Thai D. V de83b8ec90
Fix EditTagGroupView (#1686)
* refactor data of `EditTagGroupView`

* lower case tags before saving because API is case-insensitive

* fix: "add new tag" `TextField` is not focused after adding the first tag (on both macOS and iOS)

* perf: improve symbol search performance

* improve layout and animation of symbol search

* fix: sort tags and remove duplicate tags

* fix: crash when open timeline for an empty tag group

* fix: revert concurrency code because performance issue at 1d3f271 is a false alarm

* add warning labels to help the users

* fix: state `tagGroup`

* fix: selecting symbol logic and warning labels

* refactor `EditTagGroupView.body`

* refactor warning labels

* Fix theme

* Move to its own folder


Co-authored-by: Thomas Ricouard <>
2023-11-27 09:13:07 +01:00

191 lines
6.7 KiB

import Account
import AppAccount
import Conversations
import DesignSystem
import Env
import Explore
import LinkPresentation
import Lists
import MediaUI
import Models
import Status
import SwiftUI
import Timeline
extension View {
func withAppRouter() -> some View {
navigationDestination(for: RouterDestination.self) { destination in
switch destination {
case let .accountDetail(id):
AccountDetailView(accountId: id, scrollToTopSignal: .constant(0))
case let .accountDetailWithAccount(account):
AccountDetailView(account: account, scrollToTopSignal: .constant(0))
case let .accountSettingsWithAccount(account, appAccount):
AccountSettingsView(account: account, appAccount: appAccount)
case let .statusDetail(id):
StatusDetailView(statusId: id)
case let .statusDetailWithStatus(status):
StatusDetailView(status: status)
case let .remoteStatusDetail(url):
StatusDetailView(remoteStatusURL: url)
case let .conversationDetail(conversation):
ConversationDetailView(conversation: conversation)
case let .hashTag(tag, accountId):
TimelineView(timeline: .constant(.hashtag(tag: tag, accountId: accountId)),
selectedTagGroup: .constant(nil),
scrollToTopSignal: .constant(0),
canFilterTimeline: false)
case let .list(list):
TimelineView(timeline: .constant(.list(list: list)),
selectedTagGroup: .constant(nil),
scrollToTopSignal: .constant(0),
canFilterTimeline: false)
case let .following(id):
AccountsListView(mode: .following(accountId: id))
case let .followers(id):
AccountsListView(mode: .followers(accountId: id))
case let .favoritedBy(id):
AccountsListView(mode: .favoritedBy(statusId: id))
case let .rebloggedBy(id):
AccountsListView(mode: .rebloggedBy(statusId: id))
case let .accountsList(accounts):
AccountsListView(mode: .accountsList(accounts: accounts))
case .trendingTimeline:
TimelineView(timeline: .constant(.trending),
selectedTagGroup: .constant(nil),
scrollToTopSignal: .constant(0),
canFilterTimeline: false)
case let .trendingLinks(cards):
CardsListView(cards: cards)
case let .tagsList(tags):
TagsListView(tags: tags)
func withSheetDestinations(sheetDestinations: Binding<SheetDestination?>) -> some View {
sheet(item: sheetDestinations) { destination in
switch destination {
case let .replyToStatusEditor(status):
StatusEditorView(mode: .replyTo(status: status))
case let .newStatusEditor(visibility):
StatusEditorView(mode: .new(visibility: visibility))
case let .editStatusEditor(status):
StatusEditorView(mode: .edit(status: status))
case let .quoteStatusEditor(status):
StatusEditorView(mode: .quote(status: status))
case let .mentionStatusEditor(account, visibility):
StatusEditorView(mode: .mention(account: account, visibility: visibility))
case let .listEdit(list):
ListEditView(list: list)
case let .listAddAccount(account):
ListAddAccountView(account: account)
case .addAccount:
case .addRemoteLocalTimeline:
case .addTagGroup:
case let .statusEditHistory(status):
StatusEditHistoryView(statusId: status)
case .settings:
SettingsTabs(popToRootTab: .constant(.settings), isModal: true)
.preferredColorScheme(Theme.shared.selectedScheme == .dark ? .dark : .light)
case .accountPushNotficationsSettings:
if let subscription = PushNotificationsService.shared.subscriptions.first(where: { $0.account.token == AppAccountsManager.shared.currentAccount.oauthToken }) {
PushNotificationsView(subscription: subscription)
} else {
case let .report(status):
ReportView(status: status)
case let .shareImage(image, status):
ActivityView(image: image, status: status)
case let .editTagGroup(tagGroup, onSaved):
EditTagGroupView(tagGroup: tagGroup, onSaved: onSaved)
func withEnvironments() -> some View {
func withModelContainer() -> some View {
modelContainer(for: [
struct ActivityView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
let image: UIImage
let status: Status
class LinkDelegate: NSObject, UIActivityItemSource {
let image: UIImage
let status: Status
init(image: UIImage, status: Status) {
self.image = image
self.status = status
func activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata? {
let imageProvider = NSItemProvider(object: image)
let metadata = LPLinkMetadata()
metadata.imageProvider = imageProvider
metadata.title = status.reblog?.content.asRawText ?? status.content.asRawText
return metadata
func activityViewControllerPlaceholderItem(_: UIActivityViewController) -> Any {
func activityViewController(_: UIActivityViewController,
itemForActivityType _: UIActivity.ActivityType?) -> Any?
func makeUIViewController(context _: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<ActivityView>) -> UIActivityViewController {
UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [image, LinkDelegate(image: image, status: status)],
applicationActivities: nil)
func updateUIViewController(_: UIActivityViewController, context _: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<ActivityView>) {}
extension URL: Identifiable {
public var id: String {