mirror of
synced 2025-01-28 16:58:15 +00:00
* - *WIP* Explore tab: Tap on tab to scroll to top. * - Explore tab: Tap tab to scroll to top. * - Explore: Tap tab again to focus on search bar. - Explore: Set `.defaultMinListRowHeight` so scroll to view doesn't occupy more than 1pt height in grouped style list. - Explore: Add padding to get Explore list view to look the same. * - Explore: Minor adjust to padding. * - Messages: Add tap tab to scroll to top. * - Notifications: Add tap tab to scroll to top. * - Profile: Add tap tab to scroll to top. * Add `ScrollToView` that can be used across all views. * Move scroll-to-top constants to ScrollToView. * Format --------- Co-authored-by: Thomas Ricouard <ricouard77@gmail.com>
302 lines
12 KiB
302 lines
12 KiB
import Env
import Models
import Network
import Observation
import Status
import SwiftUI
@Observable class AccountDetailViewModel: StatusesFetcher {
let accountId: String
var client: Client?
var isCurrentUser: Bool = false
enum AccountState {
case loading, data(account: Account), error(error: Error)
enum Tab: Int {
case statuses, favorites, bookmarks, followedTags, postsAndReplies, media, lists
static var currentAccountTabs: [Tab] {
[.statuses, .favorites, .bookmarks, .followedTags, .lists]
static var accountTabs: [Tab] {
[.statuses, .postsAndReplies, .media]
var iconName: String {
switch self {
case .statuses: "bubble.right"
case .favorites: "star"
case .bookmarks: "bookmark"
case .followedTags: "tag"
case .postsAndReplies: "bubble.left.and.bubble.right"
case .media: "photo.on.rectangle.angled"
case .lists: "list.bullet"
var accessibilityLabel: LocalizedStringKey {
switch self {
case .statuses: "accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.statuses"
case .favorites: "accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.favorites"
case .bookmarks: "accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.bookmarks"
case .followedTags: "accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.followed-tags"
case .postsAndReplies: "accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.posts-and-replies"
case .media: "accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.media"
case .lists: "accessibility.tabs.profile.picker.lists"
enum TabState {
case followedTags
case statuses(statusesState: StatusesState)
case lists
var accountState: AccountState = .loading
var tabState: TabState = .statuses(statusesState: .loading) {
didSet {
/// Forward viewModel tabState related to statusesState to statusesState property
/// for `StatusesFetcher` conformance as we wrap StatusesState in TabState
switch tabState {
case let .statuses(statusesState):
self.statusesState = statusesState
var statusesState: StatusesState = .loading
var relationship: Relationship?
var pinned: [Status] = []
var favorites: [Status] = []
var bookmarks: [Status] = []
private var favoritesNextPage: LinkHandler?
private var bookmarksNextPage: LinkHandler?
var featuredTags: [FeaturedTag] = []
var fields: [Account.Field] = []
var familiarFollowers: [Account] = []
var selectedTab = Tab.statuses {
didSet {
switch selectedTab {
case .statuses, .postsAndReplies, .media:
tabTask = Task {
await fetchNewestStatuses()
var scrollToTopVisible: Bool = false
var translation: Translation?
var isLoadingTranslation = false
private(set) var account: Account?
private var tabTask: Task<Void, Never>?
private(set) var statuses: [Status] = []
/// When coming from a URL like a mention tap in a status.
init(accountId: String) {
self.accountId = accountId
isCurrentUser = false
/// When the account is already fetched by the parent caller.
init(account: Account) {
accountId = account.id
self.account = account
accountState = .data(account: account)
struct AccountData {
let account: Account
let featuredTags: [FeaturedTag]
let relationships: [Relationship]
func fetchAccount() async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
let data = try await fetchAccountData(accountId: accountId, client: client)
accountState = .data(account: data.account)
account = data.account
fields = data.account.fields
featuredTags = data.featuredTags
featuredTags.sort { $0.statusesCountInt > $1.statusesCountInt }
relationship = data.relationships.first
} catch {
if let account {
accountState = .data(account: account)
} else {
accountState = .error(error: error)
private func fetchAccountData(accountId: String, client: Client) async throws -> AccountData {
async let account: Account = client.get(endpoint: Accounts.accounts(id: accountId))
async let featuredTags: [FeaturedTag] = client.get(endpoint: Accounts.featuredTags(id: accountId))
if client.isAuth, !isCurrentUser {
async let relationships: [Relationship] = client.get(endpoint: Accounts.relationships(ids: [accountId]))
do {
return try await .init(account: account,
featuredTags: featuredTags,
relationships: relationships)
} catch {
return try await .init(account: account,
featuredTags: [],
relationships: relationships)
return try await .init(account: account,
featuredTags: featuredTags,
relationships: [])
func fetchFamilliarFollowers() async {
let familiarFollowers: [FamiliarAccounts]? = try? await client?.get(endpoint: Accounts.familiarFollowers(withAccount: accountId))
self.familiarFollowers = familiarFollowers?.first?.accounts ?? []
func fetchNewestStatuses() async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .loading)
statuses =
try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.statuses(id: accountId,
sinceId: nil,
tag: nil,
onlyMedia: selectedTab == .media ? true : nil,
excludeReplies: selectedTab == .statuses && !isCurrentUser ? true : nil,
pinned: nil))
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: statuses, client: client)
if selectedTab == .statuses {
pinned =
try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.statuses(id: accountId,
sinceId: nil,
tag: nil,
onlyMedia: nil,
excludeReplies: nil,
pinned: true))
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: pinned, client: client)
if isCurrentUser {
(favorites, favoritesNextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.favorites(sinceId: nil))
(bookmarks, bookmarksNextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.bookmarks(sinceId: nil))
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: favorites, client: client)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: bookmarks, client: client)
} catch {
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .error(error: error))
func fetchNextPage() async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
switch selectedTab {
case .statuses, .postsAndReplies, .media:
guard let lastId = statuses.last?.id else { return }
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .loadingNextPage))
let newStatuses: [Status] =
try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.statuses(id: accountId,
sinceId: lastId,
tag: nil,
onlyMedia: selectedTab == .media ? true : nil,
excludeReplies: selectedTab == .statuses && !isCurrentUser ? true : nil,
pinned: nil))
statuses.append(contentsOf: newStatuses)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newStatuses, client: client)
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: statuses,
nextPageState: newStatuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage))
case .favorites:
guard let nextPageId = favoritesNextPage?.maxId else { return }
let newFavorites: [Status]
(newFavorites, favoritesNextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.favorites(sinceId: nextPageId))
favorites.append(contentsOf: newFavorites)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newFavorites, client: client)
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: favorites, nextPageState: .hasNextPage))
case .bookmarks:
guard let nextPageId = bookmarksNextPage?.maxId else { return }
let newBookmarks: [Status]
(newBookmarks, bookmarksNextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.bookmarks(sinceId: nextPageId))
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newBookmarks, client: client)
bookmarks.append(contentsOf: newBookmarks)
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: bookmarks, nextPageState: .hasNextPage))
case .followedTags, .lists:
} catch {
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .error(error: error))
private func reloadTabState() {
switch selectedTab {
case .statuses, .postsAndReplies, .media:
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: statuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage))
case .favorites:
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: favorites,
nextPageState: favoritesNextPage != nil ? .hasNextPage : .none))
case .bookmarks:
tabState = .statuses(statusesState: .display(statuses: bookmarks,
nextPageState: bookmarksNextPage != nil ? .hasNextPage : .none))
case .followedTags:
tabState = .followedTags
case .lists:
tabState = .lists
func handleEvent(event: any StreamEvent, currentAccount: CurrentAccount) {
if let event = event as? StreamEventUpdate {
if event.status.account.id == currentAccount.account?.id {
statuses.insert(event.status, at: 0)
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
} else if let event = event as? StreamEventDelete {
statuses.removeAll(where: { $0.id == event.status })
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
} else if let event = event as? StreamEventStatusUpdate {
if let originalIndex = statuses.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == event.status.id }) {
statuses[originalIndex] = event.status
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
func statusDidAppear(status _: Models.Status) {}
func statusDidDisappear(status _: Status) {}
func translate(userLang: String) async {
guard let account else { return }
withAnimation {
isLoadingTranslation = true
let userAPIKey = DeepLUserAPIHandler.readIfAllowed()
let userAPIFree = UserPreferences.shared.userDeeplAPIFree
let deeplClient = DeepLClient(userAPIKey: userAPIKey, userAPIFree: userAPIFree)
let translation = try? await deeplClient.request(target: userLang, text: account.note.asRawText)
withAnimation {
self.translation = translation
isLoadingTranslation = false