2023-02-27 06:39:07 +01:00

78 lines
2.1 KiB

import Combine
import DesignSystem
import Models
import Network
import SwiftUI
public class AppAccountViewModel: ObservableObject {
private static var avatarsCache: [String: UIImage] = [:]
private static var accountsCache: [String: Account] = [:]
var appAccount: AppAccount
let client: Client
let isCompact: Bool
@Published var account: Account? {
didSet {
if let account {
refreshAcct(account: account)
@Published var roundedAvatar: UIImage?
var acct: String {
if let acct = appAccount.accountName {
return acct
} else {
return "@\(account?.acct ?? "...")@\(appAccount.server)"
public init(appAccount: AppAccount, isCompact: Bool = false) {
self.appAccount = appAccount
self.isCompact = isCompact
client = .init(server: appAccount.server, oauthToken: appAccount.oauthToken)
func fetchAccount() async {
do {
account = Self.accountsCache[]
roundedAvatar = Self.avatarsCache[]
account = try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.verifyCredentials)
Self.accountsCache[] = account
if let account {
await refreshAvatar(account: account)
} catch {}
private func refreshAcct(account: Account) {
do {
if appAccount.accountName == nil {
appAccount.accountName = "\(account.acct)@\(appAccount.server)"
} catch {}
private func refreshAvatar(account: Account) async {
// Warning: Non-sendable type '(any URLSessionTaskDelegate)?' exiting main actor-isolated
// context in call to non-isolated instance method 'data(for:delegate:)' cannot cross actor
// boundary.
// This is on the defaulted-to-nil second parameter of `.data(from:delegate:)`.
// There is a Radar tracking this & others like it.
if let (data, _) = try? await account.avatar),
let image = UIImage(data: data)?.roundedImage
roundedAvatar = image
Self.avatarsCache[] = image