2024-08-14 20:27:26 +02:00

464 lines
15 KiB

import Env
import Models
import Network
import Observation
import StatusKit
import SwiftUI
@Observable class TimelineViewModel {
var scrollToIndex: Int?
var statusesState: StatusesState = .loading
var timeline: TimelineFilter = .home {
willSet {
if timeline == .home, newValue != .resume {
didSet {
timelineTask = Task {
await handleLatestOrResume(oldValue)
if oldValue != timeline {
parameters: ["timeline": timeline.rawValue])
await reset()
pendingStatusesObserver.pendingStatuses = []
tag = nil
guard !Task.isCancelled else {
await fetchNewestStatuses(pullToRefresh: false)
switch timeline {
case let .hashtag(tag, _):
await fetchTag(id: tag)
private(set) var timelineTask: Task<Void, Never>?
var tag: Tag?
// Internal source of truth for a timeline.
private(set) var datasource = TimelineDatasource()
private let statusFetcher: TimelineStatusFetching
private let cache = TimelineCache()
private var isCacheEnabled: Bool {
canFilterTimeline && timeline.supportNewestPagination && client?.isAuth == true
private var visibileStatuses: [Status] = []
private var canStreamEvents: Bool = true {
didSet {
if canStreamEvents {
pendingStatusesObserver.isLoadingNewStatuses = false
var canFilterTimeline: Bool = true
var client: Client? {
didSet {
if oldValue != client {
Task {
await reset()
var scrollToTopVisible: Bool = false {
didSet {
if scrollToTopVisible {
pendingStatusesObserver.pendingStatuses = []
var serverName: String {
client?.server ?? "Error"
var isTimelineVisible: Bool = false
let pendingStatusesObserver: TimelineUnreadStatusesObserver = .init()
var scrollToIndexAnimated: Bool = false
var marker: Marker.Content?
init(statusFetcher: TimelineStatusFetching = TimelineStatusFetcher()) {
self.statusFetcher = statusFetcher
pendingStatusesObserver.scrollToIndex = { [weak self] index in
self?.scrollToIndexAnimated = true
self?.scrollToIndex = index
private func fetchTag(id: String) async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
let tag: Tag = try await client.get(endpoint: Tags.tag(id: id))
withAnimation {
self.tag = tag
} catch {}
func reset() async {
await datasource.reset()
private func handleLatestOrResume(_ oldValue: TimelineFilter) async {
if timeline == .latest || timeline == .resume {
await clearCache(filter: oldValue)
if timeline == .resume, let marker = await fetchMarker() {
self.marker = marker
timeline = oldValue
// MARK: - Cache
extension TimelineViewModel {
private func cache() async {
if let client, isCacheEnabled {
await cache.set(statuses: datasource.get(), client:, filter:
private func getCachedStatuses() async -> [Status]? {
if let client, isCacheEnabled {
return await cache.getStatuses(for:, filter:
return nil
private func clearCache(filter: TimelineFilter) async {
if let client, isCacheEnabled {
await cache.clearCache(for:, filter:
await cache.setLatestSeenStatuses([], for: client, filter:
// MARK: - StatusesFetcher
extension TimelineViewModel: StatusesFetcher {
func pullToRefresh() async {
if !timeline.supportNewestPagination || UserPreferences.shared.fastRefreshEnabled {
await reset()
await fetchNewestStatuses(pullToRefresh: true)
func refreshTimeline() {
timelineTask = Task {
if UserPreferences.shared.fastRefreshEnabled {
await reset()
await fetchNewestStatuses(pullToRefresh: false)
func refreshTimelineContentFilter() async {
let statuses = await datasource.getFiltered()
withAnimation {
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
func fetchStatuses(from: Marker.Content) async throws {
guard let client else { return }
statusesState = .loading
var statuses: [Status] = try await statusFetcher.fetchFirstPage(client: client,
timeline: timeline)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: statuses, client: client)
await datasource.set(statuses)
await cache()
statuses = await datasource.getFiltered()
marker = nil
withAnimation {
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
await fetchNewestStatuses(pullToRefresh: false)
func fetchNewestStatuses(pullToRefresh: Bool) async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
if let marker {
try await fetchStatuses(from: marker)
} else if await datasource.isEmpty {
try await fetchFirstPage(client: client)
} else if let latest = await datasource.get().first, timeline.supportNewestPagination {
pendingStatusesObserver.isLoadingNewStatuses = !pullToRefresh
try await fetchNewPagesFrom(latestStatus:, client: client)
} catch let error {
if (error as NSError).code != -999 {
statusesState = .error(error: error)
canStreamEvents = true
// Hydrate statuses in the Timeline when statuses are empty.
private func fetchFirstPage(client: Client) async throws {
pendingStatusesObserver.pendingStatuses = []
if await datasource.isEmpty {
statusesState = .loading
// If we get statuses from the cache for the home timeline, we displays those.
// Else we fetch top most page from the API.
if timeline.supportNewestPagination,
let cachedStatuses = await getCachedStatuses(),
await datasource.set(cachedStatuses)
let statuses = await datasource.getFiltered()
if let latestSeenId = await cache.getLatestSeenStatus(for: client, filter:,
let index = await datasource.indexOf(statusId: latestSeenId),
index > 0
// Restore cache and scroll to latest seen status.
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
scrollToIndexAnimated = false
scrollToIndex = index + 1
} else {
// Restore cache and scroll to top.
withAnimation {
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
// And then we fetch statuses again toget newest statuses from there.
await fetchNewestStatuses(pullToRefresh: false)
} else {
var statuses: [Status] = try await statusFetcher.fetchFirstPage(client: client,
timeline: timeline)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: statuses, client: client)
await datasource.set(statuses)
await cache()
statuses = await datasource.getFiltered()
withAnimation {
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: statuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage)
// Fetch pages from the top most status of the timeline.
private func fetchNewPagesFrom(latestStatus: String, client: Client) async throws {
canStreamEvents = false
let initialTimeline = timeline
let newStatuses = try await fetchAndDedupNewStatuses(latestStatus: latestStatus,
client: client)
guard !newStatuses.isEmpty,
initialTimeline == timeline
else {
canStreamEvents = true
await updateTimelineWithNewStatuses(newStatuses)
if !Task.isCancelled, let latest = await datasource.get().first {
pendingStatusesObserver.isLoadingNewStatuses = true
try await fetchNewPagesFrom(latestStatus:, client: client)
private func fetchAndDedupNewStatuses(latestStatus: String, client: Client) async throws -> [Status] {
var newStatuses = try await statusFetcher.fetchNewPages(client: client,
timeline: timeline,
minId: latestStatus,
maxPages: 5)
let ids = await datasource.get().map(\.id)
newStatuses = newStatuses.filter { status in
!ids.contains(where: { $0 == })
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newStatuses, client: client)
return newStatuses
private func updateTimelineWithNewStatuses(_ newStatuses: [Status]) async {
let topStatus = await datasource.getFiltered().first
await datasource.insert(contentOf: newStatuses, at: 0)
await cache()
pendingStatusesObserver.pendingStatuses.insert(contentsOf:\.id), at: 0)
let statuses = await datasource.getFiltered()
let nextPageState: StatusesState.PagingState = statuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage
if let topStatus = topStatus,
visibileStatuses.contains(where: { $ == }),
updateTimelineWithScrollToTop(newStatuses: newStatuses, statuses: statuses, nextPageState: nextPageState)
} else {
updateTimelineWithAnimation(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: nextPageState)
// Refresh the timeline while keeping the scroll position to the top status.
private func updateTimelineWithScrollToTop(newStatuses: [Status], statuses: [Status], nextPageState: StatusesState.PagingState) {
pendingStatusesObserver.disableUpdate = true
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: nextPageState)
scrollToIndexAnimated = false
scrollToIndex = newStatuses.count + 1
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.pendingStatusesObserver.disableUpdate = false
self?.canStreamEvents = true
// Refresh the timeline while keeping the user current position.
// It works because a side effect of withAnimation is that it keep scroll position IF the List is not scrolled to the top.
private func updateTimelineWithAnimation(statuses: [Status], nextPageState: StatusesState.PagingState) {
withAnimation {
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: nextPageState)
canStreamEvents = true
enum NextPageError: Error {
case internalError
func fetchNextPage() async throws {
let statuses = await datasource.get()
guard let client, let lastId = statuses.last?.id else { throw NextPageError.internalError }
let newStatuses: [Status] = try await statusFetcher.fetchNextPage(client: client,
timeline: timeline,
lastId: lastId,
offset: statuses.count)
await datasource.append(contentOf: newStatuses)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newStatuses, client: client)
statusesState = await .display(statuses: datasource.getFiltered(),
nextPageState: newStatuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage)
func statusDidAppear(status: Status) {
pendingStatusesObserver.removeStatus(status: status)
visibileStatuses.insert(status, at: 0)
if let client, timeline.supportNewestPagination {
Task {
await cache.setLatestSeenStatuses(visibileStatuses, for: client, filter:
func statusDidDisappear(status: Status) {
visibileStatuses.removeAll(where: { $ == })
// MARK: - Marker handling
extension TimelineViewModel {
func fetchMarker() async -> Marker.Content? {
guard let client else {
return nil
do {
let data: Marker = try await client.get(endpoint: Markers.markers)
return data.home
} catch {
return nil
func saveMarker() {
guard timeline == .home, let client else { return }
Task {
guard let id = await cache.getLatestSeenStatus(for: client, filter: else { return }
do {
let _: Marker = try await Markers.markHome(lastReadId: id))
} catch {}
// MARK: - Event handling
extension TimelineViewModel {
func handleEvent(event: any StreamEvent) async {
guard let client = client, canStreamEvents, isTimelineVisible else { return }
switch event {
case let updateEvent as StreamEventUpdate:
await handleUpdateEvent(updateEvent, client: client)
case let deleteEvent as StreamEventDelete:
await handleDeleteEvent(deleteEvent)
case let statusUpdateEvent as StreamEventStatusUpdate:
await handleStatusUpdateEvent(statusUpdateEvent, client: client)
private func handleUpdateEvent(_ event: StreamEventUpdate, client: Client) async {
guard timeline == .home,
await !datasource.contains(statusId: else { return }
pendingStatusesObserver.pendingStatuses.insert(, at: 0)
await datasource.insert(event.status, at: 0)
await cache()
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: [event.status], client: client)
await updateStatusesState()
private func handleDeleteEvent(_ event: StreamEventDelete) async {
await datasource.remove(event.status)
await cache()
await updateStatusesState()
private func handleStatusUpdateEvent(_ event: StreamEventStatusUpdate, client: Client) async {
guard let originalIndex = await datasource.indexOf(statusId: else { return }
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: [event.status], client: client)
await datasource.replace(event.status, at: originalIndex)
await cache()
await updateStatusesState()
private func updateStatusesState() async {
let statuses = await datasource.getFiltered()
withAnimation {
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)