Thomas Ricouard 6c307aba63 SwiftFormat
2023-03-13 13:38:28 +01:00

183 lines
5.9 KiB

import DesignSystem
import Env
import Models
import Network
import SwiftUI
struct StatusRowActionsView: View {
@EnvironmentObject private var theme: Theme
@EnvironmentObject private var currentAccount: CurrentAccount
@EnvironmentObject private var statusDataController: StatusDataController
@ObservedObject var viewModel: StatusRowViewModel
func privateBoost() -> Bool {
return viewModel.status.visibility == .priv && == currentAccount.account?.id
enum Action: CaseIterable {
case respond, boost, favorite, bookmark, share
// Have to implement this manually here due to compiler not implicitly
// inserting `nonisolated`, which leads to a warning:
// Main actor-isolated static property 'allCases' cannot be used to
// satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement
public nonisolated static var allCases: [StatusRowActionsView.Action] {
[.respond, .boost, .favorite, .bookmark, .share]
func image(dataController: StatusDataController, privateBoost: Bool = false) -> Image {
switch self {
case .respond:
return Image(systemName: "arrowshape.turn.up.left")
case .boost:
if privateBoost {
if dataController.isReblogged {
return Image("Rocket.Fill")
} else {
return Image(systemName: "lock.rotation")
return Image(dataController.isReblogged ? "Rocket.Fill" : "Rocket")
case .favorite:
return Image(systemName: dataController.isFavorited ? "star.fill" : "star")
case .bookmark:
return Image(systemName: dataController.isBookmarked ? "bookmark.fill" : "bookmark")
case .share:
return Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
func count(dataController: StatusDataController, viewModel: StatusRowViewModel, theme: Theme) -> Int? {
if theme.statusActionsDisplay == .discret && !viewModel.isFocused {
return nil
switch self {
case .respond:
return dataController.repliesCount
case .favorite:
return dataController.favoritesCount
case .boost:
return dataController.reblogsCount
case .share, .bookmark:
return nil
func tintColor(theme: Theme) -> Color? {
switch self {
case .respond, .share:
return nil
case .favorite:
return .yellow
case .bookmark:
return .pink
case .boost:
return theme.tintColor
func isOn(dataController: StatusDataController) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .respond, .share: return false
case .favorite: return dataController.isFavorited
case .bookmark: return dataController.isBookmarked
case .boost: return dataController.isReblogged
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 12) {
HStack {
ForEach(Action.allCases, id: \.self) { action in
if action == .share {
if let urlString = viewModel.finalStatus.url,
let url = URL(string: urlString)
ShareLink(item: url,
subject: Text(viewModel.finalStatus.account.safeDisplayName),
message: Text(viewModel.finalStatus.content.asRawText))
action.image(dataController: statusDataController)
} else {
actionButton(action: action)
if viewModel.isFocused {
StatusRowDetailView(viewModel: viewModel)
private func actionButton(action: Action) -> some View {
HStack(spacing: 2) {
Button {
handleAction(action: action)
} label: {
if action == .boost {
.image(dataController: statusDataController, privateBoost: privateBoost())
} else {
.image(dataController: statusDataController, privateBoost: privateBoost())
isOn: action.isOn(dataController: statusDataController),
tintColor: action.tintColor(theme: theme)
.disabled(action == .boost &&
(viewModel.status.visibility == .direct || viewModel.status.visibility == .priv && != currentAccount.account?.id))
if let count = action.count(dataController: statusDataController,
viewModel: viewModel,
theme: theme), !viewModel.isRemote
private func handleAction(action: Action) {
Task {
if viewModel.isRemote, viewModel.localStatusId == nil || viewModel.localStatus == nil {
guard await viewModel.fetchRemoteStatus() else {
HapticManager.shared.fireHaptic(of: .notification(.success))
switch action {
case .respond:
SoundEffectManager.shared.playSound(of: .share)
viewModel.routerPath.presentedSheet = .replyToStatusEditor(status: viewModel.localStatus ?? viewModel.status)
case .favorite:
SoundEffectManager.shared.playSound(of: .favorite)
await statusDataController.toggleFavorite(remoteStatus: viewModel.localStatusId)
case .bookmark:
SoundEffectManager.shared.playSound(of: .bookmark)
await statusDataController.toggleBookmark(remoteStatus: viewModel.localStatusId)
case .boost:
SoundEffectManager.shared.playSound(of: .boost)
await statusDataController.toggleReblog(remoteStatus: viewModel.localStatusId)