Thomas Letan 0ef4717a7f deps: Update to a more recent rocket and rust toolchain
With this patch, Plume will be use a more up-to-date revision of
Rocket, that works with nightly-2018-07-17. It may have been able to
make it work with a more recent revision, but it turns out rocket has
introduced several breaking changes so I’d rather fix those.

Besides updating rocket_i18n and rocket_csrf to use the same revision
than Plume, this patch deals with the new implementation of the
Uri<'_> type. It silents a class of warnings, to deal with a change in
rustc which affects diesel. This latter change should be reverted as
soon as diesel releases a new version of its crate.
2018-09-08 15:51:55 +02:00

111 lines
3.4 KiB

use rocket::{
http::{Cookie, Cookies, uri::Uri},
use rocket_contrib::Template;
use rocket::http::ext::IntoOwned;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use validator::{Validate, ValidationError, ValidationErrors};
use plume_models::{
users::{User, AUTH_COOKIE}
fn new(user: Option<User>, conn: DbConn) -> Template {
Template::render("session/login", json!({
"account":|u| u.to_json(&*conn)),
"errors": null,
"form": null
struct Message {
m: String
fn new_message(user: Option<User>, message: Message, conn: DbConn) -> Template {
Template::render("session/login", json!({
"account":|u| u.to_json(&*conn)),
"message": message.m,
"errors": null,
"form": null
#[derive(FromForm, Validate, Serialize)]
struct LoginForm {
#[validate(length(min = "1", message = "We need an email or a username to identify you"))]
email_or_name: String,
#[validate(length(min = "1", message = "Your password can't be empty"))]
password: String
#[post("/login", data = "<data>")]
fn create(conn: DbConn, data: LenientForm<LoginForm>, flash: Option<FlashMessage>, mut cookies: Cookies) -> Result<Redirect, Template> {
let form = data.get();
let user = User::find_by_email(&*conn, form.email_or_name.to_string())
.map(|u| Ok(u))
.unwrap_or_else(|| User::find_local(&*conn, form.email_or_name.to_string()).map(|u| Ok(u)).unwrap_or(Err(())));
let mut errors = match form.validate() {
Ok(_) => ValidationErrors::new(),
Err(e) => e
if let Err(_) = user.clone() {
// Fake password verification, only to avoid different login times
// that could be used to see if an email adress is registered or not
User::get(&*conn, 1).map(|u| u.auth(form.password.clone()));
let mut err = ValidationError::new("invalid_login");
err.message = Some(Cow::from("Invalid username or password"));
errors.add("email_or_name", err)
} else if !user.clone().expect("User not found").auth(form.password.clone()) {
let mut err = ValidationError::new("invalid_login");
err.message = Some(Cow::from("Invalid username or password"));
errors.add("email_or_name", err)
if errors.is_empty() {
cookies.add_private(Cookie::new(AUTH_COOKIE, user.unwrap().id.to_string()));
let destination = flash
.and_then(|f| if == "callback" {
} else {
let uri = Uri::parse(&destination)
.map(|x| x.into_owned())
.map_err(|_| {
Template::render("session/login", json!({
"account": null,
"errors": errors.inner(),
"form": form
} else {
println!("{:?}", errors);
Err(Template::render("session/login", json!({
"account": null,
"errors": errors.inner(),
"form": form
fn delete(mut cookies: Cookies) -> Redirect {
let cookie = cookies.get_private(AUTH_COOKIE).unwrap();