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synced 2025-01-05 09:38:39 +00:00
Added all custom themes from the collection.
159 lines
5.5 KiB
159 lines
5.5 KiB
@charset "UTF-8";
@import 'base_config';
@import '../custom_config', '../icon_config';
@import '../custom_color', '../custom_layout';
@import 'functions';
.fa {
&.fa-quote-right {
font-family: "Material Icons";
.fa {
&.fa-bars::before, &.fa-navicon::before,&.fa-reorder::before { content: "menu" }
&.fa-globe::before { content: "public" }
&.fa-cog::before, &.fa-cogs::before, &.fa-gears::before { content: "settings" }
&.fa-sign-out::before { content: "exit_to_app" }
&.fa-search::before { content: "search" }
&.fa-times::before, &.fa-times-circle::before, &.fa-close::before, &.fa-remove::before { content: "close" }
&.fa-chevron-down::before, &.fa-ellipsis-v::before { content: "more_vert" }
&.fa-paperclip::before { content: "attach_file" }
&.fa-tasks::before { content: "poll" }
&.fa-plus::before { content: "add" }
&.fa-unlock::before { content: "lock_open" }
&.fa-lock::before { content: "lock" }
&.fa-envelope::before { content: "mail" }
&.fa-home::before { content: "home" }
&.fa-bullhorn::before { content: "announcement" }
&.fa-sliders::before { content: "tune" }
&.fa-chevron-left::before { content: "arrow_back" }
&.fa-chevron-right::before { content: "arrow_forward" }
&.fa-reply::before { content: $reply-icon }
&.fa-reply-all::before { content: "reply_all" }
&.fa-share-alt::before { content: "share" }
&.fa-star::before { content: $favorite-icon }
&.fa-bookmark::before { content: "bookmark" }
&.fa-ellipsis-h::before { content: "more_horiz" }
&.fa-bell::before { content: "notifications" }
&.fa-eraser::before { content: "clear_all" }
&.fa-users::before { content: "people" }
&.fa-file-text::before { content: "web" }
&.fa-user-plus::before { content: "person_add" }
&.fa-address-book::before { content: "explore" }
&.fa-address-book-o::before { content: "explore" }
&.fa-list::before { content: "list" }
&.fa-list-ul::before { content: "list" }
&.fa-eye::before { content: "visibility" }
&.fa-eye-slash::before { content : "visibility_off" }
&.fa-pencil::before { content: "create" }
&.fa-trash::before { content: "delete" }
&.fa-play::before { content: "play_arrow" }
&.fa-external-link::before { content: "open_in_new" }
&.fa-retweet::before { content: "repeat" }
&.fa-link::before { content: "link" }
&.fa-pause::before { content: "pause" }
&.fa-volume-up::before { content: "volume_up" }
&.fa-volume-off::before { content: "volume_off" }
&.fa-expand::before { content: "web_asset" }
&.fa-download::before { content: "file_download" }
&.fa-arrows-alt::before { content: "fullscreen" }
&.fa-compress::before { content: "fullscreen_exit" }
&.fa-user-times::before { content: "delete" }
&.fa-check::before { content: "check" }
&.fa-quote-right::before { content: "format_quote" }
// bookmark icon
.bookmark-icon.icon-button {
.fa.fa-bookmark::before { content: "bookmark_border" }
&.active .fa.fa-bookmark::before { content: "bookmark" }
// favorite icon
.star-icon.icon-button {
.fa.fa-star::before { content: $favorite-icon-border }
&.active.activate {
.fa.fa-star::before { content: $favorite-icon }
// favorite icon color
.notification__favourite-icon-wrapper .star-icon,
.status__action-bar-button.star-icon.icon-button.active { color: $favorite-icon-color }
// boost icon
.no-reduce-motion button.icon-button i.fa-retweet {
height: 18px;
width: 18px;
transition: none;
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" id="svg4" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 24 48" height="36" width="18"><path d="M 7,7 H 17 V 10 l 4,-4 -4,-4 v 3 H 5 V 11 h 2 z M 17,17 H 7 V 14 L 3,18 7,22 V 19 H 19 v -6 h -2 z" fill="#{svg-color($icon-color)}" stroke-width="0"/><path d="m 7,31 h 10 v 3 l 4,-4 -4,-4 v 3 H 5 v 6 H 7 Z M 17,41 H 7 v -3 l -4,4 4,4 v -3 h 12 v -6 h -2 z" fill="#{svg-color($icon-button-active-color)}" stroke-width="0"/></svg>');
// dropdown icon
.compose-form__poll-wrapper select { background: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="#{svg-color($icon-color)}" width="24px" height="24px"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M7 10l5 5 5-5z"/></svg>') no-repeat right 8px center/auto 16px} |