* Bump activitystreams-derive from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1
* Bump tantivy from 0.9.1 to 0.10.1
* Bump rpassword from 3.0.2 to 4.0.1
* Bump num_cpus from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1
* Bump serde_qs from 0.4.6 to 0.5.0
* Bump stdweb-internal-runtime from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4
* [Security] Bump smallvec from 0.6.9 to 0.6.10
* Bump chrono from 0.4.6 to 0.4.7
* Bump bcrypt from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0
* Bump serde_json from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40
* Bump tokio from 0.1.21 to 0.1.22
* Bump scheduled-thread-pool from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2
* Bump stdweb from 0.4.14 to 0.4.18
* Bump hyper from 0.12.29 to 0.12.33
* Bump reqwest from 0.9.17 to 0.9.19
* Bump url from 1.7.2 to 2.1.0
* send scheme as part of webfinger remote follow template
* bump webfinger to 0.4.1
* cargo fmt
* revert translations
* Use group: prefix for blog webfinger queries
* add shrinkwraprs and implement Id thru it
This also means we can automatically convert Id to String without using
* cleanup with the help of clippy!
* cleanup with the help of cargo fmt!
* remove extra block
* Shrinkwrap Page, ContentLen and RemoteForm
* translations
[Security] Bump ammonia from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1
Bump bcrypt from 0.2.2 to 0.4.0
Bump clap from 2.32.0 to 2.33.0
Bump colored from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0
Bump ctrlc from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
Bump diesel from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2
Bump dotenv from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0
Bump hyper from 0.12.25 to 0.12.28
Bump openssl from 0.10.19 to 0.10.22
Bump proc-macro2 from 0.4.27 to 0.4.30
Bump reqwest from 0.9.11 to 0.9.16
Bump rpassword from 2.1.0 to 3.0.2
Bump serde_derive from 1.0.80 to 1.0.82
Bump serde_derive from 1.0.89 to 1.0.91
Bump serde from 1.0.89 to 1.0.91
Bump serde_qs from 0.4.5 to 0.4.6
Bump stdweb from 0.4.14 to 0.4.17
Bump syn from 0.11.11 to 0.15.27
Bump whatlang from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1
* import migrations via macro
* panic on database not to the latest migration
* add subcommand to plm
* create migration that run tantivy index creation
* remove diesel_cli from places it was
* use our migration system for tests
* create table __diesel_schema_migrations if needed
Add support for remote interaction ([this thing](https://eldritch.cafe/users/Barmaid/remote_follow) in mastodon)
- [x] create the endpoint dispatching remote interactions to local pages
- [x] add this endpoint to web-finger
- [x] propose remote interaction when following and not connected
- [x] propose remote interaction when liking/sharing and not connected
- [x] propose remote interaction when commenting and not connected
- [x] fetch posts/comments we don't know but remote interaction was requested for ?
* Big refactoring of the Inbox
We now have a type that routes an activity through the registered handlers
until one of them matches.
Each Actor/Activity/Object combination is represented by an implementation of AsObject
These combinations are then registered on the Inbox type, which will try to deserialize
the incoming activity in the requested types.
- nicer syntax: the final API is clearer and more idiomatic
- more generic: only two traits (`AsActor` and `AsObject`) instead of one for each kind of activity
- it is easier to see which activities we handle and which one we don't
* Small fixes
- Avoid panics
- Don't search for AP ID infinitely
- Code style issues
* Fix tests
* Introduce a new trait: FromId
It should be implemented for any AP object.
It allows to look for an object in database using its AP ID, or to dereference it if it was not present in database
Also moves the inbox code to plume-models to test it (and write a basic test for each activity type we handle)
* Use if let instead of match
* Don't require PlumeRocket::intl for tests
* Return early and remove a forgotten dbg!
* Add more tests to try to understand where the issues come from
* Also add a test for comment federation
* Don't check creation_date is the same for blogs
* Make user and blog federation more tolerant to errors/missing fields
* Make clippy happy
* Use the correct Accept header when dereferencing
* Fix follow approval with Mastodon
* Add spaces to characters that should not be in usernames
And validate blog names too
* Smarter dereferencing: only do it once for each actor/object
* Forgot some files
* Cargo fmt
* Delete plume_test
* Delete plume_tests
* Update get_id docs + Remove useless : Sized
* Appease cargo fmt
* Remove dbg! + Use as_ref instead of clone when possible + Use and_then instead of map when possible
* Remove .po~
* send unfollow to local instance
* read cover from update activity
* Make sure "cc" and "to" are never empty
and fix a typo in a constant name
* Cargo fmt
With this PR, when JS is activated and WASM supported, the article editor will be dynamically replaced with `contenteditable`s elements. This makes the editing interface simpler and less like a regular form. It will also allow us to easily add visual formatting with native browser APIs (and to insert images or videos directly). Here is a little demo:

There is still a lot to do, but it is a good first step.
* Password reset
* Various improvements and fixes for password reset
- Reorganize src/mail.rs to make it cleaner
- add a build_mail function
- only make the requests invalid after 2 hours
- avoid infintely-growing list of requests by deleting them once completed, or after 24 hours
- avoid sending many requests for the same user
- validate the password reset form
* Avoid locking so many times
Fix durations
* Remove old requests even if the current one is not valid
* Remove unused feature
* Also remove the custom_derive and plugin features while we are at it
* Forgot a 0 è_é
* Avoid panicking while owning a request lock
* Use master branch of lettre so that we can build with the latest OpenSSL
* Fix the debug mailer
I added the repo link to Cargo.toml so that `software.repository` could be configurable like @rhaamo suggested. I don't know if it's ok to include `software.repository` without bumping the schema version, but I didn't know if that would break any clients that parse nodeinfo with a hardcoded schema version.
* Bump serde from 1.0.82 to 1.0.84
* Bump ructe from 0.5.4 to 0.5.6
* Bump colored from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0
* Bump itertools from 0.7.11 to 0.8.0
* Bump ammonia from 1.2.0 to 2.0.0
* Bump hyper from 0.12.19 to 0.12.20
* Bump serde_derive from 1.0.80 to 1.0.84
* Bump stdweb from 0.4.12 to 0.4.13
* Bump rsass from 0.9.4 to 0.9.6
* Bump failure from 0.1.3 to 0.1.5
* Bump reqwest from 0.9.5 to 0.9.8
* Bump serde_derive from 0.7.1 to 0.8.0
Rust can compile to WASM, so let's use it for front-end code as well.
To compile the front-end:
cargo install cargo-web
cargo web deploy -p plume-front
* Bump base64 from 0.9.3 to 0.10.0
* Bump bcrypt from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1
* Bump canapi from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0
* Bump failure from 0.1.2 to 0.1.3
* Bump hyper from 0.11.27 to 0.12.11
* Bump hyper from 0.11.27 to 0.12.16
* Bump lazy_static from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
* Bump multipart from 0.15.3 to 0.15.4
* Bump openssl from 0.10.12 to 0.10.15
* Bump pulldown-cmark from 0.1.2 to 0.2.0
* Bump reqwest from 0.9.2 to 0.9.5
* Bump rocket from 0.4.0-rc.1 to 0.4.0
* Bump rpassword from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0
* Bump ructe from 0.5.2 to 0.5.4
* Bump serde_derive from 1.0.79 to 1.0.80
* Bump serde from 1.0.79 to 1.0.80
* Bump serde_json from 1.0.32 to 1.0.33
* Bump tera from 0.11.17 to 0.11.20
* Bump url from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2
* Bump validator to from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0
* Bump validator_derive from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0
* Bump whatlang from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0
* Remove hyper from plume-common dependencies
* Remove rpassword from Plume dependancies
* Upgrade compiler to nightly-2018-12-06
All the template are now compiled at compile-time with the `ructe` crate.
I preferred to use it instead of askama because it allows more complex Rust expressions, where askama only supports a small subset of expressions and doesn't allow them everywhere (for instance, `{{ macro!() | filter }}` would result in a parsing error).
The diff is quite huge, but there is normally no changes in functionality.
Fixes#161 and unblocks #110 and #273
* Add search engine to the model
Add a Tantivy based search engine to the model
Implement most required functions for it
* Implement indexing and plm subcommands
Implement indexation on insert, update and delete
Modify func args to get the indexer where required
Add subcommand to initialize, refill and unlock search db
* Move to a new threadpool engine allowing scheduling
* Autocommit search index every half an hour
* Implement front part of search
Add default fields for search
Add new routes and templates for search and result
Implement FromFormValue for Page to reuse it on search result pagination
Add optional query parameters to paginate template's macro
Update to newer rocket_csrf, don't get csrf token on GET forms
* Handle process termination to release lock
Handle process termination
Add tests to search
* Add proper support for advanced search
Add an advanced search form to /search, in template and route
Modify Tantivy schema, add new tokenizer for some properties
Create new String query parser
Create Tantivy query AST from our own
* Split search.rs, add comment and tests
Split search.rs into multiple submodules
Add comments and tests for Query
Make user@domain be treated as one could assume
Update debian installation doc
Remove need for libpq when compiling with sqlite backend
Remove some unneaded features of multipart to speed up compilation
With this patch, Plume will be use a more up-to-date revision of
Rocket, that works with nightly-2018-07-17. It may have been able to
make it work with a more recent revision, but it turns out rocket has
introduced several breaking changes so I’d rather fix those.
Besides updating rocket_i18n and rocket_csrf to use the same revision
than Plume, this patch deals with the new implementation of the
Uri<'_> type. It silents a class of warnings, to deal with a change in
rustc which affects diesel. This latter change should be reverted as
soon as diesel releases a new version of its crate.