Thomas Ricouard 6297a428a3
Full Xcode 16 supports + iOS 18 support (#2100)
* Compile on iOS 18

* Fix more warnings

* Tweak build settings

* Migrate to Swift Tests

* better tests

* Fix

* Fix tests

* More TabView cleanup

Bump to iOS 18 only + remove custom sidebar

* Revert "More TabView cleanup"

This reverts commit e051437fcb.

* Tabbar fix + bump to iOS 18

* Remove popToRoot

* Cleanup scrollToTop

* Support both TapBar

* Better TabView support

* Better TabView support

* Cleanup

* Disable TabView animations

* Remove id in ForEach

* Remove external init for StatusRowView

* Cleanup

* More Swift 6 concurrency

* Swift 6 mode

* Fixes

* Full Swift 6 packages support

* For now compile env in Swift 5 mode

* Fix archive

* More fix to Archive

* Address `dispatch_assert_queue_fail` (#2161)


* Bump Env to Swift 6

* Fix push notification

* Remove unecessary workaround

* Cleanup

* Move to @Entry

* Fix TabView on Catalyst

* Fix build

* Fix build 2

* fix warning

* Fix icons for iOS 18


Co-authored-by: NachoSoto <>
2024-09-10 06:53:19 +02:00

100 lines
3.8 KiB

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