fdb-hiroshima 006b44f580 Add support for generic timeline (#525)
* Begin adding support for timeline

* fix some bugs with parser

* fmt

* add error reporting for parser

* add tests for timeline query parser

* add rejection tests for parse

* begin adding support for lists

also run migration before compiling, so is up to date

* add sqlite migration

* end adding lists

still miss tests and query integration

* cargo fmt

* try to add some tests

* Add some constraint to db, and fix list test

and refactor other tests to use begin_transaction

* add more tests for lists

* add support for lists in query executor

* add keywords for including/excluding boosts and likes

* cargo fmt

* add function to list lists used by query

will make it easier to warn users when creating timeline with unknown lists

* add lang support

* add timeline creation error message when using unexisting lists

* Update .po files

* WIP: interface for timelines

* don't use diesel for migrations

not sure how it passed the ci on the other branch

* add some tests for timeline

add an int representing the order of timelines (first one will be on
top, second just under...)
use first() instead of limit(1).get().into_iter().nth(0)
remove migrations from build artifacts as they are now compiled in

* cargo fmt

* remove timeline order

* fix tests

* add tests for timeline creation failure

* cargo fmt

* add tests for timelines

* add test for matching direct lists and keywords

* add test for language filtering

* Add a more complex test for Timeline::matches, and fix TQ::matches for TQ::Or

* Make the main crate compile + FMT

* Use the new timeline system

- Replace the old "feed" system with timelines
- Display all timelines someone can access on their home page (either their personal ones, or instance timelines)
- Remove functions that were used to get user/local/federated feed
- Add new posts to timelines
- Create a default timeline called "My feed" for everyone, and "Local feed"/"Federated feed" with timelines

@fdb-hiroshima I don't know if that's how you pictured it? If you imagined it differently I can of course make changes.

I hope I didn't forgot anything…

* Cargo fmt

* Try to fix the migration

* Fix tests

* Fix the test (for real this time ?)

* Fix the tests ? + fmt

* Use Kind::Like and Kind::Reshare when needed

* Forgot to run cargo fmt once again

* revert translations

* fix reviewed stuff

* reduce code duplication by macros

* cargo fmt
2019-10-07 19:08:20 +02:00

506 lines
15 KiB

use activitypub::activity::*;
use serde_json;
use crate::{
follows, likes,
posts::{Post, PostUpdate},
Error, PlumeRocket,
use plume_common::activity_pub::inbox::Inbox;
macro_rules! impl_into_inbox_result {
( $( $t:ty => $variant:ident ),+ ) => {
impl From<$t> for InboxResult {
fn from(x: $t) -> InboxResult {
pub enum InboxResult {
impl From<()> for InboxResult {
fn from(_: ()) -> InboxResult {
impl_into_inbox_result! {
Comment => Commented,
follows::Follow => Followed,
likes::Like => Liked,
Post => Post,
Reshare => Reshared
pub fn inbox(ctx: &PlumeRocket, act: serde_json::Value) -> Result<InboxResult, Error> {
Inbox::handle(ctx, act)
.with::<User, Announce, Post>()
.with::<User, Create, Comment>()
.with::<User, Create, Post>()
.with::<User, Delete, Comment>()
.with::<User, Delete, Post>()
.with::<User, Delete, User>()
.with::<User, Follow, User>()
.with::<User, Like, Post>()
.with::<User, Undo, Reshare>()
.with::<User, Undo, follows::Follow>()
.with::<User, Undo, likes::Like>()
.with::<User, Update, PostUpdate>()
pub(crate) mod tests {
use super::InboxResult;
use crate::blogs::tests::fill_database as blog_fill_db;
use crate::safe_string::SafeString;
use crate::tests::rockets;
use crate::PlumeRocket;
use diesel::Connection;
pub fn fill_database(
rockets: &PlumeRocket,
) -> (
) {
use crate::post_authors::*;
use crate::posts::*;
let (users, blogs) = blog_fill_db(&rockets.conn);
let post = Post::insert(
NewPost {
blog_id: blogs[0].id,
slug: "testing".to_owned(),
title: "Testing".to_owned(),
content: crate::safe_string::SafeString::new("Hello"),
published: true,
license: "WTFPL".to_owned(),
creation_date: None,
ap_url: format!("{}/testing", blogs[0].actor_id),
subtitle: String::new(),
source: String::new(),
cover_id: None,
NewPostAuthor {
author_id: users[0].id,
(vec![post], users, blogs)
fn announce_post() {
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": posts[0].ap_url,
"type": "Announce",
match super::inbox(&r, act).unwrap() {
super::InboxResult::Reshared(r) => {
assert_eq!(r.post_id, posts[0].id);
assert_eq!(r.user_id, users[0].id);
assert_eq!(r.ap_url, "".to_owned());
_ => panic!("Unexpected result"),
fn create_comment() {
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": {
"type": "Note",
"id": "",
"attributedTo": users[0].ap_url,
"inReplyTo": posts[0].ap_url,
"content": "Hello.",
"to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY]
"type": "Create",
match super::inbox(&r, act).unwrap() {
super::InboxResult::Commented(c) => {
assert_eq!(c.author_id, users[0].id);
assert_eq!(c.post_id, posts[0].id);
assert_eq!(c.in_response_to_id, None);
assert_eq!(c.content, SafeString::new("Hello."));
_ => panic!("Unexpected result"),
fn create_post() {
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (_, users, blogs) = fill_database(&r);
let act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": {
"type": "Article",
"id": "",
"attributedTo": [users[0].ap_url, blogs[0].ap_url],
"content": "Hello.",
"name": "My Article",
"summary": "Bye.",
"source": {
"content": "Hello.",
"mediaType": "text/markdown"
"published": "2014-12-12T12:12:12Z",
"to": [plume_common::activity_pub::PUBLIC_VISIBILITY]
"type": "Create",
match super::inbox(&r, act).unwrap() {
super::InboxResult::Post(p) => {
assert!(p.is_author(conn, users[0].id).unwrap());
assert_eq!(p.source, "Hello.".to_owned());
assert_eq!(p.blog_id, blogs[0].id);
assert_eq!(p.content, SafeString::new("Hello."));
assert_eq!(p.subtitle, "Bye.".to_owned());
assert_eq!(p.title, "My Article".to_owned());
_ => panic!("Unexpected result"),
fn delete_comment() {
use crate::comments::*;
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
NewComment {
content: SafeString::new("My comment"),
in_response_to_id: None,
post_id: posts[0].id,
author_id: users[0].id,
ap_url: Some("".to_owned()),
sensitive: false,
spoiler_text: "spoiler".to_owned(),
public_visibility: true,
let fail_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[1].ap_url, // Not the author of the comment, it should fail
"object": "",
"type": "Delete",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, fail_act).is_err());
let ok_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": "",
"type": "Delete",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, ok_act).is_ok());
fn delete_post() {
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let fail_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[1].ap_url, // Not the author of the post, it should fail
"object": posts[0].ap_url,
"type": "Delete",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, fail_act).is_err());
let ok_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": posts[0].ap_url,
"type": "Delete",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, ok_act).is_ok());
fn delete_user() {
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (_, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let fail_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[1].ap_url, // Not the same account
"object": users[0].ap_url,
"type": "Delete",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, fail_act).is_err());
let ok_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": users[0].ap_url,
"type": "Delete",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, ok_act).is_ok());
assert!(crate::users::User::get(conn, users[0].id).is_err());
fn follow() {
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (_, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": users[1].ap_url,
"type": "Follow",
match super::inbox(&r, act).unwrap() {
InboxResult::Followed(f) => {
assert_eq!(f.follower_id, users[0].id);
assert_eq!(f.following_id, users[1].id);
assert_eq!(f.ap_url, "".to_owned());
_ => panic!("Unexpected result"),
fn like() {
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[1].ap_url,
"object": posts[0].ap_url,
"type": "Like",
match super::inbox(&r, act).unwrap() {
InboxResult::Liked(l) => {
assert_eq!(l.user_id, users[1].id);
assert_eq!(l.post_id, posts[0].id);
assert_eq!(l.ap_url, "".to_owned());
_ => panic!("Unexpected result"),
fn undo_reshare() {
use crate::reshares::*;
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let announce = Reshare::insert(
NewReshare {
post_id: posts[0].id,
user_id: users[1].id,
ap_url: "".to_owned(),
let fail_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": announce.ap_url,
"type": "Undo",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, fail_act).is_err());
let ok_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[1].ap_url,
"object": announce.ap_url,
"type": "Undo",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, ok_act).is_ok());
fn undo_follow() {
use crate::follows::*;
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (_, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let follow = Follow::insert(
NewFollow {
follower_id: users[0].id,
following_id: users[1].id,
ap_url: "".to_owned(),
let fail_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[2].ap_url,
"object": follow.ap_url,
"type": "Undo",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, fail_act).is_err());
let ok_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": follow.ap_url,
"type": "Undo",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, ok_act).is_ok());
fn undo_like() {
use crate::likes::*;
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let like = Like::insert(
NewLike {
post_id: posts[0].id,
user_id: users[1].id,
ap_url: "".to_owned(),
let fail_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": like.ap_url,
"type": "Undo",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, fail_act).is_err());
let ok_act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[1].ap_url,
"object": like.ap_url,
"type": "Undo",
assert!(super::inbox(&r, ok_act).is_ok());
fn update_post() {
let r = rockets();
let conn = &*r.conn;
conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| {
let (posts, users, _) = fill_database(&r);
let act = json!({
"id": "",
"actor": users[0].ap_url,
"object": {
"type": "Article",
"id": posts[0].ap_url,
"name": "Mia Artikolo",
"summary": "Jes, mi parolas esperanton nun",
"content": "<b>Saluton</b>, mi skribas testojn",
"source": {
"mediaType": "text/markdown",
"content": "**Saluton**, mi skribas testojn"
"type": "Update",
super::inbox(&r, act).unwrap();