2022-12-22 12:26:11 +01:00

166 lines
5.3 KiB

import SwiftUI
import Network
import Models
import Status
class AccountDetailViewModel: ObservableObject, StatusesFetcher {
let accountId: String
var client: Client?
enum AccountState {
case loading, data(account: Account), error(error: Error)
enum Tab: Int, CaseIterable {
case statuses, favourites, followedTags
var title: String {
switch self {
case .statuses: return "Posts"
case .favourites: return "Favourites"
case .followedTags: return "Followed Tags"
enum TabState {
case followedTags(tags: [Tag])
case statuses(statusesState: StatusesState)
@Published var accountState: AccountState = .loading
@Published var tabState: TabState = .statuses(statusesState: .loading) {
didSet {
/// Forward viewModel tabState related to statusesState to statusesState property
/// for `StatusesFetcher` conformance as we wrap StatusesState in TabState
switch tabState {
case let .statuses(statusesState):
self.statusesState = statusesState
@Published var statusesState: StatusesState = .loading
@Published var title: String = ""
@Published var relationship: Relationshionship?
@Published var favourites: [Status] = []
@Published var followedTags: [Tag] = []
@Published var featuredTags: [FeaturedTag] = []
@Published var fields: [Account.Field] = []
@Published var familliarFollowers: [Account] = []
@Published var selectedTab = Tab.statuses {
didSet {
private var account: Account?
private(set) var statuses: [Status] = []
private let isCurrentUser: Bool
/// When coming from a URL like a mention tap in a status.
init(accountId: String) {
self.accountId = accountId
self.isCurrentUser = false
/// When the account is already fetched by the parent caller.
init(account: Account, isCurrentUser: Bool) {
self.accountId =
self.accountState = .data(account: account)
self.isCurrentUser = isCurrentUser
func fetchAccount() async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
async let account: Account = client.get(endpoint: Accounts.accounts(id: accountId))
async let followedTags: [Tag] = client.get(endpoint: Accounts.followedTags)
async let relationships: [Relationshionship] = client.get(endpoint: Accounts.relationships(id: accountId))
async let featuredTags: [FeaturedTag] = client.get(endpoint: Accounts.featuredTags(id: accountId))
async let familliarFollowers: [FamilliarAccounts] = client.get(endpoint: Accounts.familiarFollowers(withAccount: accountId))
let loadedAccount = try await account
self.featuredTags = try await featuredTags
self.featuredTags.sort { $0.statusesCountInt > $1.statusesCountInt }
self.fields = loadedAccount.fields
self.title = loadedAccount.displayName
if isCurrentUser {
self.followedTags = try await followedTags
} else {
let relationships = try await relationships
self.relationship = relationships.first
self.familliarFollowers = try await familliarFollowers.first?.accounts ?? []
self.account = loadedAccount
accountState = .data(account: loadedAccount)
} catch {
accountState = .error(error: error)
func fetchStatuses() async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .loading)
statuses = try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.statuses(id: accountId, sinceId: nil, tag: nil))
if isCurrentUser {
favourites = try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.favourites)
} catch {
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .error(error: error))
func fetchNextPage() async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
switch selectedTab {
case .statuses:
guard let lastId = statuses.last?.id else { return }
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .loadingNextPage))
let newStatuses: [Status] = try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.statuses(id: accountId, sinceId: lastId, tag: nil))
statuses.append(contentsOf: newStatuses)
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage))
case .favourites, .followedTags:
} catch {
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .error(error: error))
func follow() async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
relationship = try await Accounts.follow(id: accountId))
} catch {
print("Error while following: \(error.localizedDescription)")
func unfollow() async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
relationship = try await Accounts.unfollow(id: accountId))
} catch {
print("Error while unfollowing: \(error.localizedDescription)")
private func reloadTabState() {
switch selectedTab {
case .statuses:
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage))
case .favourites:
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: favourites, nextPageState: .none))
case .followedTags:
tabState = .followedTags(tags: followedTags)