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// LazyResizableImage.swift
// Created by Hugo Saynac on 28/10/2023.
import Nuke
import NukeUI
import SwiftUI
/// A LazyImage (Nuke) with a geometry reader under the hood in order to use a Resize Processor to optimize performances on lists.
/// This views also allows smooth resizing of the images by debouncing the update of the ImageProcessor.
public struct LazyResizableImage<Content: View>: View {
public init(url: URL?, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping (LazyImageState, GeometryProxy) -> Content) {
imageURL = url
self.content = content
let imageURL: URL?
@State private var resizeProcessor: ImageProcessors.Resize?
@State private var debouncedTask: Task<Void, Never>?
private var content: (LazyImageState, _ proxy: GeometryProxy) -> Content
public var body: some View {
GeometryReader { proxy in
LazyImage(url: imageURL) { state in
content(state, proxy)
.processors([resizeProcessor == nil ? .resize(size: proxy.size) : resizeProcessor!])
.onChange(of: proxy.size, initial: true) { oldValue, newValue in
guard oldValue != newValue else { return }
debouncedTask = Task {
do { try await Task.sleep(for: .milliseconds(200)) } catch { return }
resizeProcessor = .resize(size: newValue)