Bat 68c7aad179 Big repository reorganization
The code is divided in three crates:
- plume-common, for the ActivityPub module, and some common utils
- plume-models, for the models and database-related code
- plume, the app itself

This new organization will allow to test it more easily, but also to create other tools that only reuse a little part of
the code (for instance a Wordpress import tool, that would just use the plume-models crate)
2018-06-23 17:36:11 +01:00

18 lines
603 B

use rocket::response::{Redirect, Flash};
use rocket_contrib::Template;
use plume_common::utils;
use plume_models::{db_conn::DbConn, notifications::Notification, users::User};
fn notifications(conn: DbConn, user: User) -> Template {
Template::render("notifications/index", json!({
"account": user,
"notifications": Notification::find_for_user(&*conn, &user)
#[get("/notifications", rank = 2)]
fn notifications_auth() -> Flash<Redirect>{
utils::requires_login("You need to be logged in order to see your notifications", uri!(notifications))