Chocobozzz 3a4992633e
Migrate server to ESM
Sorry for the very big commit that may lead to git log issues and merge
conflicts, but it's a major step forward:

 * Server can be faster at startup because imports() are async and we can
   easily lazy import big modules
 * Angular doesn't seem to support ES import (with .js extension), so we
   had to correctly organize peertube into a monorepo:
    * Use yarn workspace feature
    * Use typescript reference projects for dependencies
    * Shared projects have been moved into "packages", each one is now a
      node module (with a dedicated package.json/tsconfig.json)
    * server/tools have been moved into apps/ and is now a dedicated app
      bundled and published on NPM so users don't have to build peertube
      cli tools manually
    * server/tests have been moved into packages/ so we don't compile
      them every time we want to run the server
 * Use isolatedModule option:
   * Had to move from const enum to const
   * Had to explictely specify "type" imports when used in decorators
 * Prefer tsx (that uses esbuild under the hood) instead of ts-node to
   load typescript files (tests with mocha or scripts):
     * To reduce test complexity as esbuild doesn't support decorator
       metadata, we only test server files that do not import server
     * We still build tests files into js files for a faster CI
 * Remove unmaintained peertube CLI import script
 * Removed some barrels to speed up execution (less imports)
2023-08-11 15:02:33 +02:00

193 lines
5.6 KiB

import { SortMeta } from 'primeng/api'
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'
import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'
import { AuthService, ConfirmService, MarkdownService, Notifier, RestPagination, RestTable } from '@app/core'
import { AdvancedInputFilter } from '@app/shared/shared-forms'
import { DropdownAction } from '@app/shared/shared-main'
import { BulkService } from '@app/shared/shared-moderation'
import { VideoCommentAdmin, VideoCommentService } from '@app/shared/shared-video-comment'
import { FeedFormat, UserRight } from '@peertube/peertube-models'
import { formatICU } from '@app/helpers'
selector: 'my-video-comment-list',
templateUrl: './video-comment-list.component.html',
styleUrls: [ '../../../shared/shared-moderation/moderation.scss', './video-comment-list.component.scss' ]
export class VideoCommentListComponent extends RestTable <VideoCommentAdmin> implements OnInit {
comments: VideoCommentAdmin[]
totalRecords = 0
sort: SortMeta = { field: 'createdAt', order: -1 }
pagination: RestPagination = { count: this.rowsPerPage, start: 0 }
videoCommentActions: DropdownAction<VideoCommentAdmin>[][] = []
syndicationItems = [
format: FeedFormat.RSS,
label: 'media rss 2.0',
url: VideoCommentService.BASE_FEEDS_URL + FeedFormat.RSS.toLowerCase()
format: FeedFormat.ATOM,
label: 'atom 1.0',
url: VideoCommentService.BASE_FEEDS_URL + FeedFormat.ATOM.toLowerCase()
format: FeedFormat.JSON,
label: 'json 1.0',
url: VideoCommentService.BASE_FEEDS_URL + FeedFormat.JSON.toLowerCase()
bulkActions: DropdownAction<VideoCommentAdmin[]>[] = []
inputFilters: AdvancedInputFilter[] = [
title: $localize`Advanced filters`,
children: [
value: 'local:true',
label: $localize`Local comments`
value: 'local:false',
label: $localize`Remote comments`
value: 'localVideo:true',
label: $localize`Comments on local videos`
get authUser () {
return this.auth.getUser()
constructor (
protected router: Router,
protected route: ActivatedRoute,
private auth: AuthService,
private notifier: Notifier,
private confirmService: ConfirmService,
private videoCommentService: VideoCommentService,
private markdownRenderer: MarkdownService,
private bulkService: BulkService
) {
this.videoCommentActions = [
label: $localize`Delete this comment`,
handler: comment => this.deleteComment(comment),
isDisplayed: () => this.authUser.hasRight(UserRight.REMOVE_ANY_VIDEO_COMMENT)
label: $localize`Delete all comments of this account`,
description: $localize`Comments are deleted after a few minutes`,
handler: comment => this.deleteUserComments(comment),
isDisplayed: () => this.authUser.hasRight(UserRight.REMOVE_ANY_VIDEO_COMMENT)
ngOnInit () {
this.bulkActions = [
label: $localize`Delete`,
handler: comments => this.removeComments(comments),
isDisplayed: () => this.authUser.hasRight(UserRight.REMOVE_ANY_VIDEO_COMMENT),
iconName: 'delete'
getIdentifier () {
return 'VideoCommentListComponent'
toHtml (text: string) {
return this.markdownRenderer.textMarkdownToHTML({ markdown: text, withHtml: true, withEmoji: true })
protected reloadDataInternal () {
pagination: this.pagination,
sort: this.sort,
next: async resultList => {
this.totalRecords =
this.comments = []
for (const c of {
new VideoCommentAdmin(c, await this.toHtml(c.text))
error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
private removeComments (comments: VideoCommentAdmin[]) {
const commentArgs = => ({ videoId:, commentId: }))
next: () => {
$localize`{count, plural, =1 {1 comment deleted.} other {{count} comments deleted.}}`,
{ count: commentArgs.length }
error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message),
complete: () => this.selectedRows = []
private deleteComment (comment: VideoCommentAdmin) {
next: () => this.reloadData(),
error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message)
private async deleteUserComments (comment: VideoCommentAdmin) {
const message = $localize`Do you really want to delete all comments of ${}?`
const res = await this.confirmService.confirm(message, $localize`Delete`)
if (res === false) return
const options = {
scope: 'instance' as 'instance'
next: () => {
this.notifier.success($localize`Comments of ${options.accountName} will be deleted in a few minutes`)
error: err => this.notifier.error(err.message)