mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 11:32:40 +00:00
1034 lines
26 KiB
1034 lines
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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: plume\n"
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"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-15 16:33-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-26 13:15\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Basque\n"
"Language: eu_ES\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"X-Crowdin-File: /master/po/plume/plume.pot\n"
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# src/template_utils.rs:105
msgid "Someone"
msgstr "Norbaitek"
# src/template_utils.rs:107
msgid "{0} commented on your article."
msgstr "{0}(e)k iruzkina egin du."
# src/template_utils.rs:108
msgid "{0} is subscribed to you."
msgstr "{0} zurekin harpidetuta dago."
# src/template_utils.rs:109
msgid "{0} liked your article."
msgstr "{0}-ri zure artikulua gustatu zitzaion."
# src/template_utils.rs:110
msgid "{0} mentioned you."
msgstr "{0}(e)k aipatu zaitu."
# src/template_utils.rs:111
msgid "{0} boosted your article."
msgstr "{0}(e)k zure artikulua partekatu zuen."
# src/template_utils.rs:118
msgid "Your feed"
msgstr "Zure feed-a"
# src/template_utils.rs:119
msgid "Local feed"
msgstr "Feed-a lokala"
# src/template_utils.rs:120
msgid "Federated feed"
msgstr "Feed federatua"
# src/template_utils.rs:156
msgid "{0}'s avatar"
msgstr "{0}-ko avatarra"
# src/template_utils.rs:200
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr "Aurreko orrialdea"
# src/template_utils.rs:211
msgid "Next page"
msgstr "Hurrengo orrialdea"
# src/template_utils.rs:365
msgid "Optional"
msgstr "Hautazkoa"
# src/routes/blogs.rs:68
msgid "To create a new blog, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Blog berri bat sortzeko, konektatuta egon behar duzu"
# src/routes/blogs.rs:110
msgid "A blog with the same name already exists."
msgstr "Badago izen bereko blog bat."
# src/routes/blogs.rs:148
msgid "Your blog was successfully created!"
msgstr "Zure bloga behar bezala sortu da!"
# src/routes/blogs.rs:166
msgid "Your blog was deleted."
msgstr "Zure bloga ezabatu egin da."
# src/routes/blogs.rs:174
msgid "You are not allowed to delete this blog."
msgstr "Ez duzu baimenik erregistro hau ezabatzeko."
# src/routes/blogs.rs:224
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this blog."
msgstr "Ez duzu blog hau editatzeko baimenik."
# src/routes/blogs.rs:280
msgid "You can't use this media as a blog icon."
msgstr "Ezin duzu baliabide hau blogaren ikono gisa erabili."
# src/routes/blogs.rs:298
msgid "You can't use this media as a blog banner."
msgstr "Ezin duzu baliabide hau blogaren bannerra gisa erabili."
# src/routes/blogs.rs:332
msgid "Your blog information have been updated."
msgstr "Zure blogeko informazioa eguneratu egin da."
# src/routes/comments.rs:100
msgid "Your comment has been posted."
msgstr "Zure iruzkina argitaratu da."
# src/routes/comments.rs:177
msgid "Your comment has been deleted."
msgstr "Zure iruzkina ezabatu da."
# src/routes/email_signups.rs:82
msgid "Registrations are closed on this instance."
msgstr "Erregistroak itxita daude instantzia honetan."
# src/routes/email_signups.rs:119
msgid "User registration"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileen erregistroa"
# src/routes/email_signups.rs:120
msgid "Here is the link for registration: {0}"
msgstr "Hemen duzu izena emateko esteka: {0}"
# src/routes/email_signups.rs:219
msgid "Your account has been created. Now you just need to log in, before you can use it."
msgstr "Zure kontua sortu da. Orain saioa hasi besterik ez duzu egin behar, erabili aurretik."
# src/routes/instance.rs:117
msgid "Instance settings have been saved."
msgstr "Instantziako ezarpenak gorde dira."
# src/routes/instance.rs:150
msgid "{} has been unblocked."
msgstr "{} desblokeatu egin da."
# src/routes/instance.rs:152
msgid "{} has been blocked."
msgstr "{} blokeatu egin da."
# src/routes/instance.rs:203
msgid "Blocks deleted"
msgstr "Blokeoak ezabatu egin dira"
# src/routes/instance.rs:219
msgid "Email already blocked"
msgstr "Posta elektronikoa blokeatuta zegoen"
# src/routes/instance.rs:224
msgid "Email Blocked"
msgstr "Posta elektronikoa blokeatuta"
# src/routes/instance.rs:317
msgid "You can't change your own rights."
msgstr "Ezin dituzu zure eskubideak aldatu."
# src/routes/instance.rs:328
msgid "You are not allowed to take this action."
msgstr "Ezin duzu ekintza hori egin."
# src/routes/instance.rs:363
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Eginda."
# src/routes/likes.rs:58
msgid "To like a post, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Artikulu bati atsegite bat emateko, konektatuta egon behar duzu"
# src/routes/medias.rs:153
msgid "Your media have been deleted."
msgstr "Zure baliabideak ezabatu egin dira."
# src/routes/medias.rs:158
msgid "You are not allowed to delete this media."
msgstr "Ez duzu baimenik baliabide hau ezabatzeko."
# src/routes/medias.rs:175
msgid "Your avatar has been updated."
msgstr "Zure avatarra eguneratu egin da."
# src/routes/medias.rs:180
msgid "You are not allowed to use this media."
msgstr "Ez duzu baimenik baliabide hau erabiltzeko."
# src/routes/notifications.rs:29
msgid "To see your notifications, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Zure jakinarazpenak ikusteko, konektatuta egon behar duzu"
# src/routes/posts.rs:56
msgid "This post isn't published yet."
msgstr "Argitalpen hau oraindik ez da argitaratu."
# src/routes/posts.rs:126
msgid "To write a new post, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Artikulu berri bat idazteko, konektatuta egon behar duzu"
# src/routes/posts.rs:147
msgid "You are not an author of this blog."
msgstr "Ez zara blog honen egilea."
# src/routes/posts.rs:154
msgid "New post"
msgstr "Artikulu berria"
# src/routes/posts.rs:199
msgid "Edit {0}"
msgstr "Editatu {0}"
# src/routes/posts.rs:268
msgid "You are not allowed to publish on this blog."
msgstr "Ez duzu baimenik blog honetan argitaratzeko."
# src/routes/posts.rs:368
msgid "Your article has been updated."
msgstr "Artikulua eguneratu da."
# src/routes/posts.rs:557
msgid "Your article has been saved."
msgstr "Artikulua gorde da."
# src/routes/posts.rs:564
msgid "New article"
msgstr "Artikulu berria"
# src/routes/posts.rs:602
msgid "You are not allowed to delete this article."
msgstr "Ez duzu artikulu hau ezabatzeko baimenik."
# src/routes/posts.rs:626
msgid "Your article has been deleted."
msgstr "Zure artikulua ezabatu da."
# src/routes/posts.rs:631
msgid "It looks like the article you tried to delete doesn't exist. Maybe it is already gone?"
msgstr "Badirudi ezabatzen saiatu zaren artikulua ez dela existitzen. Beharbada dagoeneko ezabatuta dago."
# src/routes/posts.rs:673
msgid "Couldn't obtain enough information about your account. Please make sure your username is correct."
msgstr "Ezin izan da zure kontuari buruzko nahikoa informazio lortu. Mesedez, egiaztatu erabiltzailea zuzena dela."
# src/routes/reshares.rs:58
msgid "To reshare a post, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Artikulua bultzatzeko saioa hasi behar duzu"
# src/routes/session.rs:95
msgid "You are now connected."
msgstr "Saioa hasi duzu."
# src/routes/session.rs:116
msgid "You are now logged off."
msgstr "Saioa itxi duzu."
# src/routes/session.rs:162
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "Berrezarri pasahitza"
# src/routes/session.rs:163
msgid "Here is the link to reset your password: {0}"
msgstr "Hemen duzu pasahitza berrezartzeko esteka: {0}"
# src/routes/session.rs:235
msgid "Your password was successfully reset."
msgstr "Pasahitza behar bezala berrezarri da."
# src/routes/user.rs:87
msgid "To access your dashboard, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Saioa hasi behar duzu aginte-mahaia ikusi ahal izateko"
# src/routes/user.rs:109
msgid "You are no longer following {}."
msgstr "{} jarraitzeari utzi diozu."
# src/routes/user.rs:126
msgid "You are now following {}."
msgstr "{} jarraitzen hasi zara."
# src/routes/user.rs:203
msgid "To subscribe to someone, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Norbaiten harpidetza egiteko, konektatuta egon behar duzu"
# src/routes/user.rs:323
msgid "To edit your profile, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Saioa hasi behar duzu profila moldatu ahal izateko"
# src/routes/user.rs:369
msgid "Your profile has been updated."
msgstr "Zure profila eguneratu egin da."
# src/routes/user.rs:397
msgid "Your account has been deleted."
msgstr "Kontua ezabatu da."
# src/routes/user.rs:403
msgid "You can't delete someone else's account."
msgstr "Ezin duzu beste norbaiten kontua ezabatu."
msgid "Create your account"
msgstr "Sortu kontua"
msgid "Create an account"
msgstr "Kontu bat sortu"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Posta elektronikoa"
msgid "Email confirmation"
msgstr "Baieztatu helbide elektronikoa"
msgid "Apologies, but registrations are closed on this particular instance. You can, however, find a different one."
msgstr "Sentitzen dugu, baina inskripzioak itxita daude instantzia honetan. Hala ere, beste instantzia bat aurki dezakezu."
msgid "Registration"
msgstr "Izen-ematea"
msgid "Check your inbox!"
msgstr "Begiratu zure sarrera-erretilua!"
msgid "We sent a mail to the address you gave us, with a link for registration."
msgstr "Mezu bat bidali dugu eman diguzun helbidera, izena emateko estekarekin."
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasahitza"
msgid "Password confirmation"
msgstr "Baieztatu pasahitza"
msgid "Media upload"
msgstr "Baliabideak igo"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Azalpena"
msgid "Useful for visually impaired people, as well as licensing information"
msgstr "Ikusmen-desgaitasuna duten pertsonentzat erabilgarria, bai eta lizentziei buruzko informazioa ere"
msgid "Content warning"
msgstr "Edukiari buruzko oharra"
msgid "Leave it empty, if none is needed"
msgstr "Utzi hutsik, behar ez bada"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fitxategia"
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Bidali"
msgid "Your media"
msgstr "Zure baliabideak"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Igo"
msgid "You don't have any media yet."
msgstr "Oraindik ez duzu baliabiderik."
msgid "Content warning: {0}"
msgstr "Edukiari buruzko oharra: {0}"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ezabatu"
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Xehetasunak"
msgid "Media details"
msgstr "Baliabide fitxategien xehetasunak"
msgid "Go back to the gallery"
msgstr "Itzuli galeriara"
msgid "Markdown syntax"
msgstr "Markdown sintaxia"
msgid "Copy it into your articles, to insert this media:"
msgstr "Kopiatu artikuluetan irudi hau txertatzeko:"
msgid "Use as an avatar"
msgstr "Erabili avatar gisa"
msgid "Plume"
msgstr "Plume"
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menua"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Bilatu"
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Panela"
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Jakinarazpenak"
msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Amaitu saioa"
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Nire kontua"
msgid "Log In"
msgstr "Saioa hasi"
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Erregistratu"
msgid "About this instance"
msgstr "Instantzia honi buruz"
msgid "Privacy policy"
msgstr "Pribatutasun politika"
msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administrazioa"
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentazioa"
msgid "Source code"
msgstr "Iturburu kodea"
msgid "Matrix room"
msgstr "Matrix.org gela"
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administratzailea"
msgid "It is you"
msgstr "Zu zara"
msgid "Edit your profile"
msgstr "Editatu zure profila"
msgid "Open on {0}"
msgstr "Ireki {0}-n"
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Ezeztatu harpidetza"
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Harpidetu"
msgid "Follow {}"
msgstr "Jarraitu {}"
msgid "Log in to follow"
msgstr "Hasi saioa jarraitzeko"
msgid "Enter your full username handle to follow"
msgstr "Sartu zure erabiltzaile-izen osoa jarraitzeko"
msgid "{0}'s subscribers"
msgstr "{0} harpidedun"
msgid "Articles"
msgstr "Artikuluak"
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "Harpidedunak"
msgid "Subscriptions"
msgstr "Harpidetzak"
msgid "{0}'s subscriptions"
msgstr "{0}-ko harpidetzak"
msgid "Your Dashboard"
msgstr "Zure panela"
msgid "Your Blogs"
msgstr "Zure blogak"
msgid "You don't have any blog yet. Create your own, or ask to join one."
msgstr "Oraindik ez duzu blogik. Sortu bat zeure buruarentzat edo eskatu batekin bat egitea."
msgid "Start a new blog"
msgstr "Blog berri bat hasi"
msgid "Your Drafts"
msgstr "Zure zirriborroak"
msgid "Go to your gallery"
msgstr "Joan zure galeriara"
msgid "Edit your account"
msgstr "Editatu zure kontua"
msgid "Your Profile"
msgstr "Zure profila"
msgid "To change your avatar, upload it to your gallery and then select from there."
msgstr "Zure avatarra aldatzeko, sartu zure galerian eta aukeratu hortik."
msgid "Upload an avatar"
msgstr "Avatar bat igo"
msgid "Display name"
msgstr "Erakusteko izena"
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Laburpena"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Gaia"
msgid "Default theme"
msgstr "Lehenetsitako gaia"
msgid "Error while loading theme selector."
msgstr "Errorea gai-hautatzailea kargatzean."
msgid "Never load blogs custom themes"
msgstr "Inoiz ez kargatu blogetako gai pertsonalizatuak"
msgid "Update account"
msgstr "Eguneratu kontua"
msgid "Danger zone"
msgstr "Arrisku-eremua"
msgid "Be very careful, any action taken here can't be cancelled."
msgstr "Kontuz ibili, hemen hartutako edozein ekintza atzeraezina da."
msgid "Delete your account"
msgstr "Ezabatu zure kontua"
msgid "Sorry, but as an admin, you can't leave your own instance."
msgstr "Sentitzen dugu, baina administratzaile gisa, ezin duzu zure instantzia utzi."
msgid "Latest articles"
msgstr "Azken artikuluak"
msgid "Atom feed"
msgstr "Atom iturria"
msgid "Recently boosted"
msgstr "Duela gutxi partekatua"
msgid "Articles tagged \"{0}\""
msgstr "\"{0}\" etiketa duten artikuluak"
msgid "There are currently no articles with such a tag"
msgstr "Oraingoz ez dago etiketa hori duen artikulurik"
msgid "The content you sent can't be processed."
msgstr "Bidali duzun edukia ezin da prozesatu."
msgid "Maybe it was too long."
msgstr "Agian luzeegia izan zen."
msgid "Internal server error"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren barne errorea"
msgid "Something broke on our side."
msgstr "Zerbait gaizki atera zaigu."
msgid "Sorry about that. If you think this is a bug, please report it."
msgstr "Sentitzen dugu. Akats bat dela uste baduzu, jakinaraziguzu."
msgid "Invalid CSRF token"
msgstr "CSRF token baliogabea"
msgid "Something is wrong with your CSRF token. Make sure cookies are enabled in you browser, and try reloading this page. If you continue to see this error message, please report it."
msgstr "Arazo bat dago zure CSRF tokenarekin. Ziurtatu cookieak zure nabigatzailean gaituta daudela, eta saiatu orri hau kargatzen. Errore-mezu hau ikusten jarraitzen baduzu, mesedez, informatu."
msgid "You are not authorized."
msgstr "Ez duzu baimenik."
msgid "Page not found"
msgstr "Ez da orrialdea aurkitu"
msgid "We couldn't find this page."
msgstr "Ezin izan dugu orrialdea aurkitu."
msgid "The link that led you here may be broken."
msgstr "Hona ekarri zaituen esteka hondatuta egon liteke."
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak"
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "Ezarpenak"
msgid "Instances"
msgstr "Instantziak"
msgid "Email blocklist"
msgstr "Blokeatutako posta elektronikoen zerrenda"
msgid "Grant admin rights"
msgstr "Eman administrazio-eskubideak"
msgid "Revoke admin rights"
msgstr "Kendu administrazio-eskubideak"
msgid "Grant moderator rights"
msgstr "Eman moderatzaile-eskubideak"
msgid "Revoke moderator rights"
msgstr "Kendu moderatzaile-eskubideak"
msgid "Ban"
msgstr "Debekatu, galarazi (?)"
msgid "Run on selected users"
msgstr "Aukeratutako erabiltzaileei"
msgid "Moderator"
msgstr "Moderatzailea"
msgid "Moderation"
msgstr "Moderazioa"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Hasiera"
msgid "Administration of {0}"
msgstr "{0}(r)en administrazioa"
msgid "Unblock"
msgstr "Desblokeatu"
msgid "Block"
msgstr "Blokeatu"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Izena"
msgid "Allow anyone to register here"
msgstr "Baimendu edonork izena ematea"
msgid "Short description"
msgstr "Deskribapen (azalpen?) laburra"
msgid "Markdown syntax is supported"
msgstr "Markdown sintaxia erabil dezakezu"
msgid "Long description"
msgstr "Deskribapen luzea"
msgid "Default article license"
msgstr "Artikuluen lizentzia besterik adierazi ezean"
msgid "Save these settings"
msgstr "Gorde ezarpenak"
msgid "If you are browsing this site as a visitor, no data about you is collected."
msgstr "Saiorik hasi ez baduzu, ez dugu zuri buruzko inolako daturik gordeko."
msgid "As a registered user, you have to provide your username (which does not have to be your real name), your functional email address and a password, in order to be able to log in, write articles and comment. The content you submit is stored until you delete it."
msgstr "Izena eman baduzu, erabiltzaile izena (ez da beharrezkoa zure benetako izena izatea), helbide elektronikoa eta pasahitza zehaztu behar dituzu saioa hasi ahal izateko, artikuluak idazteko eta iruzkinak egiteko. Igotzen duzun edukia gorde egingo da zuk ezabatzen duzun arte."
msgid "When you log in, we store two cookies, one to keep your session open, the second to prevent other people to act on your behalf. We don't store any other cookies."
msgstr "Saioa hasten duzunean bi cookie gordetzen ditugu: bata saioa irekita mantentzeko; bestea beste batzuek zu izango bazina jardun ahal ez izateko. Ez dugu bestelako cookierik gordetzen."
msgid "Blocklisted Emails"
msgstr "Debekatutako helbide elektronikoak"
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Helbide elektronikoa"
msgid "The email address you wish to block. In order to block domains, you can use globbing syntax, for example '*@example.com' blocks all addresses from example.com"
msgstr "Blokeatu nahiko zenukeen helbide elektronikoa. Domeinu bat blokeatzeko globbing sintaxia erabil dezakezu, adibidez '*@adibidea.eus'-ek adibidea.eus domeinuko helbide elektroniko guztiak blokeatuko ditu"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Oharra"
msgid "Notify the user?"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea jakinarazi?"
msgid "Optional, shows a message to the user when they attempt to create an account with that address"
msgstr "Hautazkoa, mezu bat erakusten die erabiltzaileei helbide honekin kontu bat sortzen saiatzen direnean"
msgid "Blocklisting notification"
msgstr "Blokeoaren jakinarazpena"
msgid "The message to be shown when the user attempts to create an account with this email address"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea helbide elektroniko hau duen kontu bat sortzen saiatzen denean agertuko den mezua"
msgid "Add blocklisted address"
msgstr "Gehitu helbide blokeatua"
msgid "There are no blocked emails on your instance"
msgstr "Ez dago posta blokeaturik zure instantzian"
msgid "Delete selected emails"
msgstr "Ezabatu aukeratutako posta elektronikoak"
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "Helbide elektronikoa:"
msgid "Blocklisted for:"
msgstr "Blokeoaren arrazoia:"
msgid "Will notify them on account creation with this message:"
msgstr "Kontua sortzean, mezu honekin jakinaraziko zaie:"
msgid "The user will be silently prevented from making an account"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileari isilean eragotziko zaio kontu bat sortzea"
msgid "Welcome to {}"
msgstr "Ongi etorri {}(e)ra"
msgid "View all"
msgstr "Ikusi guztia"
msgid "About {0}"
msgstr "{0}ri buruz"
msgid "Runs Plume {0}"
msgstr "{0}(e)k Plume darabil"
msgid "Home to <em>{0}</em> people"
msgstr "<em>{0}</em> erabiltzaileen etxea"
msgid "Who wrote <em>{0}</em> articles"
msgstr "<em>{0}</em> artikulu idatzi zituztenak"
msgid "And are connected to <em>{0}</em> other instances"
msgstr "Eta beste <em>{0}</em> instantziarekin daude konektatuta"
msgid "Administred by"
msgstr "Kudeatzailea:"
msgid "Interact with {}"
msgstr "{}-rekin elkarreragin"
msgid "Log in to interact"
msgstr "Hasi saioa parte hartzeko"
msgid "Enter your full username to interact"
msgstr "Idatzi erabiltzaile-izen osoa parte hartzeko"
msgid "Publish"
msgstr "Argitaratu"
msgid "Classic editor (any changes will be lost)"
msgstr "Editore klasikoa (edozein aldaketa galduta egongo da)"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titulua"
msgid "Subtitle"
msgstr "Azpititulua"
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Edukia"
msgid "You can upload media to your gallery, and then copy their Markdown code into your articles to insert them."
msgstr "Baliabideak igo ditzakezu zure galeriara eta ondoren Markdown kodea kopiatu artikuluan txertatzeko."
msgid "Upload media"
msgstr "Baliabideak igo"
msgid "Tags, separated by commas"
msgstr "Etiketak, komen bidez bereizita"
msgid "License"
msgstr "Lizentzia"
msgid "Illustration"
msgstr "Irudi nagusia"
msgid "This is a draft, don't publish it yet."
msgstr "Zirriborro bat da, ez argitaratu oraingoz."
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Eguneratu"
msgid "Update, or publish"
msgstr "Eguneratu edo argitaratu"
msgid "Publish your post"
msgstr "Argitaratu artikulua"
msgid "Written by {0}"
msgstr "{0}(e)k idatzia"
msgid "All rights reserved."
msgstr "Eskubide guztiak erreserbatuta."
msgid "This article is under the {0} license."
msgstr "Artikulu honen lizentzia {0} da."
msgid "One like"
msgid_plural "{0} likes"
msgstr[0] "Atsegite {0}"
msgstr[1] "{0} atsegite"
msgid "I don't like this anymore"
msgstr "Orain hau ez zait gustatzen"
msgid "Add yours"
msgstr "Zuk ere gogoko egin"
msgid "One boost"
msgid_plural "{0} boosts"
msgstr[0] "Bultzada bat"
msgstr[1] "{0} bultzada"
msgid "I don't want to boost this anymore"
msgstr "Orain ez dut hau partekatu nahi"
msgid "Boost"
msgstr "Bultzatu"
msgid "{0}Log in{1}, or {2}use your Fediverse account{3} to interact with this article"
msgstr "{0}Hasi saioa{1} edo {2}erabili Fedibertsoko kontua{3}"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Iruzkinak"
msgid "Your comment"
msgstr "Zure iruzkina"
msgid "Submit comment"
msgstr "Bidali iruzkina"
msgid "No comments yet. Be the first to react!"
msgstr "Oraingoz ez du iruzkinik. Izan lehena!"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Ziur al zaude?"
msgid "This article is still a draft. Only you and other authors can see it."
msgstr "Artikulu hau zirriborro bat baino ez da. Zuk eta beste egileek bakarrik ikus dezakezue."
msgid "Only you and other authors can edit this article."
msgstr "Zuk eta beste egileek bakarrik moldatu dezakezue artikulu hau."
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editatu (edo moldatu?)"
msgid "I'm from this instance"
msgstr "Instantzia honetakoa naiz"
msgid "Username, or email"
msgstr "Erabiltzailea edo helbide elektronikoa"
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "Hasi saioa"
msgid "I'm from another instance"
msgstr "Beste instantzia batekoa naiz"
msgid "Continue to your instance"
msgstr "Joan zure instantziara"
msgid "Reset your password"
msgstr "Berrezarri pasahitza"
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Pasahitz berria"
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Baieztapena"
msgid "Update password"
msgstr "Eguneratu pasahitza"
msgid "We sent a mail to the address you gave us, with a link to reset your password."
msgstr "Pasahitza berrezartzeko esteka bidali dizugu eman zenigun helbidera."
msgid "Send password reset link"
msgstr "Bidali pasahitza berrezartzeko esteka"
msgid "This token has expired"
msgstr "Token hau iraungi egin da"
msgid "Please start the process again by clicking <a href=\"/password-reset\">here</a>."
msgstr "Mesedez, hasi berriro prozesua <a href=\"/password-reset\">hemen klik eginez</a>."
msgid "New Blog"
msgstr "Blog berria"
msgid "Create a blog"
msgstr "Sortu bloga"
msgid "Create blog"
msgstr "Sortu bloga"
msgid "Edit \"{}\""
msgstr "Editatu \"{}\""
msgid "You can upload images to your gallery, to use them as blog icons, or banners."
msgstr "Irudiak igo ditzakezu zure galeriara, blogeko ikono edo baner gisa erabiltzeko."
msgid "Upload images"
msgstr "Igo irudiak"
msgid "Blog icon"
msgstr "Blogeko ikonoa"
msgid "Blog banner"
msgstr "Blogeko banerra"
msgid "Custom theme"
msgstr "Pertsonalizatutako gaia"
msgid "Update blog"
msgstr "Eguneratu bloga"
msgid "Be very careful, any action taken here can't be reversed."
msgstr "Adi! Hemen egindako ekintzak ezin dira desegin."
msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete this blog?"
msgstr "Ziur al zaude blog hau betiko ezabatu nahi duzula?"
msgid "Permanently delete this blog"
msgstr "Betiko ezabatu blog hau"
msgid "{}'s icon"
msgstr "{}(r)en ikonoa"
msgid "There's one author on this blog: "
msgid_plural "There are {0} authors on this blog: "
msgstr[0] "Egile bat dago blog honetan: "
msgstr[1] "{0} egile daude blog honetan: "
msgid "No posts to see here yet."
msgstr "Oraindik ez dago artikulurik ikusgai."
msgid "Nothing to see here yet."
msgstr "Oraindik ez dago zerikusirik hemen."
msgid "None"
msgstr "Bat ere ez"
msgid "No description"
msgstr "Deskribapenik gabe"
msgid "Respond"
msgstr "Erantzun"
msgid "Delete this comment"
msgstr "Ezabatu iruzkina"
msgid "What is Plume?"
msgstr "Zer da Plume?"
msgid "Plume is a decentralized blogging engine."
msgstr "Plume blog-motor deszentralizatua da."
msgid "Authors can manage multiple blogs, each as its own website."
msgstr "Egileek blog bat baino gehiago kudeatu ditzakete, bakoitza webgune bat bailitzan."
msgid "Articles are also visible on other Plume instances, and you can interact with them directly from other platforms like Mastodon."
msgstr "Artikuluak beste Plume instantzietan daude ikusgai, eta Mastodon bezalako plataformekin parte hartu dezakezu."
msgid "Read the detailed rules"
msgstr "Irakurri arauak bere osotasunean"
msgid "By {0}"
msgstr "{0}(r)i esker"
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Zirriborroa"
msgid "Search result(s) for \"{0}\""
msgstr "\"{0}\" bilaketaren emaitza(k)"
msgid "Search result(s)"
msgstr "Bilatu emaitzak"
msgid "No results for your query"
msgstr "Ez dago emaitzarik zure kontsultarako"
msgid "No more results for your query"
msgstr "Ez dago emaitza gehiagorik zure kontsultarako"
msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr "Bilaketa aurreratua"
msgid "Article title matching these words"
msgstr "Hitz hauekin bat datozen artikuluen tituluak"
msgid "Subtitle matching these words"
msgstr "Hitz hauekin bat datozen azpitituluak"
msgid "Content macthing these words"
msgstr "Hitz hauekin bat datozen edukiak"
msgid "Body content"
msgstr "Gorputzeko edukia"
msgid "From this date"
msgstr "Data honetatik aurrera"
msgid "To this date"
msgstr "Data honetaraino"
msgid "Containing these tags"
msgstr "Etiketa hauek ditu(zt)enak"
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Etiketak"
msgid "Posted on one of these instances"
msgstr "Instantzia hauetako batean argitaratuta"
msgid "Instance domain"
msgstr "Instantziaren domeinua"
msgid "Posted by one of these authors"
msgstr "Egile hauetako batek argitaratuta"
msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr "Egilea(k)"
msgid "Posted on one of these blogs"
msgstr "Blog hauetako batean argitaratuta"
msgid "Blog title"
msgstr "Blogaren izena"
msgid "Written in this language"
msgstr "Hizkuntza honetan idatzia"
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Hizkuntza"
msgid "Published under this license"
msgstr "Lizentzia honekin argitaratua"
msgid "Article license"
msgstr "Artikuluaren lizentzia"