need to persist the object in the local database. Note that Activitypub
/// // doesnt distinguish between creating and updating an object. Thats why we need to
/// // use upsert functionality.
/// data.upsert(&post).await?;
/// Ok(post)
/// }
/// }
pub trait ApubObject: Sized {
/// App data type passed to handlers. Must be identical to
/// [crate::config::FederationConfigBuilder::app_data] type.
type DataType: Clone + Send + Sync;
/// The type of protocol struct which gets sent over network to federate this database struct.
type ApubType;
/// Error type returned by handler methods
type Error;
/// Returns the last time this object was updated.
/// If this returns `Some` and the value is too long ago, the object is refetched from the
/// original instance. This should always be implemented for actors, because there is no active
/// update mechanism prescribed. It is possible to send `Update/Person` activities for profile
/// changes, but not all implementations do this, so `last_refreshed_at` is still necessary.
/// The object is refetched if `last_refreshed_at` value is more than 24 hours ago. In debug
/// mode this is reduced to 20 seconds.
fn last_refreshed_at(&self) -> Option<NaiveDateTime> {
/// Try to read the object with given `id` from local database.
/// Should return `Ok(None)` if not found.
async fn read_from_apub_id(
object_id: Url,
data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<Option<Self>, Self::Error>;
/// Mark remote object as deleted in local database.
/// Called when a `Delete` activity is received, or if fetch returns a `Tombstone` object.
async fn delete(self, _data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// Convert database type to Activitypub type.
/// Called when a local object gets fetched by another instance over HTTP, or when an object
/// gets sent in an activity.
async fn into_apub(self, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<Self::ApubType, Self::Error>;
/// Verifies that the received object is valid.
/// You should check here that the domain of id matches `expected_domain`. Additionally you
/// should perform any application specific checks.
/// It is necessary to use a separate method for this, because it might be used for activities
/// like `Delete/Note`, which shouldn't perform any database write for the inner `Note`.
async fn verify(
apub: &Self::ApubType,
expected_domain: &Url,
data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Convert object from ActivityPub type to database type.
/// Called when an object is received from HTTP fetch or as part of an activity. This method
/// should write the received object to database. Note that there is no distinction between
/// create and update, so an `upsert` operation should be used.
async fn from_apub(
apub: Self::ApubType,
data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;
/// Handler for receiving incoming activities.
/// ```
/// # use activitystreams_kinds::activity::FollowType;
/// # use url::Url;
/// # use activitypub_federation::fetch::object_id::ObjectId;
/// # use activitypub_federation::config::Data;
/// # use activitypub_federation::traits::ActivityHandler;
/// # use activitypub_federation::traits::tests::{DbConnection, DbUser};
/// #[derive(serde::Deserialize)]
/// struct Follow {
/// actor: ObjectId<DbUser>,
/// object: ObjectId<DbUser>,
/// #[serde(rename = "type")]
/// kind: FollowType,
/// id: Url,
/// }
/// #[async_trait::async_trait]
/// impl ActivityHandler for Follow {
/// type DataType = DbConnection;
/// type Error = anyhow::Error;
/// fn id(&self) -> &Url {
/// &
/// }
/// fn actor(&self) -> &Url {
/// }
/// async fn verify(&self, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// async fn receive(self, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// let local_user = self.object.dereference(data).await?;
/// let follower =;
/// data.add_follower(local_user, follower).await?;
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub trait ActivityHandler {
/// App data type passed to handlers. Must be identical to
/// [crate::config::FederationConfigBuilder::app_data] type.
type DataType: Clone + Send + Sync;
/// Error type returned by handler methods
type Error;
/// `id` field of the activity
fn id(&self) -> &Url;
/// `actor` field of activity
fn actor(&self) -> &Url;
/// Verifies that the received activity is valid.
/// This needs to be a separate method, because it might be used for activities
/// like `Undo/Follow`, which shouldn't perform any database write for the inner `Follow`.
async fn verify(&self, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Called when an activity is received.
/// Should perform validation and possibly write action to the database. In case the activity
/// has a nested `object` field, must call `object.from_apub` handler.
async fn receive(self, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Trait to allow retrieving common Actor data.
pub trait Actor: ApubObject + Send + 'static {
/// `id` field of the actor
fn id(&self) -> Url;
/// The actor's public key for verifying signatures of incoming activities.
/// Use [generate_actor_keypair](crate::http_signatures::generate_actor_keypair) to create the
/// actor keypair.
fn public_key_pem(&self) -> &str;
/// The actor's private key for signing outgoing activities.
/// Use [generate_actor_keypair](crate::http_signatures::generate_actor_keypair) to create the
/// actor keypair.
fn private_key_pem(&self) -> Option<String>;
/// The inbox where activities for this user should be sent to
fn inbox(&self) -> Url;
/// Generates a public key struct for use in the actor json representation
fn public_key(&self) -> PublicKey {
PublicKey::new(, self.public_key_pem().to_string())
/// The actor's shared inbox, if any
fn shared_inbox(&self) -> Option<Url> {
/// Returns shared inbox if it exists, normal inbox otherwise.
fn shared_inbox_or_inbox(&self) -> Url {
self.shared_inbox().unwrap_or_else(|| self.inbox())
/// Allow for boxing of enum variants
impl<T> ActivityHandler for Box<T>
T: ActivityHandler + Send + Sync,
type DataType = T::DataType;
type Error = T::Error;
fn id(&self) -> &Url {
fn actor(&self) -> &Url {
async fn verify(&self, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
async fn receive(self, data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// Trait for federating collections
pub trait ApubCollection: Sized {
/// Actor or object that this collection belongs to
type Owner;
/// App data type passed to handlers. Must be identical to
/// [crate::config::FederationConfigBuilder::app_data] type.
type DataType: Clone + Send + Sync;
/// The type of protocol struct which gets sent over network to federate this database struct.
type ApubType: for<'de2> Deserialize<'de2>;
/// Error type returned by handler methods
type Error;
/// Reads local collection from database and returns it as Activitypub JSON.
async fn read_local(
owner: &Self::Owner,
data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<Self::ApubType, Self::Error>;
/// Verifies that the received object is valid.
/// You should check here that the domain of id matches `expected_domain`. Additionally you
/// should perform any application specific checks.
async fn verify(
apub: &Self::ApubType,
expected_domain: &Url,
data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
/// Convert object from ActivityPub type to database type.
/// Called when an object is received from HTTP fetch or as part of an activity. This method
/// should also write the received object to database. Note that there is no distinction
/// between create and update, so an `upsert` operation should be used.
async fn from_apub(
apub: Self::ApubType,
owner: &Self::Owner,
data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;
/// Some impls of these traits for use in tests. Dont use this from external crates.
/// TODO: Should be using `cfg[doctest]` but blocked by <>
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{
http_signatures::{generate_actor_keypair, Keypair},
protocol::{public_key::PublicKey, verification::verify_domains_match},
use activitystreams_kinds::{activity::FollowType, actor::PersonType};
use anyhow::Error;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub struct DbConnection;
impl DbConnection {
pub async fn read_post_from_apub_id<T>(&self, _: Url) -> Result<Option<T>, Error> {
pub async fn read_local_user(&self, _: String) -> Result<DbUser, Error> {
pub async fn upsert<T>(&self, _: &T) -> Result<(), Error> {
pub async fn add_follower(&self, _: DbUser, _: DbUser) -> Result<(), Error> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Person {
#[serde(rename = "type")]
pub kind: PersonType,
pub preferred_username: String,
pub id: ObjectId<DbUser>,
pub inbox: Url,
pub public_key: PublicKey,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DbUser {
pub name: String,
pub apub_id: Url,
pub inbox: Url,
pub public_key: String,
private_key: Option<String>,
pub followers: Vec<Url>,
pub local: bool,
pub static DB_USER_KEYPAIR: Lazy<Keypair> = Lazy::new(|| generate_actor_keypair().unwrap());
pub static DB_USER: Lazy<DbUser> = Lazy::new(|| DbUser {
name: String::new(),
apub_id: "https://localhost/123".parse().unwrap(),
inbox: "https://localhost/123/inbox".parse().unwrap(),
public_key: DB_USER_KEYPAIR.public_key.clone(),
private_key: Some(DB_USER_KEYPAIR.private_key.clone()),
followers: vec![],
local: false,
impl ApubObject for DbUser {
type DataType = DbConnection;
type ApubType = Person;
type Error = Error;
async fn read_from_apub_id(
_object_id: Url,
_data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<Option<Self>, Self::Error> {
async fn into_apub(
_data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<Self::ApubType, Self::Error> {
Ok(Person {
kind: Default::default(),
id: self.apub_id.clone().into(),
inbox: self.inbox.clone(),
public_key: self.public_key(),
async fn verify(
apub: &Self::ApubType,
expected_domain: &Url,
_data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
verify_domains_match(, expected_domain)?;
async fn from_apub(
apub: Self::ApubType,
_data: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
Ok(DbUser {
name: apub.preferred_username,
inbox: apub.inbox,
public_key: apub.public_key.public_key_pem,
private_key: None,
followers: vec![],
local: false,
impl Actor for DbUser {
fn id(&self) -> Url {
fn public_key_pem(&self) -> &str {
fn private_key_pem(&self) -> Option<String> {
fn inbox(&self) -> Url {
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Clone, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Follow {
pub actor: ObjectId<DbUser>,
pub object: ObjectId<DbUser>,
#[serde(rename = "type")]
pub kind: FollowType,
pub id: Url,
impl ActivityHandler for Follow {
type DataType = DbConnection;
type Error = Error;
fn id(&self) -> &Url {
fn actor(&self) -> &Url {
async fn verify(&self, _: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
async fn receive(self, _data: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Note {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DbPost {}
impl ApubObject for DbPost {
type DataType = DbConnection;
type ApubType = Note;
type Error = Error;
async fn read_from_apub_id(
_: Url,
_: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<Option<Self>, Self::Error> {
async fn into_apub(self, _: &Data<Self::DataType>) -> Result<Self::ApubType, Self::Error> {
async fn verify(
_: &Self::ApubType,
_: &Url,
_: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
async fn from_apub(
_: Self::ApubType,
_: &Data<Self::DataType>,
) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {