Thomas Ricouard 6c307aba63 SwiftFormat
2023-03-13 13:38:28 +01:00

122 lines
3.5 KiB

import Env
import SwiftUI
public extension Font {
// See for iOS values
// Custom values for Mac
private static let title = 28.0
private static let headline = onMac ? 20.0 : 17.0
private static let body = onMac ? 19.0 : 17.0
private static let callout = onMac ? 17.0 : 16.0
private static let subheadline = onMac ? 16.0 : 15.0
private static let footnote = onMac ? 15.0 : 13.0
private static let caption = onMac ? 14.0 : 12.0
private static let onMac = ProcessInfo.processInfo.isiOSAppOnMac
private static func customFont(size: CGFloat, relativeTo textStyle: TextStyle) -> Font {
if let chosenFont = Theme.shared.chosenFont {
if chosenFont.fontName == ".AppleSystemUIFontRounded-Regular" {
return .system(size: size, design: .rounded)
} else {
return .custom(chosenFont.fontName, size: size, relativeTo: textStyle)
return .system(size: size, design: .default)
private static func customUIFont(size: CGFloat) -> UIFont {
if let chosenFont = Theme.shared.chosenFont {
return chosenFont.withSize(size)
return .systemFont(ofSize: size)
private static func userScaledFontSize(baseSize: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
UIFontMetrics.default.scaledValue(for: baseSize * Theme.shared.fontSizeScale)
static var scaledTitle: Font {
customFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: title), relativeTo: .title)
static var scaledHeadline: Font {
customFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: headline), relativeTo: .headline).weight(.semibold)
static var scaledHeadlineFont: UIFont {
customUIFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: headline))
static var scaledBodyFocused: Font {
customFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: body + 2), relativeTo: .body)
static var scaledBodyFocusedFont: UIFont {
customUIFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: body + 2))
static var scaledBody: Font {
customFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: body), relativeTo: .body)
static var scaledBodyFont: UIFont {
customUIFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: body))
static var scaledBodyUIFont: UIFont {
customUIFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: body))
static var scaledCallout: Font {
customFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: callout), relativeTo: .callout)
static var scaledCalloutFont: UIFont {
customUIFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: body))
static var scaledSubheadline: Font {
customFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: subheadline), relativeTo: .subheadline)
static var scaledSubheadlineFont: UIFont {
customUIFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: subheadline))
static var scaledFootnote: Font {
customFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: footnote), relativeTo: .footnote)
static var scaledFootnoteFont: UIFont {
customUIFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: footnote))
static var scaledCaption: Font {
customFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: caption), relativeTo: .caption)
static var scaledCaptionFont: UIFont {
customUIFont(size: userScaledFontSize(baseSize: caption))
public extension UIFont {
func rounded() -> UIFont {
guard let descriptor = fontDescriptor.withDesign(.rounded) else {
return self
return UIFont(descriptor: descriptor, size: pointSize)
var emojiSize: CGFloat {
var emojiBaselineOffset: CGFloat {
// Center emoji with capital letter size of font
-(emojiSize - capHeight) / 2