Thomas Letan 0ef4717a7f deps: Update to a more recent rocket and rust toolchain
With this patch, Plume will be use a more up-to-date revision of
Rocket, that works with nightly-2018-07-17. It may have been able to
make it work with a more recent revision, but it turns out rocket has
introduced several breaking changes so I’d rather fix those.

Besides updating rocket_i18n and rocket_csrf to use the same revision
than Plume, this patch deals with the new implementation of the
Uri<'_> type. It silents a class of warnings, to deal with a change in
rustc which affects diesel. This latter change should be reverted as
soon as diesel releases a new version of its crate.
2018-09-08 15:51:55 +02:00

99 lines
3.9 KiB

use gettextrs::gettext;
use heck::CamelCase;
use pulldown_cmark::{Event, Parser, Options, Tag, html};
use rocket::{
response::{Redirect, Flash}
/// Remove non alphanumeric characters and CamelCase a string
pub fn make_actor_id(name: String) -> String {
.filter(|c| c.is_alphanumeric())
pub fn requires_login(message: &str, url: Uri) -> Flash<Redirect> {
Flash::new(Redirect::to(format!("/login?m={}", gettext(message.to_string()))), "callback", url.to_string())
/// Returns (HTML, mentions)
pub fn md_to_html(md: &str) -> (String, Vec<String>) {
let parser = Parser::new_ext(md, Options::all());
let (parser, mentions): (Vec<Vec<Event>>, Vec<Vec<String>>) =|evt| match evt {
Event::Text(txt) => {
let (evts, _, _, _, new_mentions) = txt.chars().fold((vec![], false, String::new(), 0, vec![]), |(mut events, in_mention, text_acc, n, mut mentions), c| {
if in_mention {
let char_matches = c.is_alphanumeric() || c == '@' || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '_';
if char_matches && (n < (txt.chars().count() - 1)) {
(events, in_mention, text_acc + c.to_string().as_ref(), n + 1, mentions)
} else {
let mention = if char_matches {
text_acc + c.to_string().as_ref()
} else {
let short_mention = mention.clone();
let short_mention = short_mention.splitn(1, '@').nth(0).unwrap_or("");
let link = Tag::Link(format!("/@/{}/", mention).into(), short_mention.to_string().into());
events.push(Event::Text(format!("@{}", short_mention).into()));
(events, false, c.to_string(), n + 1, mentions)
} else {
if c == '@' {
(events, true, String::new(), n + 1, mentions)
} else {
if n >= (txt.chars().count() - 1) { // Add the text after at the end, even if it is not followed by a mention.
events.push(Event::Text((text_acc.clone() + c.to_string().as_ref()).into()))
(events, in_mention, text_acc + c.to_string().as_ref(), n + 1, mentions)
(evts, new_mentions)
_ => (vec![evt], vec![])
let parser = parser.into_iter().flatten();
let mentions = mentions.into_iter().flatten().map(|m| String::from(m.trim()));
// TODO: fetch mentionned profiles in background, if needed
let mut buf = String::new();
html::push_html(&mut buf, parser);
(buf, mentions.collect())
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_mentions() {
let tests = vec![
("nothing", vec![]),
("@mention", vec!["mention"]),
("@mention@instance.tld", vec!["mention@instance.tld"]),
("@many @mentions", vec!["many", "mentions"]),
("@start with a mentions", vec!["start"]),
("mention at @end", vec!["end"]),
("between parenthesis (@test)", vec!["test"]),
("with some punctuation @test!", vec!["test"]),
(" @spaces ", vec!["spaces"]),
for (md, mentions) in tests {
assert_eq!(md_to_html(md).1, mentions.into_iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>());