Paul Schuetz 48faddebea
Implement Apple Translate (#2065)
* Implement a first version of Apple's Translation

The user can now choose between his instance's server, DeepL (with API
key) and Apple's Translation framework. A translation is cleared if
the translation type is changed. The strings aren't yet written, but
the translations settings view's inconsistent background is now fixed.

* Transfer the old "always_use_deepl" setting

The "always_use_deepl"-setting is now deleted, but its content is
transferred to the equivalent value in "preferred_translation_type".

* Show the user if the DeepL-API key is still stored

The user is now shown a prompt if they've switched away from
.useDeepl, but there's still an API key stored. The API key is not
deleted if the user doesn't instruct the app to do so, so this change
makes it more transparent, since a user might not expect the key to
be stored and might not want this to be the case.

* Localize Labels

The labels for the buttons and options are now localized. "DeepL API Key" is written consistently (with uppercase Key)

* Run all the strings through localization

The strings "DeepL" and "Apple Translate" are now also saved in
localizable.strings and addressed through keys. They were taken
directly previously, which was inconsistent.

* Fix storage

The selected value for preferredTranslationType wasn't stored, the
synchronization between UserPreferences and Storage is now in place.

* Hide Apple Translate if not yet on iOS 17.4

The Apple Translate option is hidden if the user hasn't updated their
phone to at least iOS 17.4. If the Apple Translate option is selected
but the user has downgraded to before iOS 17.4, the standard instance
option is selected.

* Consistently show Apple Translate

Apple Translate was previously only shown if the standard translate
button was visible, that is now fixed. It's now attached to the
StatusRowView, which is always present.

* Animate the removal of translations

The reset of a translation when the translation type is changed is now
animated, which is important for iPad users if they've translated a
post in the sidebar.

* Add support for the Mac Catalyst build

The Mac Catalyst Version doesn't allow the import of the api, so
compiler flags now check if the import isn't allowed and then remove
all references to Apple Translate.

* Swift Format

* Revert "Run all the strings through localization"

This reverts commit 86c5099662.

# Conflicts:
#	Packages/Env/Sources/Env/TranslationType.swift

* Remove the DeepL fallback

The DeepL fallback for the instance translation service is removed,
error messages are shown if a translation fails.

* Allow for the use of an User API Key as fallback

The DeepL fallback is reinstated if the user has put in their own API

* Make the localization keys clear strings

* Make Apple and the instance a fallback

Apple Translate is now a fallback for both other translation types,
the instance service is a fallback for DeepL.
2024-05-13 13:27:21 +02:00

353 lines
11 KiB

import Account
import AppAccount
import DesignSystem
import Env
import Foundation
import Models
import Network
import Nuke
import SwiftData
import SwiftUI
import Timeline
struct SettingsTabs: View {
@Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
@Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) private var horizontalSizeClass
@Environment(PushNotificationsService.self) private var pushNotifications
@Environment(UserPreferences.self) private var preferences
@Environment(Client.self) private var client
@Environment(CurrentInstance.self) private var currentInstance
@Environment(AppAccountsManager.self) private var appAccountsManager
@Environment(Theme.self) private var theme
@State private var routerPath = RouterPath()
@State private var addAccountSheetPresented = false
@State private var isEditingAccount = false
@State private var cachedRemoved = false
@State private var timelineCache = TimelineCache()
@Binding var popToRootTab: Tab
let isModal: Bool
@State private var startingPoint: SettingsStartingPoint? = nil
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $routerPath.path) {
Form {
#if !os(visionOS)
.toolbarBackground(theme.primaryBackgroundColor.opacity(0.30), for: .navigationBar)
.toolbar {
if isModal {
ToolbarItem {
Button {
} label: {
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad, !preferences.showiPadSecondaryColumn, !isModal {
.withSheetDestinations(sheetDestinations: $routerPath.presentedSheet)
.onAppear {
startingPoint = RouterPath.settingsStartingPoint
RouterPath.settingsStartingPoint = nil
.navigationDestination(item: $startingPoint) { targetView in
switch targetView {
case .display:
case .haptic:
case .remoteTimelines:
case .tagGroups:
case .recentTags:
case .content:
case .swipeActions:
case .tabAndSidebarEntries:
case .translation:
.onAppear {
routerPath.client = client
.task {
if appAccountsManager.currentAccount.oauthToken != nil {
await currentInstance.fetchCurrentInstance()
.onChange(of: $popToRootTab.wrappedValue) { _, newValue in
if newValue == .notifications {
routerPath.path = []
private var accountsSection: some View {
Section("settings.section.accounts") {
ForEach(appAccountsManager.availableAccounts) { account in
HStack {
if isEditingAccount {
Button {
Task {
await logoutAccount(account: account)
} label: {
Image(systemName: "trash")
AppAccountView(viewModel: .init(appAccount: account), isParentPresented: .constant(false))
.onDelete { indexSet in
if let index = indexSet.first {
let account = appAccountsManager.availableAccounts[index]
Task {
await logoutAccount(account: account)
if !appAccountsManager.availableAccounts.isEmpty {
#if !os(visionOS)
private func logoutAccount(account: AppAccount) async {
if let token = account.oauthToken,
let sub = pushNotifications.subscriptions.first(where: { $0.account.token == token })
let client = Client(server: account.server, oauthToken: token)
await timelineCache.clearCache(for:
await sub.deleteSubscription()
appAccountsManager.delete(account: account)
private var generalSection: some View {
Section("settings.section.general") {
if let instanceData = currentInstance.instance {
NavigationLink(destination: InstanceInfoView(instance: instanceData)) {
Label("settings.general.instance", systemImage: "server.rack")
NavigationLink(destination: DisplaySettingsView()) {
Label("settings.general.display", systemImage: "paintpalette")
if HapticManager.shared.supportsHaptics {
NavigationLink(destination: HapticSettingsView()) {
Label("settings.general.haptic", systemImage: "waveform.path")
NavigationLink(destination: RemoteTimelinesSettingView()) {
Label("settings.general.remote-timelines", systemImage: "dot.radiowaves.right")
NavigationLink(destination: TagsGroupSettingView()) {
Label("timeline.filter.tag-groups", systemImage: "number")
NavigationLink(destination: RecenTagsSettingView()) {
Label("settings.general.recent-tags", systemImage: "clock")
NavigationLink(destination: ContentSettingsView()) {
Label("settings.general.content", systemImage: "rectangle.stack")
NavigationLink(destination: SwipeActionsSettingsView()) {
Label("settings.general.swipeactions", systemImage: "hand.draw")
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone || horizontalSizeClass == .compact {
NavigationLink(destination: TabbarEntriesSettingsView()) {
Label("settings.general.tabbarEntries", systemImage: "platter.filled.bottom.iphone")
} else if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad || UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .mac {
NavigationLink(destination: SidebarEntriesSettingsView()) {
Label("settings.general.sidebarEntries", systemImage: "sidebar.squares.leading")
NavigationLink(destination: TranslationSettingsView()) {
Label("settings.general.translate", systemImage: "captions.bubble")
#if !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
Link(destination: URL(string: UIApplication.openSettingsURLString)!) {
Label("settings.system", systemImage: "gear")
#if !os(visionOS)
private var otherSections: some View {
@Bindable var preferences = preferences
Section {
#if !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
Picker(selection: $preferences.preferredBrowser) {
ForEach(PreferredBrowser.allCases, id: \.rawValue) { browser in
switch browser {
case .inAppSafari:
case .safari:
} label: {
Label("settings.general.browser", systemImage: "network")
Toggle(isOn: $preferences.inAppBrowserReaderView) {
Label("", systemImage: "doc.plaintext")
.disabled(preferences.preferredBrowser != PreferredBrowser.inAppSafari)
Toggle(isOn: $preferences.isOpenAIEnabled) {
Label("settings.other.hide-openai", systemImage: "faxmachine")
Toggle(isOn: $preferences.isSocialKeyboardEnabled) {
Label("", systemImage: "keyboard")
Toggle(isOn: $preferences.soundEffectEnabled) {
Label("settings.other.sound-effect", systemImage: "hifispeaker")
Toggle(isOn: $preferences.fastRefreshEnabled) {
Label("", systemImage: "arrow.clockwise")
} header: {
} footer: {
#if !os(visionOS)
private var appSection: some View {
Section {
#if !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst) && !os(visionOS)
NavigationLink(destination: IconSelectorView()) {
Label {
} icon: {
let icon = IconSelectorView.Icon(string: UIApplication.shared.alternateIconName ?? "AppIcon")
Image(uiImage: .init(named: icon.appIconName)!)
.frame(width: 25, height: 25)
Link(destination: URL(string: "")!) {
Label("", systemImage: "link")
NavigationLink(destination: SupportAppView()) {
Label("", systemImage: "wand.and.stars")
if let reviewURL = URL(string: "\(AppInfo.appStoreAppId)?action=write-review") {
Link(destination: reviewURL) {
Label("settings.rate", systemImage: "link")
NavigationLink(destination: AboutView()) {
Label("", systemImage: "")
} header: {
} footer: {
if let appVersion = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String {
Text(" \(appVersion)").frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)
#if !os(visionOS)
private var addAccountButton: some View {
Button {
} label: {
.sheet(isPresented: $addAccountSheetPresented) {
private var editAccountButton: some View {
Button(role: isEditingAccount ? .none : .destructive) {
withAnimation {
} label: {
if isEditingAccount {
} else {
private var cacheSection: some View {
Section("settings.section.cache") {
if cachedRemoved {
.transition(.move(edge: .leading))
} else {
Button("settings.cache-media.clear", role: .destructive) {
withAnimation {
cachedRemoved = true
#if !os(visionOS)