Chocobozzz 3a4992633e
Migrate server to ESM
Sorry for the very big commit that may lead to git log issues and merge
conflicts, but it's a major step forward:

 * Server can be faster at startup because imports() are async and we can
   easily lazy import big modules
 * Angular doesn't seem to support ES import (with .js extension), so we
   had to correctly organize peertube into a monorepo:
    * Use yarn workspace feature
    * Use typescript reference projects for dependencies
    * Shared projects have been moved into "packages", each one is now a
      node module (with a dedicated package.json/tsconfig.json)
    * server/tools have been moved into apps/ and is now a dedicated app
      bundled and published on NPM so users don't have to build peertube
      cli tools manually
    * server/tests have been moved into packages/ so we don't compile
      them every time we want to run the server
 * Use isolatedModule option:
   * Had to move from const enum to const
   * Had to explictely specify "type" imports when used in decorators
 * Prefer tsx (that uses esbuild under the hood) instead of ts-node to
   load typescript files (tests with mocha or scripts):
     * To reduce test complexity as esbuild doesn't support decorator
       metadata, we only test server files that do not import server
     * We still build tests files into js files for a faster CI
 * Remove unmaintained peertube CLI import script
 * Removed some barrels to speed up execution (less imports)
2023-08-11 15:02:33 +02:00

177 lines
4.8 KiB

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