Refactor to NextPageView + handle next page loading failure

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Ricouard 2024-02-11 10:58:51 +01:00
parent 0739264005
commit 219703ecc7
11 changed files with 187 additions and 215 deletions

View file

@ -191,55 +191,46 @@ import SwiftUI
func fetchNextPage() async {
func fetchNextPage() async throws {
guard let client else { return }
do {
switch selectedTab {
case .statuses, .replies, .boosts, .media:
guard let lastId = statuses.last?.id else { return }
if selectedTab == .boosts {
statusesState = .display(statuses: boosts, nextPageState: .loadingNextPage)
} else {
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses, nextPageState: .loadingNextPage)
let newStatuses: [Status] =
try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.statuses(id: accountId,
sinceId: lastId,
tag: nil,
onlyMedia: selectedTab == .media,
excludeReplies: selectedTab != .replies,
excludeReblogs: selectedTab != .boosts,
pinned: nil))
statuses.append(contentsOf: newStatuses)
if selectedTab == .boosts {
let newBoosts = statuses.filter{ $0.reblog != nil }
self.boosts.append(contentsOf: newBoosts)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newStatuses, client: client)
if selectedTab == .boosts {
statusesState = .display(statuses: boosts,
nextPageState: newStatuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage)
} else {
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses,
nextPageState: newStatuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage)
case .favorites:
guard let nextPageId = favoritesNextPage?.maxId else { return }
let newFavorites: [Status]
(newFavorites, favoritesNextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.favorites(sinceId: nextPageId))
favorites.append(contentsOf: newFavorites)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newFavorites, client: client)
statusesState = .display(statuses: favorites, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
case .bookmarks:
guard let nextPageId = bookmarksNextPage?.maxId else { return }
let newBookmarks: [Status]
(newBookmarks, bookmarksNextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.bookmarks(sinceId: nextPageId))
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newBookmarks, client: client)
bookmarks.append(contentsOf: newBookmarks)
statusesState = .display(statuses: bookmarks, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
switch selectedTab {
case .statuses, .replies, .boosts, .media:
guard let lastId = statuses.last?.id else { return }
let newStatuses: [Status] =
try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.statuses(id: accountId,
sinceId: lastId,
tag: nil,
onlyMedia: selectedTab == .media,
excludeReplies: selectedTab != .replies,
excludeReblogs: selectedTab != .boosts,
pinned: nil))
statuses.append(contentsOf: newStatuses)
if selectedTab == .boosts {
let newBoosts = statuses.filter{ $0.reblog != nil }
self.boosts.append(contentsOf: newBoosts)
} catch {
statusesState = .error(error: error)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newStatuses, client: client)
if selectedTab == .boosts {
statusesState = .display(statuses: boosts,
nextPageState: newStatuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage)
} else {
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses,
nextPageState: newStatuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage)
case .favorites:
guard let nextPageId = favoritesNextPage?.maxId else { return }
let newFavorites: [Status]
(newFavorites, favoritesNextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.favorites(sinceId: nextPageId))
favorites.append(contentsOf: newFavorites)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newFavorites, client: client)
statusesState = .display(statuses: favorites, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)
case .bookmarks:
guard let nextPageId = bookmarksNextPage?.maxId else { return }
let newBookmarks: [Status]
(newBookmarks, bookmarksNextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.bookmarks(sinceId: nextPageId))
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newBookmarks, client: client)
bookmarks.append(contentsOf: newBookmarks)
statusesState = .display(statuses: bookmarks, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)

View file

@ -134,21 +134,13 @@ public struct AccountsListView: View {
switch nextPageState {
case .hasNextPage:
#if !os(visionOS)
.onAppear {
Task {
await viewModel.fetchNextPage()
NextPageView {
try await viewModel.fetchNextPage()
#if !os(visionOS)
case .loadingNextPage:
#if !os(visionOS)
case .none:
@ -160,12 +152,4 @@ public struct AccountsListView: View {
private var loadingRow: some View {
HStack {

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public enum AccountsListMode {
public enum State {
public enum PagingState {
case hasNextPage, loadingNextPage, none
case hasNextPage, none
case loading
@ -94,42 +94,36 @@ public enum AccountsListMode {
} catch {}
func fetchNextPage() async {
func fetchNextPage() async throws {
guard let client, let nextPageId else { return }
do {
state = .display(accounts: accounts, relationships: relationships, nextPageState: .loadingNextPage)
let newAccounts: [Account]
let link: LinkHandler?
switch mode {
case let .followers(accountId):
(newAccounts, link) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.followers(id: accountId,
let newAccounts: [Account]
let link: LinkHandler?
switch mode {
case let .followers(accountId):
(newAccounts, link) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.followers(id: accountId,
maxId: nextPageId))
case let .following(accountId):
(newAccounts, link) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.following(id: accountId,
maxId: nextPageId))
case let .rebloggedBy(statusId):
(newAccounts, link) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Statuses.rebloggedBy(id: statusId,
maxId: nextPageId))
case let .following(accountId):
(newAccounts, link) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Accounts.following(id: accountId,
case let .favoritedBy(statusId):
(newAccounts, link) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Statuses.favoritedBy(id: statusId,
maxId: nextPageId))
case let .rebloggedBy(statusId):
(newAccounts, link) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Statuses.rebloggedBy(id: statusId,
maxId: nextPageId))
case let .favoritedBy(statusId):
(newAccounts, link) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: Statuses.favoritedBy(id: statusId,
maxId: nextPageId))
case .accountsList:
newAccounts = []
link = nil
accounts.append(contentsOf: newAccounts)
let newRelationships: [Relationship] =
try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.relationships(ids:\.id)))
relationships.append(contentsOf: newRelationships)
self.nextPageId = link?.maxId
state = .display(accounts: accounts,
relationships: relationships,
nextPageState: link?.maxId != nil ? .hasNextPage : .none)
} catch {
let logger = Logger(subsystem: "com.icecubesapp", category: "UI")
logger.log(level: .info, "\(error.localizedDescription)")
case .accountsList:
newAccounts = []
link = nil
accounts.append(contentsOf: newAccounts)
let newRelationships: [Relationship] =
try await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.relationships(ids:\.id)))
relationships.append(contentsOf: newRelationships)
self.nextPageId = link?.maxId
state = .display(accounts: accounts,
relationships: relationships,
nextPageState: link?.maxId != nil ? .hasNextPage : .none)
func search() async {

View file

@ -53,18 +53,14 @@ public class AccountStatusesListViewModel: StatusesFetcher {
public func fetchNextPage() async {
public func fetchNextPage() async throws {
guard let client, let nextId = nextPage?.maxId else { return }
var newStatuses: [Status] = []
(newStatuses, nextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: mode.endpoint(sinceId: nextId))
statuses.append(contentsOf: newStatuses)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: statuses, client: client)
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses,
nextPageState: .loadingNextPage)
do {
var newStatuses: [Status] = []
(newStatuses, nextPage) = try await client.getWithLink(endpoint: mode.endpoint(sinceId: nextId))
statuses.append(contentsOf: newStatuses)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: statuses, client: client)
statusesState = .display(statuses: statuses,
nextPageState: nextPage?.maxId != nil ? .hasNextPage : .none)
} catch { }
nextPageState: nextPage?.maxId != nil ? .hasNextPage : .none)
public func statusDidAppear(status: Status) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import SwiftUI
public struct NextPageView: View {
@State private var isLoadingNextPage: Bool = false
@State private var showRetry: Bool = false
let loadNextPage: (() async throws -> Void)
public init(loadNextPage: @escaping (() async throws -> Void)) {
self.loadNextPage = loadNextPage
public var body: some View {
HStack {
if showRetry {
Button {
Task {
showRetry = false
await executeTask()
} label: {
Label("action.retry", systemImage: "arrow.clockwise")
} else {
Label("placeholder.loading.short", systemImage: "arrow.down")
.symbolEffect(.pulse, value: isLoadingNextPage)
.task {
await executeTask()
.listRowSeparator(.hidden, edges: .all)
private func executeTask() async {
showRetry = false
defer {
isLoadingNextPage = false
guard !isLoadingNextPage else { return }
isLoadingNextPage = true
do {
try await loadNextPage()
} catch {
showRetry = true

View file

@ -25,25 +25,13 @@ public struct TrendingLinksListView: View {
.padding(.vertical, 8)
HStack {
NextPageView {
let nextPage: [Card] = try await client.get(endpoint: Trends.links(offset: links.count))
links.append(contentsOf: nextPage)
#if !os(visionOS)
.task {
defer {
isLoadingNextPage = false
guard !isLoadingNextPage else { return }
isLoadingNextPage = true
do {
let nextPage: [Card] = try await client.get(endpoint: Trends.links(offset: links.count))
links.append(contentsOf: nextPage)
} catch { }
#if os(visionOS)

View file

@ -180,20 +180,22 @@ public struct NotificationsListView: View {
switch nextPageState {
case .none:
case .hasNextPage:
.onAppear {
Task {
await viewModel.fetchNextPage()
switch nextPageState {
case .none:
case .hasNextPage:
NextPageView {
try await viewModel.fetchNextPage()
case .loadingNextPage:
.listRowInsets(.init(top: .layoutPadding,
leading: .layoutPadding + 4,
bottom: .layoutPadding,
trailing: .layoutPadding))
#if !os(visionOS)
case .error:
@ -212,21 +214,6 @@ public struct NotificationsListView: View {
private var loadingRow: some View {
HStack {
.listRowInsets(.init(top: .layoutPadding,
leading: .layoutPadding + 4,
bottom: .layoutPadding,
trailing: .layoutPadding))
#if !os(visionOS)
private var topPaddingView: some View {
HStack {}

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import SwiftUI
@Observable class NotificationsViewModel {
public enum State {
public enum PagingState {
case none, hasNextPage, loadingNextPage
case none, hasNextPage
case loading
@ -143,25 +143,20 @@ import SwiftUI
return allNotifications
func fetchNextPage() async {
func fetchNextPage() async throws {
guard let client else { return }
do {
guard let lastId = consolidatedNotifications.last?.notificationIds.last else { return }
state = .display(notifications: consolidatedNotifications, nextPageState: .loadingNextPage)
let newNotifications: [Models.Notification] =
try await client.get(endpoint: Notifications.notifications(minId: nil,
maxId: lastId,
types: queryTypes,
limit: Constants.notificationLimit))
await consolidatedNotifications.append(contentsOf: newNotifications.consolidated(selectedType: selectedType))
if consolidatedNotifications.contains(where: { $0.type == .follow_request }) {
await currentAccount?.fetchFollowerRequests()
state = .display(notifications: consolidatedNotifications,
nextPageState: newNotifications.count < Constants.notificationLimit ? .none : .hasNextPage)
} catch {
state = .error(error: error)
guard let lastId = consolidatedNotifications.last?.notificationIds.last else { return }
let newNotifications: [Models.Notification] =
try await client.get(endpoint: Notifications.notifications(minId: nil,
maxId: lastId,
types: queryTypes,
limit: Constants.notificationLimit))
await consolidatedNotifications.append(contentsOf: newNotifications.consolidated(selectedType: selectedType))
if consolidatedNotifications.contains(where: { $0.type == .follow_request }) {
await currentAccount?.fetchFollowerRequests()
state = .display(notifications: consolidatedNotifications,
nextPageState: newNotifications.count < Constants.notificationLimit ? .none : .hasNextPage)
func markAsRead() {

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import SwiftUI
public enum StatusesState {
public enum PagingState {
case hasNextPage, loadingNextPage, none
case hasNextPage, none
case loading
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public enum StatusesState {
public protocol StatusesFetcher {
var statusesState: StatusesState { get }
func fetchNewestStatuses(pullToRefresh: Bool) async
func fetchNextPage() async
func fetchNextPage() async throws
func statusDidAppear(status: Status)
func statusDidDisappear(status: Status)

View file

@ -60,31 +60,17 @@ public struct StatusesListView<Fetcher>: View where Fetcher: StatusesFetcher {
switch nextPageState {
case .hasNextPage:
.onAppear {
Task {
await fetcher.fetchNextPage()
case .loadingNextPage:
NextPageView {
try await fetcher.fetchNextPage()
.padding(.horizontal, .layoutPadding)
#if !os(visionOS)
case .none:
private var loadingRow: some View {
HStack {
.padding(.horizontal, .layoutPadding)
#if !os(visionOS)

View file

@ -417,26 +417,24 @@ extension TimelineViewModel: StatusesFetcher {
return allStatuses
func fetchNextPage() async {
guard let client else { return }
do {
let statuses = await datasource.get()
guard let lastId = statuses.last?.id else { return }
statusesState = await .display(statuses: datasource.getFiltered(), nextPageState: .loadingNextPage)
let newStatuses: [Status] = try await client.get(endpoint: timeline.endpoint(sinceId: nil,
maxId: lastId,
minId: nil,
offset: statuses.count))
enum NextPageError: Error {
case internalError
func fetchNextPage() async throws {
let statuses = await datasource.get()
guard let client, let lastId = statuses.last?.id else { throw NextPageError.internalError }
let newStatuses: [Status] = try await client.get(endpoint: timeline.endpoint(sinceId: nil,
maxId: lastId,
minId: nil,
offset: statuses.count))
await datasource.append(contentOf: newStatuses)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newStatuses, client: client)
await datasource.append(contentOf: newStatuses)
StatusDataControllerProvider.shared.updateDataControllers(for: newStatuses, client: client)
statusesState = await .display(statuses: datasource.getFiltered(),
nextPageState: newStatuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage)
} catch {
statusesState = .error(error: error)
statusesState = await .display(statuses: datasource.getFiltered(),
nextPageState: newStatuses.count < 20 ? .none : .hasNextPage)
func statusDidAppear(status: Status) {