fdb-hiroshima 006b44f580 Add support for generic timeline (#525)
* Begin adding support for timeline

* fix some bugs with parser

* fmt

* add error reporting for parser

* add tests for timeline query parser

* add rejection tests for parse

* begin adding support for lists

also run migration before compiling, so is up to date

* add sqlite migration

* end adding lists

still miss tests and query integration

* cargo fmt

* try to add some tests

* Add some constraint to db, and fix list test

and refactor other tests to use begin_transaction

* add more tests for lists

* add support for lists in query executor

* add keywords for including/excluding boosts and likes

* cargo fmt

* add function to list lists used by query

will make it easier to warn users when creating timeline with unknown lists

* add lang support

* add timeline creation error message when using unexisting lists

* Update .po files

* WIP: interface for timelines

* don't use diesel for migrations

not sure how it passed the ci on the other branch

* add some tests for timeline

add an int representing the order of timelines (first one will be on
top, second just under...)
use first() instead of limit(1).get().into_iter().nth(0)
remove migrations from build artifacts as they are now compiled in

* cargo fmt

* remove timeline order

* fix tests

* add tests for timeline creation failure

* cargo fmt

* add tests for timelines

* add test for matching direct lists and keywords

* add test for language filtering

* Add a more complex test for Timeline::matches, and fix TQ::matches for TQ::Or

* Make the main crate compile + FMT

* Use the new timeline system

- Replace the old "feed" system with timelines
- Display all timelines someone can access on their home page (either their personal ones, or instance timelines)
- Remove functions that were used to get user/local/federated feed
- Add new posts to timelines
- Create a default timeline called "My feed" for everyone, and "Local feed"/"Federated feed" with timelines

@fdb-hiroshima I don't know if that's how you pictured it? If you imagined it differently I can of course make changes.

I hope I didn't forgot anything…

* Cargo fmt

* Try to fix the migration

* Fix tests

* Fix the test (for real this time ?)

* Fix the tests ? + fmt

* Use Kind::Like and Kind::Reshare when needed

* Forgot to run cargo fmt once again

* revert translations

* fix reviewed stuff

* reduce code duplication by macros

* cargo fmt
2019-10-07 19:08:20 +02:00

156 lines
4.6 KiB

extern crate rsass;
extern crate ructe;
use ructe::Ructe;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::{env, ffi::OsStr, fs::*, io::Write, path::*};
fn compute_static_hash() -> String {
//"find static/ -type f ! -path 'static/media/*' | sort | xargs stat -c'%n %Y' | openssl dgst -r"
let find = Command::new("find")
.args(&["static/", "-type", "f", "!", "-path", "static/media/*"])
.expect("failed find command");
let sort = Command::new("sort")
.expect("failed sort command");
let xargs = Command::new("xargs")
.args(&["stat", "-c'%n %Y'"])
.expect("failed xargs command");
let mut sha = Command::new("openssl")
.args(&["dgst", "-r"])
.expect("failed openssl command");
sha.stdout.resize(64, 0);
fn main() {
.expect("This must be run with cargo")
.expect("compile templates");
compile_themes().expect("Theme compilation error");
recursive_copy(&Path::new("assets").join("icons"), &Path::new("static"))
.expect("Couldn't copy icons");
recursive_copy(&Path::new("assets").join("images"), &Path::new("static"))
.expect("Couldn't copy images");
create_dir_all(&Path::new("static").join("media")).expect("Couldn't init media directory");
let cache_id = &compute_static_hash()[..8];
copy("target/deploy/plume-front.wasm", "static/plume-front.wasm")
.and_then(|_| read_to_string("target/deploy/plume-front.js"))
.and_then(|js| {
&format!("\"/static/cached/{}/plume-front.wasm\"", cache_id),
println!("cargo:rustc-env=CACHE_ID={}", cache_id)
fn compile_themes() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let input_dir = Path::new("assets").join("themes");
let output_dir = Path::new("static").join("css");
let themes = find_themes(input_dir)?;
for theme in themes {
compile_theme(&theme, &output_dir)?;
fn find_themes(path: PathBuf) -> std::io::Result<Vec<PathBuf>> {
let ext = path.extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str);
if metadata(&path)?.is_dir() {
Ok(read_dir(&path)?.fold(vec![], |mut themes, ch| {
if let Ok(ch) = ch {
if let Ok(mut new) = find_themes(ch.path()) {
themes.append(&mut new);
} else if (ext == Some("scss") || ext == Some("sass"))
&& !path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().starts_with('_')
} else {
fn compile_theme(path: &Path, out_dir: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let name = path
.skip_while(|c| *c != Component::Normal(OsStr::new("themes")))
.filter_map(|c| {
.splitn(2, '.')
let dir = path.parent().unwrap();
let out = out_dir.join(name);
// copy files of the theme that are not scss
for ch in read_dir(&dir)? {
recursive_copy(&ch?.path(), &out)?;
// compile the .scss/.sass file
let mut out = File::create(out.join("theme.css"))?;
&rsass::compile_scss_file(path, rsass::OutputStyle::Compressed)
.expect("SCSS compilation error"),
fn recursive_copy(path: &Path, out_dir: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> {
if metadata(path)?.is_dir() {
let out = out_dir.join(path.file_name().unwrap());
for ch in read_dir(path)? {
recursive_copy(&ch?.path(), &out)?;
} else {
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.display());
let ext = path.extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str);
if ext != Some("scss") && ext != Some("sass") {
copy(path, out_dir.join(path.file_name().unwrap()))?;