Chocobozzz 5cb3e6a0b8
Use sessionId instead of IP to identify viewer
Breaking: YAML config `ip_view_expiration` is renamed `view_expiration`
Breaking: Views are taken into account after 10 seconds instead of 30
seconds (can be changed in YAML config)

Purpose of this commit is to get closer to other video platforms where
some platforms count views on play (mux, vimeo) or others use a very low
delay (instagram, tiktok)

We also want to improve the viewer identification, where we no longer
use the IP but the `sessionId` generated by the web browser. Multiple
viewers behind a NAT can now be able to be identified as independent
viewers (this method is also used by vimeo or mux)
2024-04-04 16:27:40 +02:00

258 lines
7.9 KiB

import { VideoViewEvent } from '@peertube/peertube-models'
import { isTestOrDevInstance } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils'
import { GeoIP } from '@server/helpers/geo-ip.js'
import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger.js'
import { MAX_LOCAL_VIEWER_WATCH_SECTIONS, VIEWER_SYNC_REDIS, VIEW_LIFETIME } from '@server/initializers/constants.js'
import { sequelizeTypescript } from '@server/initializers/database.js'
import { sendCreateWatchAction } from '@server/lib/activitypub/send/index.js'
import { getLocalVideoViewerActivityPubUrl } from '@server/lib/activitypub/url.js'
import { Redis } from '@server/lib/redis.js'
import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video.js'
import { LocalVideoViewerWatchSectionModel } from '@server/models/view/local-video-viewer-watch-section.js'
import { LocalVideoViewerModel } from '@server/models/view/local-video-viewer.js'
import { MVideo, MVideoImmutable } from '@server/types/models/index.js'
import { Transaction } from 'sequelize'
const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('views')
type LocalViewerStats = {
firstUpdated: number // Date.getTime()
lastUpdated: number // Date.getTime()
watchSections: {
start: number
end: number
watchTime: number
country: string
subdivisionName: string
videoId: number
export class VideoViewerStats {
private processingViewersStats = false
private processingRedisWrites = false
private readonly viewerCache = new Map<string, LocalViewerStats>()
private readonly redisPendingWrites = new Map<string, { sessionId: string, videoId: number, stats: LocalViewerStats }>()
constructor () {
setInterval(() => this.processViewerStats(), VIEW_LIFETIME.VIEWER_STATS)
setInterval(() => this.syncRedisWrites(), VIEWER_SYNC_REDIS)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async addLocalViewer (options: {
video: MVideoImmutable
currentTime: number
ip: string
sessionId: string
viewEvent?: VideoViewEvent
}) {
const { video, ip, viewEvent, currentTime, sessionId } = options
'Adding local viewer to video stats %s.', video.uuid,
{ currentTime, viewEvent, sessionId, ...lTags(video.uuid) }
const nowMs = new Date().getTime()
let stats: LocalViewerStats = await this.getLocalVideoViewer({ sessionId, videoId: })
if (stats && stats.watchSections.length >= MAX_LOCAL_VIEWER_WATCH_SECTIONS) {
logger.warn('Too much watch section to store for a viewer, skipping this one', { currentTime, viewEvent, ...lTags(video.uuid) })
if (!stats) {
const { country, subdivisionName } = await GeoIP.Instance.safeIPISOLookup(ip)
stats = {
firstUpdated: nowMs,
lastUpdated: nowMs,
watchSections: [],
watchTime: 0,
stats.lastUpdated = nowMs
if (viewEvent === 'seek' || stats.watchSections.length === 0) {
start: currentTime,
end: currentTime
} else {
const lastSection = stats.watchSections[stats.watchSections.length - 1]
if (lastSection.start > currentTime) {
logger.debug('Invalid end watch section %d. Last start record was at %d. Starting a new section.', currentTime, lastSection.start)
start: currentTime,
end: currentTime
} else {
lastSection.end = currentTime
stats.watchTime = this.buildWatchTimeFromSections(stats.watchSections)
logger.debug('Set local video viewer stats for video %s.', video.uuid, { stats, ...lTags(video.uuid) })
this.setLocalVideoViewer(sessionId,, stats)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async getWatchTime (videoId: number, sessionId: string) {
const stats: LocalViewerStats = await this.getLocalVideoViewer({ sessionId, videoId })
return stats?.watchTime || 0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
async processViewerStats () {
if (this.processingViewersStats) return
this.processingViewersStats = true
if (!isTestOrDevInstance())'Processing viewer statistics.', lTags())
const now = new Date().getTime()
try {
await this.syncRedisWrites()
const allKeys = await Redis.Instance.listLocalVideoViewerKeys()
for (const key of allKeys) {
const stats: LocalViewerStats = await this.getLocalVideoViewerByKey(key)
// Process expired stats
if (stats.lastUpdated > now - VIEW_LIFETIME.VIEWER_STATS) {
try {
await sequelizeTypescript.transaction(async t => {
const video = await VideoModel.load(stats.videoId, t)
if (!video) return
const statsModel = await this.saveViewerStats(video, stats, t)
if (statsModel && video.remote) {
await sendCreateWatchAction(statsModel, t)
await this.deleteLocalVideoViewersKeys(key)
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Cannot process viewer stats for Redis key %s.', key, { err, stats, ...lTags() })
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Error in video save viewers stats scheduler.', { err, ...lTags() })
this.processingViewersStats = false
private async saveViewerStats (video: MVideo, stats: LocalViewerStats, transaction: Transaction) {
if (stats.watchTime === 0) return
const statsModel = new LocalVideoViewerModel({
startDate: new Date(stats.firstUpdated),
endDate: new Date(stats.lastUpdated),
watchTime: stats.watchTime,
subdivisionName: stats.subdivisionName,
statsModel.url = getLocalVideoViewerActivityPubUrl(statsModel)
statsModel.Video = video as VideoModel
await{ transaction })
statsModel.WatchSections = await LocalVideoViewerWatchSectionModel.bulkCreateSections({
watchSections: stats.watchSections,
return statsModel
private buildWatchTimeFromSections (sections: { start: number, end: number }[]) {
return sections.reduce((p, current) => p + (current.end - current.start), 0)
* Redis calls can be expensive so try to cache things in front of it
private getLocalVideoViewer (options: {
sessionId: string
videoId: number
}): Promise<LocalViewerStats> {
const { viewerKey } = Redis.Instance.generateLocalVideoViewerKeys(options.sessionId, options.videoId)
return this.getLocalVideoViewerByKey(viewerKey)
private getLocalVideoViewerByKey (key: string): Promise<LocalViewerStats> {
const viewer = this.viewerCache.get(key)
if (viewer) return Promise.resolve(viewer)
return Redis.Instance.getLocalVideoViewer({ key })
private setLocalVideoViewer (sessionId: string, videoId: number, stats: LocalViewerStats) {
const { viewerKey } = Redis.Instance.generateLocalVideoViewerKeys(sessionId, videoId)
this.viewerCache.set(viewerKey, stats)
this.redisPendingWrites.set(viewerKey, { sessionId, videoId, stats })
private deleteLocalVideoViewersKeys (key: string) {
return Redis.Instance.deleteLocalVideoViewersKeys(key)
private async syncRedisWrites () {
if (this.processingRedisWrites) return
this.processingRedisWrites = true
for (const [ key, pendingWrite ] of this.redisPendingWrites) {
const { sessionId, videoId, stats } = pendingWrite
try {
await Redis.Instance.setLocalVideoViewer(sessionId, videoId, stats)
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Cannot write viewer into redis', { sessionId, videoId, stats, err })
this.processingRedisWrites = false