Chocobozzz 5cb3e6a0b8
Use sessionId instead of IP to identify viewer
Breaking: YAML config `ip_view_expiration` is renamed `view_expiration`
Breaking: Views are taken into account after 10 seconds instead of 30
seconds (can be changed in YAML config)

Purpose of this commit is to get closer to other video platforms where
some platforms count views on play (mux, vimeo) or others use a very low
delay (instagram, tiktok)

We also want to improve the viewer identification, where we no longer
use the IP but the `sessionId` generated by the web browser. Multiple
viewers behind a NAT can now be able to be identified as independent
viewers (this method is also used by vimeo or mux)
2024-04-04 16:27:40 +02:00

306 lines
9.9 KiB

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions,@typescript-eslint/require-await */
import { wait } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils'
import { buildUUID } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils'
import { PeerTubeServer, cleanupTests, stopFfmpeg, waitJobs } from '@peertube/peertube-server-commands'
import { prepareViewsServers, prepareViewsVideos, processViewsBuffer } from '@tests/shared/views.js'
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { FfmpegCommand } from 'fluent-ffmpeg'
describe('Test video views/viewers counters', function () {
let servers: PeerTubeServer[]
async function checkCounter (field: 'views' | 'viewers', id: string, expected: number) {
for (const server of servers) {
const video = await server.videos.get({ id })
const messageSuffix = video.isLive
? 'live video'
: 'vod video'
expect(video[field]).to.equal(expected, `${field} not valid on server ${server.serverNumber} for ${messageSuffix} ${video.uuid}`)
function runTests (options: { useSessionId: boolean }) {
const generateSession = () => {
if (!options.useSessionId) return undefined
return buildUUID()
describe('Test views counter on VOD', function () {
let videoUUID: string
before(async function () {
const { uuid } = await servers[0].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video' })
videoUUID = uuid
await waitJobs(servers)
it('Should not view a video if watch time is below the threshold', async function () {
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, sessionId: generateSession(), currentTimes: [ 1, 2 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 0)
it('Should view a video if watch time is above the threshold', async function () {
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, sessionId: generateSession(), currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 1)
it('Should not view again this video with the same IP/session Id', async function () {
const sessionId = generateSession()
const xForwardedFor = ','
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, sessionId, xForwardedFor, currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, sessionId, xForwardedFor, currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 2)
it('Should view the video from server 2 and send the event', async function () {
const sessionId = generateSession()
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, sessionId, currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await waitJobs(servers)
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 3)
describe('Test views and viewers counters on live and VOD', function () {
let liveVideoId: string
let vodVideoId: string
let command: FfmpegCommand
before(async function () {
({ vodVideoId, liveVideoId, ffmpegCommand: command } = await prepareViewsVideos({ servers, live: true, vod: true }))
it('Should display no views and viewers', async function () {
await checkCounter('views', liveVideoId, 0)
await checkCounter('viewers', liveVideoId, 0)
await checkCounter('views', vodVideoId, 0)
await checkCounter('viewers', vodVideoId, 0)
it('Should view twice and display 1 view/viewer', async function () {
const sessionId = generateSession()
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, sessionId, currentTimes: [ 0, 35 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, sessionId, currentTimes: [ 0, 35 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, sessionId, currentTimes: [ 0, 5 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, sessionId, currentTimes: [ 0, 5 ] })
let doWhile = true
while (doWhile) {
try {
await checkCounter('viewers', liveVideoId, 1)
await checkCounter('viewers', vodVideoId, 1)
doWhile = false
} catch {
await wait(1000)
doWhile = true
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', liveVideoId, 1)
await checkCounter('views', vodVideoId, 1)
it('Should wait and display 0 viewers but still have 1 view', async function () {
let error = false
do {
try {
await checkCounter('views', liveVideoId, 1)
await checkCounter('viewers', liveVideoId, 0)
await checkCounter('views', vodVideoId, 1)
await checkCounter('viewers', vodVideoId, 0)
error = false
await wait(1000)
} catch {
error = true
} while (error)
it('Should view on a remote and on local and display appropriate views/viewers', async function () {
const xForwardedFor = ','
const sessionId = generateSession()
const xForwardedFor2 = ','
const sessionId2 = generateSession()
const currentTimes = [ 0, 5 ]
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, xForwardedFor, sessionId, currentTimes })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, xForwardedFor, sessionId, currentTimes })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, xForwardedFor: xForwardedFor2, sessionId: sessionId2, currentTimes })
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, xForwardedFor, sessionId, currentTimes })
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: vodVideoId, xForwardedFor, sessionId, currentTimes })
const currentTimes = [ 0, 35 ]
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, xForwardedFor: xForwardedFor2, sessionId: sessionId2, currentTimes })
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, xForwardedFor, sessionId, currentTimes })
await servers[1].views.simulateViewer({ id: liveVideoId, xForwardedFor, sessionId, currentTimes })
let doWhile = true
while (doWhile) {
try {
await checkCounter('viewers', liveVideoId, 2)
await checkCounter('viewers', vodVideoId, 3)
doWhile = false
} catch {
await wait(1000)
doWhile = true
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', liveVideoId, 3)
await checkCounter('views', vodVideoId, 4)
after(async function () {
await stopFfmpeg(command)
describe('Federation V1', function () {
before(async function () {
servers = await prepareViewsServers({ viewExpiration: '5 seconds', viewersFederationV2: false })
describe('Not using session id', function () {
runTests({ useSessionId: false })
describe('Using session id', function () {
runTests({ useSessionId: true })
after(async function () {
await cleanupTests(servers)
describe('Federation V2', function () {
before(async function () {
servers = await prepareViewsServers({ viewExpiration: '5 seconds', viewersFederationV2: true })
describe('Not using session id', function () {
runTests({ useSessionId: false })
describe('Using session id', function () {
runTests({ useSessionId: true })
describe('View minimum duration config', function () {
it('Should update "count_view_after" config', async function () {
const { uuid } = await servers[0].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video' })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: uuid, sessionId: buildUUID(), currentTimes: [ 1, 2 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', uuid, 0)
await servers[0].kill()
await servers[0].run({ views: { videos: { count_view_after: '1 second' } } })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: uuid, sessionId: buildUUID(), currentTimes: [ 1, 2 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', uuid, 1)
after(async function () {
await cleanupTests(servers)
describe('Disabling session id trusting', function () {
let videoUUID: string
before(async function () {
servers = await prepareViewsServers({ viewExpiration: '5 seconds', viewersFederationV2: true, trustViewerSessionId: false });
({ uuid: videoUUID } = await servers[0].videos.quickUpload({ name: 'video' }))
await waitJobs(servers)
it('Should not take into account session id if the server does not trust it', async function () {
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, sessionId: buildUUID(), currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, sessionId: buildUUID(), currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 1)
const xForwardedFor = ','
await servers[0].views.simulateViewer({ id: videoUUID, xForwardedFor, sessionId: buildUUID(), currentTimes: [ 1, 4 ] })
await processViewsBuffer(servers)
await checkCounter('views', videoUUID, 2)
after(async function () {
await cleanupTests(servers)