2024-01-06 19:27:26 +01:00

384 lines
11 KiB

import Combine
import DesignSystem
import Env
import Models
import NaturalLanguage
import Network
import Observation
import SwiftUI
@Observable public class StatusRowViewModel {
let status: Status
// Whether this status is on a remote local timeline (many actions are unavailable if so)
let isRemote: Bool
let showActions: Bool
let textDisabled: Bool
let finalStatus: AnyStatus
let client: Client
let routerPath: RouterPath
private let theme = Theme.shared
private let userMentionned: Bool
var isPinned: Bool
var embeddedStatus: Status?
var displaySpoiler: Bool = false
var isEmbedLoading: Bool = false
var isFiltered: Bool = false
var translation: Translation?
var isLoadingTranslation: Bool = false
var showDeleteAlert: Bool = false
private(set) var actionsAccountsFetched: Bool = false
var favoriters: [Account] = []
var rebloggers: [Account] = []
var isLoadingRemoteContent: Bool = false
var localStatusId: String?
var localStatus: Status?
private var scrollToId = nil as Binding<String?>?
// The relationship our user has to the author of this post, if available
var authorRelationship: Relationship? {
didSet {
// if we are newly blocking or muting the author, force collapse post so it goes away
if let relationship = authorRelationship,
relationship.blocking || relationship.muting
lineLimit = 0
// used by the button to expand a collapsed post
var isCollapsed: Bool = true {
didSet {
// number of lines to show, nil means show the whole post
var lineLimit: Int?
// post length determining if the post should be collapsed
let collapseThresholdLength: Int = 750
// number of text lines to show on a collpased post
let collapsedLines: Int = 8
// user preference, set in init
var collapseLongPosts: Bool = false
private func recalcCollapse() {
let hasContentWarning = !status.spoilerText.asRawText.isEmpty
let showCollapseButton = collapseLongPosts && isCollapsed && !hasContentWarning
&& finalStatus.content.asRawText.unicodeScalars.count > collapseThresholdLength
let newlineLimit = showCollapseButton && isCollapsed ? collapsedLines : nil
if newlineLimit != lineLimit {
lineLimit = newlineLimit
private var seen = false
var filter: Filtered? {
var isThread: Bool {
status.reblog?.inReplyToId != nil || status.reblog?.inReplyToAccountId != nil ||
status.inReplyToId != nil || status.inReplyToAccountId != nil
var highlightRowColor: Color {
if status.visibility == .direct {
} else if userMentionned {
} else {
public init(status: Status,
client: Client,
routerPath: RouterPath,
isRemote: Bool = false,
showActions: Bool = true,
textDisabled: Bool = false,
scrollToId: Binding<String?>? = nil)
self.status = status
finalStatus = status.reblog ?? status
self.client = client
self.routerPath = routerPath
self.isRemote = isRemote
self.showActions = showActions
self.textDisabled = textDisabled
self.scrollToId = scrollToId
if let reblog = status.reblog {
isPinned = reblog.pinned == true
} else {
isPinned = status.pinned == true
if UserPreferences.shared.autoExpandSpoilers {
displaySpoiler = false
} else {
displaySpoiler = !finalStatus.spoilerText.asRawText.isEmpty
if status.mentions.first(where: { $ == CurrentAccount.shared.account?.id }) != nil {
userMentionned = true
} else {
userMentionned = false
isFiltered = filter != nil
if let url = embededStatusURL(),
let embed = StatusEmbedCache.shared.get(url: url)
isEmbedLoading = false
embeddedStatus = embed
collapseLongPosts = UserPreferences.shared.collapseLongPosts
func markSeen() {
// called in on appear so we can cache that the status has been seen.
if UserPreferences.shared.suppressDupeReblogs, !seen { { [weak self] in
guard let self else { return }
ReblogCache.shared.cache(status, seen: true)
Task { @MainActor in
self.seen = true
func navigateToDetail() {
if isRemote, let url = URL(string: finalStatus.url ?? "") {
routerPath.navigate(to: .remoteStatusDetail(url: url))
} else {
routerPath.navigate(to: .statusDetailWithStatus(status: status.reblogAsAsStatus ?? status))
func navigateToAccountDetail(account: Account) {
if isRemote, let url = account.url {
withAnimation {
isLoadingRemoteContent = true
Task {
await routerPath.navigateToAccountFrom(url: url)
isLoadingRemoteContent = false
} else {
routerPath.navigate(to: .accountDetailWithAccount(account: account))
func goToParent() {
guard let id = status.inReplyToId else { return }
if let _ = scrollToId {
scrollToId?.wrappedValue = id
} else {
routerPath.navigate(to: .statusDetail(id: id))
func loadAuthorRelationship() async {
let relationships: [Relationship]? = try? await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.relationships(ids: [status.reblog? ??]))
authorRelationship = relationships?.first
private func embededStatusURL() -> URL? {
let content = finalStatus.content
if !content.statusesURLs.isEmpty,
let url = content.statusesURLs.first,
client.hasConnection(with: url)
return url
return nil
func loadEmbeddedStatus() async {
guard embeddedStatus == nil,
let url = embededStatusURL()
else {
if isEmbedLoading {
isEmbedLoading = false
if let embed = StatusEmbedCache.shared.get(url: url) {
isEmbedLoading = false
embeddedStatus = embed
do {
isEmbedLoading = true
var embed: Status?
if url.absoluteString.contains(client.server), let id = Int(url.lastPathComponent) {
embed = try await client.get(endpoint: Statuses.status(id: String(id)))
} else {
let results: SearchResults = try await client.get(endpoint: url.absoluteString,
type: "statuses",
offset: 0,
following: nil),
forceVersion: .v2)
embed = results.statuses.first
if let embed {
StatusEmbedCache.shared.set(url: url, status: embed)
} else {
withAnimation {
embeddedStatus = embed
isEmbedLoading = false
} catch {
isEmbedLoading = false
func pin() async {
guard client.isAuth else { return }
isPinned = true
do {
let status: Status = try await
updateFromStatus(status: status)
} catch {
isPinned = false
func unPin() async {
guard client.isAuth else { return }
isPinned = false
do {
let status: Status = try await Statuses.unpin(id:
updateFromStatus(status: status)
} catch {
isPinned = true
func delete() async {
do {
_ = try await client.delete(endpoint: Statuses.status(id:
} catch {}
func fetchActionsAccounts() async {
guard !actionsAccountsFetched else { return }
do {
withAnimation(.smooth) {
actionsAccountsFetched = true
let favoriters: [Account] = try await client.get(endpoint: Statuses.favoritedBy(id:, maxId: nil))
let rebloggers: [Account] = try await client.get(endpoint: Statuses.rebloggedBy(id:, maxId: nil))
withAnimation(.smooth) {
self.favoriters = favoriters
self.rebloggers = rebloggers
} catch {}
private func updateFromStatus(status: Status) {
if let reblog = status.reblog {
isPinned = reblog.pinned == true
} else {
isPinned = status.pinned == true
func getStatusLang() -> String? {
func translate(userLang: String) async {
withAnimation {
isLoadingTranslation = true
if !alwaysTranslateWithDeepl {
do {
// We first use instance translation API if available.
let translation: Translation = try await Statuses.translate(id:,
lang: userLang))
withAnimation {
self.translation = translation
isLoadingTranslation = false
} catch {}
// If not or fail we use Ice Cubes own DeepL client.
await translateWithDeepL(userLang: userLang)
func translateWithDeepL(userLang: String) async {
withAnimation {
isLoadingTranslation = true
let deepLClient = getDeepLClient()
let translation = try? await deepLClient.request(target: userLang,
text: finalStatus.content.asRawText)
withAnimation {
self.translation = translation
isLoadingTranslation = false
private func getDeepLClient() -> DeepLClient {
let userAPIfree = UserPreferences.shared.userDeeplAPIFree
return DeepLClient(userAPIKey: userAPIKey, userAPIFree: userAPIfree)
private var userAPIKey: String? {
var alwaysTranslateWithDeepl: Bool {
func fetchRemoteStatus() async -> Bool {
guard isRemote, let remoteStatusURL = URL(string: finalStatus.url ?? "") else { return false }
isLoadingRemoteContent = true
let results: SearchResults? = try? await client.get(endpoint: remoteStatusURL.absoluteString,
type: "statuses",
offset: nil,
following: nil),
forceVersion: .v2)
if let status = results?.statuses.first {
localStatusId =
localStatus = status
isLoadingRemoteContent = false
return true
} else {
isLoadingRemoteContent = false
return false