Thomas Ricouard 8a3c971402 Swiftformat
2023-09-16 14:15:03 +02:00

72 lines
1.9 KiB

import Foundation
import Models
public enum ServerFilters: Endpoint {
case filters
case createFilter(json: ServerFilterData)
case editFilter(id: String, json: ServerFilterData)
case addKeyword(filter: String, keyword: String, wholeWord: Bool)
case removeKeyword(id: String)
case filter(id: String)
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .filters:
case .createFilter:
case let .filter(id):
case let .editFilter(id, _):
case let .addKeyword(id, _, _):
case let .removeKeyword(id):
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .addKeyword(_, keyword, wholeWord):
return [.init(name: "keyword", value: keyword),
.init(name: "whole_word", value: wholeWord ? "true" : "false")]
return nil
public var jsonValue: Encodable? {
switch self {
case let .createFilter(json):
case let .editFilter(_, json):
public struct ServerFilterData: Encodable, Sendable {
public let title: String
public let context: [ServerFilter.Context]
public let filterAction: ServerFilter.Action
// normally expiresIn is an Int according to the API, but it is not possible to send an empty
// value in the update filter call to set the expiry to infinite. Not sending this value does not delete
// the existing one. Using a String it is possible to send an empty value in order to delete
// the expiry of a filter
public let expiresIn: String?
public init(title: String,
context: [ServerFilter.Context],
filterAction: ServerFilter.Action,
expiresIn: String?)
self.title = title
self.context = context
self.filterAction = filterAction
self.expiresIn = expiresIn