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synced 2025-03-28 12:35:27 +00:00
Add flair to status action buttons (#1005)
* Add flair to status action buttons - makes tintColor viewModel independent in Action - adds isOn function to Action - moves actionButton to its own function for clarity (and help compilo) - moves the counter outside the button - creates StatusActionButtonStyle that defines how an action button behaves when tapped and toggled - adds nested SparklesView that animates sparkles when the action button is tapped Sidenote : couldn't get the "bouncy" scale effect I wanted. It wouldn't work on an iOS device, but did on the simulator. * Fix private boost action icon regression --------- Co-authored-by: Pascal Batty <pascal@zen.ly>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 166 additions and 20 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import DesignSystem
extension ButtonStyle where Self == StatusActionButtonStyle {
static func statusAction(isOn: Bool = false, tintColor: Color? = nil) -> Self {
StatusActionButtonStyle(isOn: isOn, tintColor: tintColor)
/// A toggle button that slightly scales and sends particle on activation,
/// changing its foreground color to `tintColor` when toggled on
struct StatusActionButtonStyle: ButtonStyle {
var isOn: Bool
var tintColor: Color?
@State var sparklesCounter: Float = 0
func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {
.foregroundColor(isOn ? tintColor : Color(UIColor.secondaryLabel))
.animation(nil, value: isOn)
.brightness(brightness(configuration: configuration))
.animation(configuration.isPressed ? nil : .default, value: isOn)
.scaleEffect(configuration.isPressed && !isOn ? 0.8 : 1.0)
.background {
if let tint = tintColor {
SparklesView(counter: sparklesCounter, tint: tint, size: 5, velocity: 30)
.onChange(of: configuration.isPressed) { isPressed in
guard tintColor != nil && !isPressed && !isOn else { return }
withAnimation(.spring(response: 1, dampingFraction: 1)) {
sparklesCounter += 1
func brightness(configuration: Configuration) -> Double {
switch (configuration.isPressed, isOn) {
case (true, true): return 0.6
case (true, false): return 0.2
default: return 0
struct SparklesView: View, Animatable {
var counter: Float
var tint: Color
var size: CGFloat
var velocity: CGFloat
var animatableData: Float {
get { counter }
set { counter = newValue }
struct Cell: Identifiable {
var id: Int
var angle: CGFloat
var velocity: CGFloat
var scale: CGFloat
var alpha: CGFloat
@State var cells: [Cell] = []
var progress: CGFloat {
CGFloat(counter - counter.rounded(.down))
public var body: some View {
if progress > 0.0 {
ZStack(alignment: .center) {
ForEach(cells) { cell in
.frame(width: size, height: size)
.opacity(cell.alpha - (progress * cell.alpha) / 3)
.scaleEffect(cell.scale - progress * cell.scale)
x: cos(cell.angle) * progress * cell.velocity * velocity,
y: sin(cell.angle) * progress * cell.velocity * velocity
.onAppear {
cells = Self.generateCells()
.onChange(of: counter) { [counter] newCounter in
if floor(counter) != floor(newCounter) {
cells = Self.generateCells()
static func generateCells() -> [Cell] {
let cellCount = 16
let velocityRange = 0.6...1.0
let scaleRange = 0.5...1.0
let alphaRange = 0.6...1.0
let spacing = 2 * .pi/(1.618 + Double(arc4random() % 200) / 10000)
let initialSpacing = deg2rad(Double(arc4random() % 360))
return (0..<cellCount).map { index in
return Cell(
id: index,
angle: initialSpacing + spacing * Double(index),
velocity: random(within: velocityRange),
scale: random(within: scaleRange),
alpha: random(within: alphaRange)
static func random(within range: ClosedRange<Double>) -> Double {
Double(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF * (range.upperBound - range.lowerBound) + range.lowerBound
static func deg2rad(_ number: Double) -> Double {
return number * .pi / 180
@ -52,16 +52,25 @@ struct StatusRowActionsView: View {
func tintColor(viewModel: StatusRowViewModel, theme: Theme) -> Color? {
func tintColor(theme: Theme) -> Color? {
switch self {
case .respond, .share:
return nil
case .favorite:
return viewModel.isFavorited ? .yellow : nil
return .yellow
case .bookmark:
return viewModel.isBookmarked ? .pink : nil
return .pink
case .boost:
return viewModel.isReblogged ? theme.tintColor : nil
return theme.tintColor
func isOn(viewModel: StatusRowViewModel) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .respond, .share: return false
case .favorite: return viewModel.isFavorited
case .bookmark: return viewModel.isBookmarked
case .boost: return viewModel.isReblogged
@ -79,24 +88,10 @@ struct StatusRowActionsView: View {
message: Text(viewModel.status.reblog?.content.asRawText ?? viewModel.status.content.asRawText)) {
Image(systemName: action.iconName(viewModel: viewModel))
} else {
Button {
handleAction(action: action)
} label: {
HStack(spacing: 2) {
Image(systemName: action.iconName(viewModel: viewModel, privateBoost: privateBoost()))
.foregroundColor(action.tintColor(viewModel: viewModel, theme: theme))
if let count = action.count(viewModel: viewModel, theme: theme), !viewModel.isRemote {
.disabled(action == .boost &&
(viewModel.status.visibility == .direct || viewModel.status.visibility == .priv && viewModel.status.account.id != currentAccount.account?.id))
actionButton(action: action)
@ -107,6 +102,29 @@ struct StatusRowActionsView: View {
private func actionButton(action: Action) -> some View {
HStack(spacing: 2) {
Button {
handleAction(action: action)
} label: {
Image(systemName: action.iconName(viewModel: viewModel, privateBoost: privateBoost()))
isOn: action.isOn(viewModel: viewModel),
tintColor: action.tintColor(theme: theme)
.disabled(action == .boost &&
(viewModel.status.visibility == .direct || viewModel.status.visibility == .priv && viewModel.status.account.id != currentAccount.account?.id))
if let count = action.count(viewModel: viewModel, theme: theme), !viewModel.isRemote {
private func handleAction(action: Action) {
Task {
if viewModel.isRemote, viewModel.localStatusId == nil || viewModel.localStatus == nil {
Reference in a new issue