Ana Gelez 309e1200d0 Make a distinction between moderators and admins (#619)
* Make a distinction between moderators and admins

And rework the user list in the moderation interface, to be able to run the same action on many users,
and to have a huge list of actions whithout loosing space.

* Make user's role an enum + make it impossible for a moderator to escalate privileges

With the help of diesel-derive-enum (maybe it could be used in other places too?)

Also, moderators are still able to grant or revoke moderation rights to other people, but maybe only admins should be able to do it?

* Cargo fmt

* copy/pasting is bad

* Remove diesel-derive-enum and use an integer instead

It was not compatible with both Postgres and SQlite, because for one it generated a schema
with the "User_role" type, but for the other it was "Text"…

* Reset translations

* Use an enum to avoid magic numbers + fix the tests

* Reset translations

* Fix down.sql
2019-09-13 12:28:36 +02:00

384 lines
9.2 KiB

extern crate activitypub;
extern crate ammonia;
extern crate askama_escape;
extern crate bcrypt;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate diesel;
extern crate guid_create;
extern crate heck;
extern crate itertools;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate migrations_internals;
extern crate openssl;
extern crate plume_api;
extern crate plume_common;
extern crate plume_macro;
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate rocket;
extern crate rocket_i18n;
extern crate scheduled_thread_pool;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate tantivy;
extern crate url;
extern crate walkdir;
extern crate webfinger;
extern crate whatlang;
use plume_common::activity_pub::inbox::InboxError;
#[cfg(not(any(feature = "sqlite", feature = "postgres")))]
compile_error!("Either feature \"sqlite\" or \"postgres\" must be enabled for this crate.");
#[cfg(all(feature = "sqlite", feature = "postgres"))]
compile_error!("Either feature \"sqlite\" or \"postgres\" must be enabled for this crate.");
#[cfg(all(feature = "sqlite", not(feature = "postgres")))]
pub type Connection = diesel::SqliteConnection;
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "sqlite"), feature = "postgres"))]
pub type Connection = diesel::PgConnection;
/// All the possible errors that can be encoutered in this crate
pub enum Error {
impl From<bcrypt::BcryptError> for Error {
fn from(_: bcrypt::BcryptError) -> Self {
impl From<openssl::error::ErrorStack> for Error {
fn from(_: openssl::error::ErrorStack) -> Self {
impl From<diesel::result::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: diesel::result::Error) -> Self {
impl From<std::option::NoneError> for Error {
fn from(_: std::option::NoneError) -> Self {
impl From<url::ParseError> for Error {
fn from(_: url::ParseError) -> Self {
impl From<serde_json::Error> for Error {
fn from(_: serde_json::Error) -> Self {
impl From<reqwest::Error> for Error {
fn from(_: reqwest::Error) -> Self {
impl From<reqwest::header::InvalidHeaderValue> for Error {
fn from(_: reqwest::header::InvalidHeaderValue) -> Self {
impl From<activitypub::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: activitypub::Error) -> Self {
match err {
activitypub::Error::NotFound => Error::MissingApProperty,
_ => Error::SerDe,
impl From<webfinger::WebfingerError> for Error {
fn from(_: webfinger::WebfingerError) -> Self {
impl From<search::SearcherError> for Error {
fn from(err: search::SearcherError) -> Self {
impl From<std::io::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: std::io::Error) -> Self {
impl From<InboxError<Error>> for Error {
fn from(err: InboxError<Error>) -> Error {
match err {
InboxError::InvalidActor(Some(e)) | InboxError::InvalidObject(Some(e)) => e,
e => Error::Inbox(Box::new(e)),
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Adds a function to a model, that returns the first
/// matching row for a given list of fields.
/// Usage:
/// ```rust
/// impl Model {
/// find_by!(model_table, name_of_the_function, field1 as String, field2 as i32);
/// }
/// // Get the Model with field1 == "", and field2 == 0
/// Model::name_of_the_function(connection, String::new(), 0);
/// ```
macro_rules! find_by {
($table:ident, $fn:ident, $($col:ident as $type:ty),+) => {
/// Try to find a $table with a given $col
pub fn $fn(conn: &crate::Connection, $($col: $type),+) -> Result<Self> {
/// List all rows of a model, with field-based filtering.
/// Usage:
/// ```rust
/// impl Model {
/// list_by!(model_table, name_of_the_function, field1 as String);
/// }
/// // To get all Models with field1 == ""
/// Model::name_of_the_function(connection, String::new());
/// ```
macro_rules! list_by {
($table:ident, $fn:ident, $($col:ident as $type:ty),+) => {
/// Try to find a $table with a given $col
pub fn $fn(conn: &crate::Connection, $($col: $type),+) -> Result<Vec<Self>> {
/// Adds a function to a model to retrieve a row by ID
/// # Usage
/// ```rust
/// impl Model {
/// get!(model_table);
/// }
/// // Get the Model with ID 1
/// Model::get(connection, 1);
/// ```
macro_rules! get {
($table:ident) => {
pub fn get(conn: &crate::Connection, id: i32) -> Result<Self> {
/// Adds a function to a model to insert a new row
/// # Usage
/// ```rust
/// impl Model {
/// insert!(model_table, NewModelType);
/// }
/// // Insert a new row
/// Model::insert(connection, NewModelType::new());
/// ```
macro_rules! insert {
($table:ident, $from:ident) => {
insert!($table, $from, |x, _conn| Ok(x));
($table:ident, $from:ident, |$val:ident, $conn:ident | $( $after:tt )+) => {
pub fn insert(conn: &crate::Connection, new: $from) -> Result<Self> {
let mut $val = Self::last(conn)?;
let $conn = conn;
$( $after )+
/// Returns the last row of a table.
/// # Usage
/// ```rust
/// impl Model {
/// last!(model_table);
/// }
/// // Get the last Model
/// Model::last(connection)
/// ```
macro_rules! last {
($table:ident) => {
pub fn last(conn: &crate::Connection) -> Result<Self> {
mod config;
pub use config::CONFIG;
pub fn ap_url(url: &str) -> String {
format!("https://{}", url)
mod tests {
use db_conn;
use diesel::r2d2::ConnectionManager;
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
use diesel::{dsl::sql_query, RunQueryDsl};
use migrations::IMPORTED_MIGRATIONS;
use plume_common::utils::random_hex;
use scheduled_thread_pool::ScheduledThreadPool;
use search;
use std::env::temp_dir;
use std::sync::Arc;
use Connection as Conn;
macro_rules! part_eq {
( $x:expr, $y:expr, [$( $var:ident ),*] ) => {
assert_eq!($x.$var, $y.$var);
pub fn db<'a>() -> db_conn::DbConn {
lazy_static! {
static ref DB_POOL: db_conn::DbPool = {
let pool = db_conn::DbPool::builder()
let dir = temp_dir().join(format!("plume-test-{}", random_hex()));
.run_pending_migrations(&pool.get().unwrap(), &dir)
.expect("Migrations error");
pub fn rockets() -> super::PlumeRocket {
super::PlumeRocket {
conn: db_conn::DbConn((*DB_POOL).get().unwrap()),
searcher: Arc::new(search::tests::get_searcher()),
worker: Arc::new(ScheduledThreadPool::new(2)),
user: None,
pub mod admin;
pub mod api_tokens;
pub mod apps;
pub mod blog_authors;
pub mod blogs;
pub mod comment_seers;
pub mod comments;
pub mod db_conn;
pub mod follows;
pub mod headers;
pub mod inbox;
pub mod instance;
pub mod likes;
pub mod medias;
pub mod mentions;
pub mod migrations;
pub mod notifications;
pub mod password_reset_requests;
pub mod plume_rocket;
pub mod post_authors;
pub mod posts;
pub mod reshares;
pub mod safe_string;
pub mod schema;
pub mod search;
pub mod tags;
pub mod users;
pub use plume_rocket::PlumeRocket;